Saturday, December 18, 2004

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About maturing

Adolescence, or aging of wine, is very diverse and ranges from 3 months to several years depending mainly on the type of wine (weak or strong), aging temperature, the degree of contact with air, light, etc. Wines mature quickly and can not long-aged, because they lose after a czsie pleasant taste, yet are easily corrupted. Due to the small amount of alcohol they are not protected from infection by harmful microbes and therefore must be stored at low temperature in a well zasiarkowanych and full dishes, access to which air is minimal. Wines such in the next 2-3 months are ripe to eat and are not suitable for longer storage. While aging is reluctant to be once or twice at most. This group also includes all the wine apple wine, without distinction of type which generally should not be aged a long time and are usually intended for rapid consumption (typically within 1 year). Table wines have been matured for longer, ie from 6 months to 2 years. Wine strong dessert require significantly longer period of aging, on average, not less than 2 years, and often have matured within 3 to 5 years. Wines such blanket a few times, at least 3-fold. The first load is carried out after completion of fermentation to weakly zasiarkowanego vessel fitted with a tube fermentation (in a vessel that wine continues to ferment slightly.) Next dressing is done after 6-9 months, and the third after 1.5 years - longer harder sulphurized dishes. Wine systematically tightened the supernatant collected a certain amount of oxygen from the air, which is a necessary condition for the proper progress of the ripening process. The best results are visible at a stage at 10-12oC. The aging of wine is used mostly red-backed shrikes and balloons, sometimes oak barrels.

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Anus Pain During Menstruation

disease prevention heart - wine consumption alcohol intoxication

Research confirms: Moderate, but regular consumption of wine reduces the risk of Infarcts. What leads to a heart attack? When it comes to the heart of vasoconstriction, it creates in them blood clot and blood flow is interrupted, the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle is partially stopped and comes to a heart attack. What proved the study? Esteemed scientists in recent years have proven that by drinking 1-2 glasses of wine a day can be reduced by up to 60% risk of stroke, since the wine improves blood clotting and liquidity and reduces fat and cholesterol.

3 Year Old With Fever And Chills


first Cinderella - coming home in one shoe
second Snow White - wake up in bed with the seven guys
third Little Red Riding Hood - wake up a grandmother łóżzku
4th Sleeping Beauty - for 100 years can not remember anything
5th Mickey Mouse - swollen ears, white gloves, but you do not have tails
6th Christopher Columbus - not sure where to go, as I have come to know where you are, but for the passage and so the state pays.
7th Reksio - woke up in a kennel for the dog
8th Lord of the Rings - woke up at a police station in handcuffs
9th Fire and Sword - woke up in the boiler room on coke
10th In Desert and Wilderness - woke up in a city park on the bed of roses
11th On Rejtana - woke before his own door with a torn shirt
12th Holidays with ghosts - you woke up in the attic, wrapped in a sheet
13th And remember - you're not really drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on!

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Tight Chest Pain Metallic Taste

still a maturing

Confluent wine bottles, we store about 1 cm of space between the cork and the surface of the liquid. Bottles clogs long natural corks.

Place liquor in the cool dark cellar, or - ultimately - in the pantry, but also a cool and shaded. The optimum temperature for wine storage is 10-123/4C. Acceptable are variations within 5-183/4C.

If zalakujemy stoppers, the bottles may be on the shelves, but if we abandon the sealing, should be placed on special shelves (preferably in a lockable cabinet), or on racks. Immersed in the liquid cork does not dry well, and thus protects the wine from air, adversely changing taste of wine.

small stocks of wine (both domestic product and brand) can be stored in the refrigerator. In the latest types of refrigerators are now even installed properly shaped plastic racks, allowing the location of several bottles of wine.

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focussed wine. When completed fermentation and drink grown, or become a unique taste and aroma, pour it into bottles. Now we need to ensure that its quality does not deteriorate during storage. In fact there wyklarowanym wine, various chemical processes of amending the taste and smell. Let's create such conditions that these changes were beneficial. Wine
easily absorbs foreign odors. So, pour it into clean bottles, without any smell, it's almost half the battle. The removal of odors, sometimes palpable, even in clean bottles, soda helps. Sleep half a teaspoon, pour a glass of warm water and leave for 1-2 hours, then pour and thoroughly rinse.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Oraldene Mouthwash Long Term


Champagne - is the uncrowned king of sparkling wines. The name comes from the geographical region in which it is produced, because only sparkling wine produced in a specific area around Reims and Epamay in northern France has the right to use the name. Its production is expensive because it must mature in the bottle, which will be sold (champagne method). "Extra brut" is particularly dry champagne. "Brut" is a very dry or dry, "sec" - semi-dry to sweet, "Demi sec" is sweet, and "doux" - a very sweet champagne.
Sparkling wines - these are wines with a high content of carbon dioxide. Thus, this group is both champagne and wine as defined in Germany as a sect, and in other countries, Cremant, spumante and cava. They all contain carbon dioxide, producing a secondary fermentation time (in bottles or in zbiomiku) or artificially impregnated with carbon dioxide at a pressure of 3 atm at 20 ° C.

