Sunday, February 20, 2011

Twister Hammerhead 150cc

NOW WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD, YOUR WORLD, takes the head cleaning

Series: theater of life

Frequently, in such a situation, you fall into a panic, you're stressed, fear reigns. So scared of the changes that did not even notice the need to remove the old foundation to build their new and wonderful house.

is not easy to accept that they voluntarily chose the experience of being creatures of darkness light and having an eternal relationship with the Infinite Creator. A positive aspect of this evolutionary paradox is that we have the same power of choice, to experience that we are immortal beings of light designed to serve God and to love unconditionally.

The circumstances which have created our thoughts, desires and actions, built existential maze, in which we have long been trapped. Why? Strength free will and choice is a feature that allowed by God to experience various states of ignorance and separation from the divine plan.

We are of course responsible for our thoughts, actions and desires, and that means experiencing the consequences in the form of effects and situations arising from the use of free will and choice. A sense of being a victim, which we use as ballast evolutionary, it is a side effect of not taking responsibility for who we are, what we do, think or want, and that means immaturity, ignorance and lack of accountability and only delays the evolutionary challenges and lessons that we all have to integrate, to grow spiritually. Masks of the ego, which we use, and which guide our lives when we are not vigilant, act against us and reduce our awareness and spiritual connection.

Ego is a fictitious identity, which all designed in the course of evolution, and that takes a lot of faces, personalities, activities and modes of conduct, causing friction, separation and destruction.

It is not easy for us to recognize that we are slaves to the tyranny of the ego, which his extraordinary vanity, cruelty and heartlessness sabotaging our lives and throws us into the abyss difficult to lift the state of ignorance, despair and confusion.

Whenever resorted to undoing the ego and the dark strategy to achieve a goal and satisfy our selfish wishes, defames our luminous essence and remove the shadow of love, beauty and magnificence, and it creates a devastating psychological and emotional growth and physiological. When, however, activate the internal alchemy beauty is a magical healing and communication with the Creator - the source of love, harmony, and immortality.

Do not be discouraged or worry because of the mistakes that are part of the evolutionary pedagogy, and the universe uses us to discover our inner beauty and in harmony with the Creator and our luminous being.
Darkness seemingly take precedence in our lives, but it will only mild and short-term shade completely absorbed by projecting the light of our beings of light.

It will absorb the light, transforming and integrating, it is
internal alchemy of beauty when we are tuned to interact with the Creator and cosmic evolution.
Fear, frustration and suffering that inevitably afflict us and destroy, are the masters, whose goal is to help us understand that all the ideas, wishes and projects that do not vibrate in harmony with the spiritual evolution, they are harmful ballast for our Immortal Beings of Light. Those masters, seemingly rigorous and uncompromising, they are evolutionary therapists whose Infinite Creator, and we use the luminous essence, we recover the spiritual sensitivity and spread the dark shadows of evil coming from ego.

mental processes in which we are engaged and through which we experience life, feelings, thoughts, and interpersonal relationships are destructive, causing confusion and distress. The mind is not the essence of our luminous, but a tool that should used to channel the energy of light and understanding and understand that life is not what we perceive through the mind, but what we perceive through the feelings and spiritual experiences arising from communication with the divine plan and the Infinite Creator.

Alchemy inner beauty should govern and direct our lives so that the mental processes, usually inharmonious and conflicting, turned into a divine feeling, to love, compassion and harmony have become the pillars of our life and evolution.
prism through which we look at and interact with the environment, family and other living beings, is a distorted projection of the mental ego, because we do not want to see the light and beauty of reality, thinking that might harm us and interfere in our lives.

Our observations, feelings and experiences are a reflection of misconceptions, desires, habits and values. In this way, we feel safe and strong, we think that we control life and others.
It is part of the dynamics of self-importance and pride, which, because of self-deception plunges us into a spiral of confusion and separation from reality. The source of this stems from the choice of conforming to such carnal mind.
Alchemy is the essence of inner beauty that radiates silently giving life to the projection of shadow and virtual reality, we create .
We are the light of love and immortal beauty that is present and makes itself felt when we understand that thinking, feeling and acting in an inner beauty, we release the light, the consistency and fraternal co-operation on the planet and in the universe. Therefore, it is always worth to stay connected with alchemy of inner beauty, because it is a whisper of light and love that God has left in our heart.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, in our heart, we have access to both the Shining Beings and the ego monster. Our divinity is not separate from us, it is nearer to us than our own aorta.

have multigenerational and false belief that God is somewhere far away ... may be in Heaven? and perhaps in the church?
With this unconscious belief it is difficult to understand that our divinity is in every breath, every blink of the eye and in all what we touch. It is, therefore, and też in areas which it is placed, however, by the luminous essence we have to contact therewith nieustannie both awake and asleep like, we do not need it to look ... enough to delve into his inner world to meet her. As already meet your luminous essence, you have access to the alchemy by which I write.

psycho-emotional weakness and shock, which sometimes experience promoters are masters of the evolution of you, if we are sincere and honest, to think and understand that the power of transformation is in our midst, when we connect with the Creator, who, as an internal instructor, always awake and supervise our own evolution. Our psychological and emotional problems are an evolutionary tool to help us understand and accept our limitations, the need to bring up the guide, and the divine help which is always at our disposal. When it comes to the internal openness, acceptance and dissolve resistance to change, emerges from the magic alchemy of inner beauty, to instill in our understanding, strength and courage and perseverance to enable connection with the Creator and the process of cosmic evolution.

So I think that every single person is of great importance in building a new social consciousness. Given the butterfly effect, your effort may be decisive. So let's get started with your inner world and ... enough said! all wickedness, to delete their own connection to them and replace them with light.

ESPAWO loved.

article is the result of studying the Book of Knowledge and the subsequent transfers:


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