Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bahrain Tv Frequency On Nilesat


term vaginismus is an involuntary spasm of the vagina. Muscle spasm of the vagina and pelvis may be a reaction to stimuli received during the trials of the vaginal opening, and occur during sex or pelvic examination.

What are the causes vaginismus?

causes vaginismus usually rooted in the psyche of the patient. Such reactions are found in women who, for example, do not accept their femininity or have a negative attitude towards the sexuality of her body. The source of these reactions can be painful experiences of the past, such as rape or negative experiences associated with the first sexual contacts.

play a role can also be fear of unwanted pregnancy, especially if the woman has had a miscarriage or a difficult delivery. After birth, some Women fear that the perineal wound after tension could be renewed during intercourse.

Vaginismus may also occur if a woman does not accept their partner or relationship crisis. Also, in a harmonious relation przebiegającym two people, a woman may experience involuntary contractions of vaginal responses during intercourse. Cause of the problem is the fear of the possibility niesprawdzenia in sexual relations. That may be, for example in young women who are just starting sexual life. In older patients, the disease can be a source of long-unfulfilled desire for offspring.

symptoms vaginismus

  • Fear of sexual relations.
  • dislike the idea of \u200b\u200bthe act of sexual intercourse.
  • When trying to enter the member into the vagina following vaginal contraction of the muscles in the pelvis.

How to cure vaginismus?

causes vaginismus arise on a background of mental disorders, so the biggest role in the treatment of the disease plays a psychotherapy. In some cases, it is very helpful to have the same conversation with both partners, a doctor and explain causes of adverse reactions of the organism. Special supplement psychotherapy or exercise.

Can you do something yourself?

First we must answer the question, what can cause these reactions of the organism. If a connection comes to conflict, they are probably right cause problems in sexual life. Talking openly with your partner will help to eliminate the cause of the disease.

When should I go to the doctor?

First of all, if it is suspected that the cause of vaginismus are irregularities the anatomical structure of reproductive organs. By signing up to the doctor, both partners must be really convinced that they want to jointly solve the problem.

behave as a doctor?

First try to figure out what is causing the disease. By pelvic examination determines whether the source is not certain anatomical abnormalities female genital mutilation. But if it comes to mental disorders, then recommend psychotherapy or conservative therapy.

ask your doctor about what?

If you are the cause of vaginismus, a psychological disorder, then the doctor will ask about:

first relations partner due : experience with the opposite sex, knowing the circumstances of the current partner; behavior both in intimate situations, social conditions.

second Adolescence: Self-reaction of the physical signs of puberty, the first contacts and intimate sexual experiences, masturbation, petting, first attitude.

third Childhood: Sex education, children's experiences with sexuality, parental reactions to the interest of the child's own body; the ratio of parents to human sexuality, affection, and sex, talk with children on topics intimate.

course of the disease

Vaginismus can be caused by niedelikatnością partner and pain during intercourse. This leads to the gradual development of immune system response in the form of contraction of vaginal muscles shrink when you try to enter the member into the vagina. At the same time there is paralysis of muscles of the spine - lordosis (excessive curvature of the spine to the front) and tighten your thighs. This type of reaction occurs every time sexual intercourse. Vaginismus can become in a chronic state of reaction and persist for many years.

Is Vaginismus is a dangerous disease?

spasm vaginismus vagina caused not only make great physical pain. The effects of the disease are also dangerous for quite different reasons. Constitute a threat to the compound say two people, because cause serious psychological inhibition, which then grows may eventually lead to relationship breakdown.


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