Friday, January 21, 2011

Mw2 Translation Russian To English

Series: Age of Aquarius

Mili you, just as the inhabitants of planet Earth are in the midst of organizing "playground" after many epochs of fun in reality free will.
Humanity perfectly played with checking what is free will, and even checked what happens when you reach into lawlessness. However, the evolution of life is being completed away from the cell to man, and in fact we are at the stage of learning what it really is authentic man.
As with any cleaning up, so in this case we have to organize a number of topics, doctrines, beliefs, habits ... and the consequences of their use, and it makes the magnitude of the issues that are created at the beginning of chaos. Virtually the entire
current world in which lived is now challenged. Even in the public media almost every day, information about the various scientific discoveries, which set the current world upside down. To this already publicly said about the Spiritual Being, universal energy, the role of personal beliefs on quality of life and many similar issues.
The question arises: what is it all about? , What is it going?: What do we do this? and many other questions.
I do not know the answers to all questions.
But I know that all orders must start with yourself. At the beginning of the urgent need to find their own beliefs, because they are the ones responsible for how we see the world.
begin with awareness. All experiments of this and all previous forms and live as if this knowledge spreads. But the same old dogma condemning reincarnation and exterminate those who, in our culture, dare to speak about it. Well, we have to choose: either be a valid notice the truth. Personally, I chose the truth, which has a liberating power of the shackles of ignorance. What gave me this? Simply the world has become more logical, and I calmer.
In previous articles I wrote that since the great-grandfather did not clean up after yourself, you do it for him, great-grandson. I received a lot of words about the lack of consent to such injustice. This is not injustice, but an inevitable consequence when one considers the very incarnation and the fact that the land access to previous incarnations is strongly hindered by other natural conditions of life on our planet.
Law of Cause and Effect is inevitable and how narozrabiałeś, it is up to you to rectify the distorted situation. Great-grandfather's soul has already left the body, so to allow the soul to cleanup mess wrought by simply takes on the new body and is born as his own grandson, grandson, or any member of the family bearing the genes of this family. In this article I will describe this process, because probably arise tome. The market is a lot of valuable items that perfectly describe these processes, so interested, I refer to your own research.
only mention of the fact that the continuum of living in an ever-changing forms.
biological body is just a form, like so many others, such as a car. The car also moves only when the head of it and blast off maintained by the selected route. Itself is not started. The similarity to the car body is helpful in understanding the biological body just as long to move, as long as it directs the Spiritual Essence. And when zdezelujemy his body, the essence of spiritual as well as the driver gets out of his vehicle and continue the onward journey to a new vehicle.
I think that this explanation will help to understand that there is justice arising from the Great Rights, and what prevents us from adopting such a view is only ... our raging monster ego and ignorance.
We are now at a time when all truth is revealed the inevitability, no matter what areas of taboo overthrown. There is also space for the translation, something that I believed, because the truth is to himself that knowledge flowing from it displaces faith without coverage. They admit that most is quite uncomfortable to confront the truth.
made public part of my history, to bring understanding of the subject.
My parents survived the ordeal of war and lived in great fear, and very modestly, because they were convinced about the hardships of day to come. So the whole family lived very modestly denying a lot of fun and pleasure. When I grew up, rebelled against his life and decided to organize their lives differently ... I earned and had boldly broad heart for the family. Many years in prosperity maintained his three children and parents who did not cope in old age, his life. I was convinced that my posture is correct and the family experienced many joys of earthly life, and that already ...., will always be.
Many years ago I bury his parents and ended the idyll, and I began to crises. I lost everything and did not see the real reasons at least I have not seen. Many years he struggled with not seeing the way out until .... One day I realized that you need to heal the line of my ancestors. I thought that magic rituals and prayers will be successful .... was wrong.
Just understand that I have to heal itself multigenerational family motivated me to further research. Do not just follow the opposite of the family taught me. You must have all adopted from the family conviction erased from his own interior, so as not to unconsciously create experiences consistent with the beliefs rejected. Is like to proste, a jednak bardzo trudne. Wszystko polega na tym, że przypływają różne doświadczenia i decyduje moja postawa wobec nich: albo jest właśnie uzdrowieniem...albo nie.
Dopiero w tym czasie kończę (mam nadzieję) to porządkowanie. Każde doświadczenie w stanie obserwatora oceniam jak mogę je zrównoważyć, konfrontuję się z nim i dokonuję zmian. Już dawno przestałam psioczyć na niesprawiedliwość, bo zrozumiałam na czym polega ciągłość rodowa i to w świetle reinkarnacji... wiele spraw nie mam możliwości namacalnie sprawdzić, jednak drogą wnioskowania z prawidłowości jakie exist and can be seen by the logic of their own role in these processes.
Having almost completed my journey and the accumulated experience that has worked, I share with you what you already have the wisdom. I realize that for many people what I write may be little understood ... But I hope that there will be some who will gain a little understanding and relief during this difficult time of great and unavoidable orders.

Love and Respect to all


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