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again features a glass-glass

What glass?
Each species requires different wine glasses. Dry white and pink in the glass is given a fairly large (100-200 ml) on a high leg. The shape of the dish can be varied - from slim to slightly bellied. The most popular are the slender glasses. Cups dry red requires a slightly larger (150-250 ml), and lower pękatych. Squat shape makes raising a glass to his lips, the more we can enjoy flavored liquor. Sweet is administered in small glasses (100 ml), at very high pins. You can choose slim or squat shape of the bowl. Only for sherry and port glasses are recommended slender with a capacity of 75 ml. Champagne and sparkling wines should be served in glasses slim and narrow. Some slight upward taper up, allowing you to focus bouquet, while others, called the tops of, gently widen. Quite popular until recently szampanki for high leg with a wide shallow bowl and have fewer and fewer supporters - the bubbles of champagne too quickly to escape from them.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

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first Glass should be white, clear glass, to give the opportunity to admire the clarity of the wine, its beautiful luster and color. The use of crystal glasses of various elegant shapes, though heavily criticized by some experts, however, give a pleasant aesthetic impression.
second Glass should be made of thin glass, to give the opportunity to warm the wine warm hand. At the same time should have a leg to prevent the heating of its contents if it is undesirable.
third Capacity of the glass should be relatively large and range from 110 to 140 ml. By convention, a glass filled with only 2 / 3 of it pouring into 80-100 ml of wine.
4th The shape of the glass should be different, depending on the type of wine. And so, while French wines are used in large glasses on a stem medium length. Rhine wine glasses used by the traditional relatively flat, at high decorative legs. The strengths of southern wines, like sherry, port and madeira, are used less glass than the French or Rhine wine, with a capacity of 1975-1985 ml, and more about the shape of a tulip, mounted on a short leg.
The champagne was used until recently, the traditional flat "goblet" at a fairly high pins. Recently the shape of the glass is rarely used, in accordance with the view that the wine contained in the gas (carbon dioxide) too quickly it evaporates. Are now so fashionable. "Champagne glasses" narrow, slightly widening upwards, the very low legs. These tall and slender glasses in harmony with the floating bubbles in the liquid gas.
When consuming fruit wines calls less attention to the shape of the glasses. Used to this end the popular glasses are usually less decorative and less capacious.

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Talking about the culture of wine consumption can not overlook the matter relevant to his consumption of wine glasses. They play an important role in getting the best organoleptic effects, helping to achieve the appropriate experience visual, smell and taste.

Thursday, November 4, 2004

Desmume Patched Heartgold

glass of wine Temperature administration

aperitif wine type is given at room temperature or slightly cooled to a temperature 10-12C.
White wines should be cooled to a temperature of 8-10C.
Red wines are given at room temperature, ie 16-20C.
Champagne is given well-cooled, at 5-8C. It should be cold but not frozen. It is best enjoyed in a container with ice, which is much better than freezing it in the refrigerator, which affect negatively the subtle and delicate aroma of wine.
also widely used in cocktails (mostly in America), add ice to the glasses in this case is not in place and regarded by connoisseurs of French almost as barbaric.

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selection of wines, depending on the type of cuisine

Oral properly selected wine to the appropriate dishes should be the subject of special attention to the landlord, because even the best taste of food may be spoiled by administering the wrong drink, the drink and the best will not be properly evaluated if it is accompanied by the wrong dish. So it is a mistake to give both red wine with white fish (a large quantity of tannin contained in the wine makes it difficult to digest fish), as well as administration of white wine or roast beef tenderloin. Terms
links relevant to a menu of wine were formerly very closely set, but now are not so scrupulously observed. Briefly, it can be summarized as follows: first
Before the meal, the wine is given to stimulate the appetite, so. aperitifs, as various types of vermouth (dry and sweet) wine, bitter (Bitter), wine from extracts of cinchona (St. Raphael), except that the southern fault (Porto, Sherry).
second For snacks - dry white wines, like French Bordeaux (Garves), Alsace (Sylwaner) German (Mozelskie), Hungarian (Rizlingi), Georgia (Cinandali) or Bulgarian.
third Fish and white meat or poultry - semi-dry white table wine: French Bordeaux (Sauternes Barsac or) and Burgundy (Chablis), German (Rhenish), Hungary (Tokay Szamorodni), Romanian (Feteasca, Ruland) or - produced in the former Yugoslavia - Muskatini Silvanec, Zlatna Kapljica Ranina Radgona or excellent.
4th For pieczystego and venison - red Bordeaux wines from the Medoc district (Margaux or St. Louis. Estephe) or Burgundy (Chambertin, Pommard), as well as Hungarian (Egri Bikavér, Szekszárdi), Georgia (Mukuzani, Napareuli) and Bulgarian (Gamza).
5th Cheese - red wine, full in flavor Burgundy (Clos de Vougeot), Hungarian (Egri Burgund).
6th For fruits, nuts, cakes and desserts - sweet wines, like Haut Sauternes, Tokay Tokay or Sweet aszú, Malaga, also Madeira, Port and Sherry.
Champagne is a special place that fits almost all the dishes, but are usually administered before or after the meal, so the desserts.
to salads and dishes with vinegar - wine should be provided.

