Friday, May 13, 2011

Rom Hacking Pokemon Mac

Flos Lek Lifting blitz / creams

Instant Lifting
Tension-Hydration Cream 24
Package size: 50 ml
tension cream, designed to mature skin care, with signs of fatigue and visible wrinkles. The product contains extracts from rye firming and smoothing out wrinkles, wheat protein action liftingującym, Hydromanil intensively moisturizing and vegetative remodelujący slimming complex.
Cream tension regularly used:
- works wrinkle, reduces the current and prevents the formation of new wrinkles
- significantly reduces the number and depth of wrinkles - rejuvenation effect
- brightens skin tone and restores its youthful appearance
- improves elasticity, firmness and tone
- moisturizes skin
2.5 / 5
nourishing cream-Regeneration 24
Package size: 50 ml
Nourishing cream, the perfect preparation for the care of mature skin, with signs of fatigue and visible wrinkles. Contains extracts from rye, anti-wrinkle formation Hydromanil intensively moisturizing, vegetable-remodelujący slimming complex and hydroxyprolisilane - activator young collagen. Nourishing
regularly used:
- works wrinkle, reduces the current and prevents the formation of new wrinkles
- improves flexibility firmness and skin tone
- reduces the amount and depth of wrinkles - rejuvenation effect
- delaying the aging process
3 / 5
so much from the manufacturer now is time for me: D
creams have very similar textures-more gel-cream thus perfect for the now-tzn.pora transition when it is neither too cold nor too hot, though I have a feeling that just for a period of hot weather it will be also a good option for my mixed skin, which is perpetually dry cheek and periodic problems with T zone plus the tendency to erythema / plytkounaczyniona aged 30 +
bear an indication that can be used on the day and at night-I myself did I choose such a distinction-day moisturizing and regenerating noc.Zaraz explains why:)
Choc are close to each other is a version of the Regeneration of 24 is more rich and often work better than moistening 24, even as it will impose too much is absorbed nicely and the skin is nicely nawilzona.Odczuwalnie uspokojaja soothes and complexion in the morning is the coloring is ujednolicony.Skora promienna.To I like.
Hydration Cream 24 on the day I decided to apply the transition period because I like to choose something in a tailored light gel formula makes it's great, "primed" and the skin under makeup primer itself well to hold it, nothing does not flake becoming the only good baza.Trzeba wait a good moment for a good August wchlonal.Poziom moisture is not very strong so for cerium, which expect polecam.Na not sure it is possible to note that the skin color of the uniform-although I would not say that I brightens .. . Improves flexibility and tone but points out that, 30+ i jeszcze nie mam wiekszych z tym problemow;) wiec nie sadze abym dla cer dojrzalych stal sie lekiem na cale zlo;)))Czy do niego wroce?Nie wiem,glownie dlatego ze jest wiele innych kosmetykow na rynku,ktore odpowiadaja mi duzo bardziej.
Uzywane w razem uwazam,za poprawne-pewnie sama nie wpadlabym na to,by sprobowac ale dostajac je w swoje rece wnikliwie przyjrzalam sie reakcji skory-nie stalo sie nic zlego:
nie podraznily,nie zapchaly ale tez jakos specjalnie nie zadzialaly.To,co podoba mi sie w nich najbardziej to lekka formula,ktora na teraz jest pozadana ale wiem,ze w okresie jesienno-zimowym bede dla mnie za slabe wiec stawiam na to,ze moze jedynie cery normlane -bez wzgledu na wiek bylby zadowolone.
Jest to dla mnie najslabszy produkt z zasobow paczki,ktora dostalam do przetestowania;)ale mam ochote poznac jeszcze serie organiczna bo widze,ze duzo osob wypowiada sie o niej pozytywnie a Wy jak uwazcie?


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