Sunday, February 13, 2011

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gastric mucosal inflammation is a disease that causes wrinkling, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane stomach. His muscles are shrinking, and increased production of stomach acid often causes heartburn.

sudden attack of the disease is preceded by a strong feeling of nausea. The presence of food causes vomiting and burning pain in the diaphragm.

How does inflammation of the gastric mucosa?

gastric irritation can have many causes. Often these are stress or mental problems. Also, certain medications, particularly painkillers, including as an ingredient active acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin for example) affect the balance of the gastric mucosa. In heavy smokers the risk of developing this disease increases. Also, alcohol and spicy foods may be the causative agent of the attack. In this case, however, the disease goes back quite quickly. Cause irritation of the gastric mucosa may be the presence of pathogenic bacteria that enter the body with contaminated food or liquids. The same applies to fruits and vegetables, supplemented with the growth of plant protection products.


  • sudden feeling of nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • epigastric pain.

How to cure inflammation of the gastric mucosa?

This is a very unpleasant disease, but that does not require special medical treatments. The stomach generally returns to normal after one-or two-day fast.

What you can do yourself?

If there has been vomiting, it should be for a few hours to refrain from taking food. Then drink a cup black tea. If hunger is very annoying, you can meet him crackers or oatmeal Pastes. On a more substantial meal, you can afford to wait until the following day. Remember that smoking only worsen your condition.

Being once exposed to inflammation, should be in the future as an analgesic and antipyretic aspirin be avoided and replaced by paracetamol.

When to seek medical attention?

If symptoms do not improve after several days of illness, or if you are surprised by the move. Note also the advice of a doctor when you notice that your baby often vomits.


  • Avoid very hot food and icy drinks.
  • chew food thoroughly.
  • always
  • Wash fruits before eating.
  • Keep moderation in alcohol consumption, smoking and use of strong spices.
  • During a trip to southern countries do not drink water from water.
  • If possible, try to avoid stress.

Mileage disease

attack preceded by nausea leading to vomiting. This state is exacerbated by the adoption of food. The body loses a large amount of fluid, hence the increased thirst, less frequent urination, pale skin, and laxity.

Are gastritis is a dangerous disease?

The disease is especially dangerous when the body loses through vomiting large amounts of fluids. Then you should call your doctor, especially when children affected by the disease. Some of his patients to help such as diet Coke and salt sticks.

Chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa

In this case, the patient often does not feel pain, the disease can be detected by chance during a medical examination. The only symptom may be a lack of appetite and a feeling of overcrowding, which intensifies after eating a large meal. Only a medical examination may show whether we are dealing with a form of chronic disease.

Chronic gastritis is mostly the result of natural process aging, therefore, usually occurs in older people.


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