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order to enter wines

In order to fully assess the subtlety of each type given wine during a meal, keep as far as possible the French, the golden rule requires "that the wine which is consumed at the time, not compelled to forget Biesiadnik drunken wine before." In practice this means the requirement that the quality of wine served consecutively was not too glaring difference.

Basic principle: you should always first be given white wine, red later, but never vice versa!

first given wine dry, delicate, light wine later, more powerful, complete, and more extractive, then - Sweet, and finally dessert. For example, when given a meal of French wines sequence should be as follows: first be given a light wine, Bordeaux, Barsac and Graves, or, later, white Burgundy, such as Chablis or Montrachet, Bordeaux and sweet, and so Sauternes or Sauternes Haut If you have a two wine bottles of a similar nature, it will first be given a lower quality wine, vintage younger, and better quality of wine later, older and more Dolezal. Using reverse the second bottle of the second bottle will be judged more critically and found to be worse than in reality.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Cost Kenya Vaccinations

Drinking Beaujolais wines

In countries with high prevalence of culture and great wine, particularly in France, where centuries-old tradition of care and consumption of wine is at the highest level in the world, way of serving and consumption of liquor is a particularly developed, provided the temperature and proper type of wine to almost every dish, the corresponding sequence of administration.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Warts At The Opening Of The Urethra


known, mostly French red wine, from the circle of that name, in the southernmost region of Burgundy located and produced from a grape variety Gamay noir. Beaujolais wine is now one the most frequently consumed red wines in the world, and although it produces a lot, but demand is so great that begins arise doubts whether the quality will not deteriorate. As a young girl, whose freshness is the greatest charm, wine, matured quickly, tastes best when fresh and young, so the restaurants nearby city of Lyon is served often in the carafe, as well as the Grinzingu Heuriger in Vienna. After 1-1.5 years after manufacture it is ready for consumption, and so of course it is much cheaper than wine, which require several years of aging. It is a light wine with a capacity of 1910-1911 °, weakly colored, aromatic, pleasant-tasting, and a certain acidity makes it especially refreshing, especially in the summer, should also be namienić that, unlike other red wines should be consumed at cellar temperature or even slightly chilled to 8-10 ° C. Wines from this district may be called the Burgundian wines - Bourgogne or Beaujolais. They can also be additionally or only the name of the municipality of origin, such municipalities are nine, and among them the most known and respected: Moulin à Vent (pronounced mole and wan) and Fleurie (read fleri).

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youngest wine type of wine vine wyrabianego sparkling wine, treated as a variant of this group of noble beverages. Long time no one could master the well-known for a long time effervescence "devil wine 'which surprisingly kipiało, rozrywało bottles, corks and wysadzało not abolished transport. Long also did not know how to cure it from the whims and turned into a pure, clear liquid without sediment and cloudiness. This was only in 1670, when he lived in the Benedictine Abbey, 150 km from Paris, in Champagne in Hautvillers, the monk Dom Perignon basement - after 12 arduous years of trying to mix grape musts and the same wine, and experience with secondary fermentation of sparkling wine in bottles for themselves and drutowanych wydmuchiwanych - reached the present type of beverage wine, clear, beautifully sparkling and refreshing. Dom Perignon died in 1715, taking 77 years to the end of his life he worked tirelessly on improving his invention. Since that time too for this precious liquor that the name Champagne, but in 1919 was under the Versailles Treaty, a legally available only to sparkling wines produced in Champagne, the French treated with pride and respect, almost as their national heroes.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Treating Wind Burn In Baby


Too little power
Wine Wine should have a power of at least 9%. If it seems (based on sugar content), it is weaker, it is unfortunately flawed. This means that no fermentation was complete. There are several possible premature termination of fermentation:
too low temperature of the fermenting liquid - should pick it up and see whether there is some impact, because if not, it may mean that:

the setting is not enough for the yeast nutrient (ammonium phosphate) - need to add 3-4g on 10l of wine;

may also turn out that the fault lies with the poorly fermenting yeast - then prepare a new, enhanced mother yeast and add it to the must;

cause inhibition of fermentation may be too high content of sulphurous acid - then a few times to transfer the wine from vessel to vessel (to make it Ventilate and remove SO2).