Monday, May 2, 2011

What Kind Of Bow Was In Blade Trinity

wholesome diet

Zdrowa dieta pełnowartościowa lies in such a selection of ingredients of food and taking them in such a form that they supply the body with all the necessary substance in the simplest possible way. But still, many people mistakenly believe that wholesome food is the same as a vegetarian. Someone who wants to use a high-quality diet, there's always a place in your diet to fish, though perhaps in smaller quantities than usual.


wholesome Food must be chewed well and long. In the case of weak and diseased teeth, this requirement is impossible to meet. It is therefore necessary to take care of your teeth! It is also important that before changing the diet seek medical advice. People suffering from stomach ailments wholesome diet can apply only to a limited extent.

When the food is wholesome?

The diet should be substances that provide the body:

  • energy (protein, carbohydrates, fats),
  • vitamins, minerals and roughage
  • związki umożliwiające budowę i odbudowę tkanek - białka, kwasy tłuszczowe a także sole mineralne

We współczesnym, produkowanym na skalę przemysłową pożywieniu, znajduje się jednak także wiele substancji, których obecność w organizmie staje się szkodliwa. Są to przede wszystkim cholesterol, puryny, azotany, toksyny, alergeny oraz substancje rakotwórcze.

Pełnowartościowa jest na ogół każda żywność, która jest bogata w niezbędne dla organizmu substancje oraz jest naturalna.

Faktem jest jednak i to, że nie wszystko, co oferuje natura, nadaje for consumption by humans without processing. All who wish to eat pełnowartościowo, should observe the following rules: Nourishment should be taken in the form of the most natural.

Preparing the Next

methods of mechanical grinding of food, there is a separation. The difference may seem not so clear. For example, fresh, peeled and minced carrots contains all the essential vitamins and trace elements. However, freshly squeezed carrot juice, only a small proportion of contained a vegetable vitamin A and C are completely destroyed when the trace elements such as iron. The loss is caused by the fact that some vitamins are sensitive to oxygen and light.

United associated with heating

deciding on heating of food, remember that it will be accompanied by the loss of other important components. Not always, however, this can be avoided, but due to the nutritional value of this phenomenon is undesirable. Studies show that when heating is lost, for example, 100% vitamin C, amino acids, even more than 20%.

basic rule: the higher the temperature, the greater the loss. Better heat for a short time (for example, in a pressure cooker or a wok) than long at low fire.


  • is good to use the following rule: If you have a choice between two ways of preparing food, chopping and splitting, we should always opt for the former. The less time that elapses between the preparation and consumption, the fewer the ingredients will be destroyed.
  • enzymes and some microorganisms increase the value of even longer nutritious foods. The best examples are yogurt and cheese.
  • absorb greenhouse vegetables is very rich in nitrates, it is better to eat vegetables, so the groundwater.

Enough fluid

The nutritious diet is important to ensure sufficient quantities of fluids. You should drink at least 1.5 liters of beverages bezkalorycznych day, and more. It is recommended to drink natural mineral water. Circulation coffee and tea are not the best choice.

balanced composition

half the daily food should be fresh products. 50% of fresh produce, in turn, should provide grains, nuts, raw milk and others. While the other half of the fresh vegetables, fruits and salads. The remaining 50% of all food - cooked and baked food products, mainly food, whole grain cereals, fruits, pulses and vegetable casseroles.

person using well-balanced diet can in good conscience eat once or twice a week, plus fish Up to four eggs. Because of the need to cover the body's demands for animal protein, a component of solid food should be all the butter and dairy products.

correct Flavour

like it is better to avoid salt, replacing them with spices, and sugar should be used only in small amounts. To sweeten can be successfully used honey and syrups and juices thickened.


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