Monday, January 3, 2011

Wat Does Low-profile Foundation Only Mean?


Series: Life

I'm nearing completion the merger of its light and shade in one. This process was difficult, because it grappled with the layers of unconscious fear.

removing these fears, the body behave unusually and fortunately it turned out that my confidence proved sufficient.
I will not describe in detail this process in different people because it runs contrary. Let me just say that due to our location on the evolutionary scale, each essence, without exception, will sit the exam in person, at the latest at the time of global transformation.
Those who successfully pass this exam will go along with the Earth in a new Golden Age, the others will return to its original point of evolution reached.

In a previous article (Evolution - not to be confused with the concept of Darwin), I described the various stages of the evolutionary scale, to bring understanding of the enormity of the problem.

Let me give you a view of Hermes Trismegistus is included on the website

behold, his valuable comments on our current position:

"Often you ask ourselves why some conflicts that sometimes inharmonious repeated experience, which you can not understand, happen to be in your life. Of course, an archetypal phenomenon dysfunction therapeutic spoken universe and the Divine, to activate your sensibility and spiritual paradigms which are evolutionary support.

way podchodzicie the situation - the shadows, and dysfunctional aspects of your life, it is not appropriate. Still filled with a sense of being a victim, negativity, grief, trauma, and pretensions, Acting clear evidence of your lack of maturity and refusal to accept responsibility for their lives.

Everything in the universe, the dynamics of evolution, is obedient to one's plan: growing into the internal and spiritual connection with the divine plan, and its luminous essence. Each of you is based on ideologies, values, paradigms, and spiritual concepts, which, unfortunately, in most cases are wrong, while others only partially functional and valuable.

to understand the purpose of cosmic evolution, and your spiritual journey, crucial to the realization and recognition by you that, as beings of light, you should behave as such, that is, to manifest the vision, behavior, concepts, values \u200b\u200band spiritual traditions.
However, many of you ignore this fact or did not attach any meaning to it. If your identity is innate spiritual nature (an emanation of the creative power of God), well this is overshadowing such understanding and such a spiritual vision?
answer is a privilege of free will: divine ethics, which allows you to choose and behave the way you want and experience the infinite amount of evolutionary dynamics.

Unfortunately, when free will is not support by the wisdom and spiritual insight, take the risk of creating pathological, dysfunctional dynamics existential, involving a disorder of the whole psycho - emotional, physiological and energy.
your lower body are catalysts of the evolutionary process. Their harmony or disorder will depend on your knowledge, spiritual wisdom and evolutionary paradigms that apply.
Spiritual Reality this understanding and to act as a unit of divine service, conceived to serve and cooperate unconditionally with the universe and the Divine
only depends on you whether you cast insight and power of choice to avoid confusion, frustration and suffering due to lack of integrity and cooperation with decadent and reactionary system of values.
We are at the stage of a spiritual revolution, and it involves being tuned into the new spiritual paradigms in full awareness and conviction that this is what you will tune the integrity and connect you with a new current evolution of the third millennium.
What is the purpose of archetypal dysfunction?
Opening your heart, you can decide if you will continue playing in the egocentric stage using a myriad of decorations and masks, or the opposite - uaktywnicie connection to your essence and Essential Cosmic Creator
sequence evolutionary indulgence of paternalism is over.

Now you have to prove their maturity by putting the courage to face the archetypal dysfunction, which was associated with situations of existential and archaic, reactionary behavior.
has the tools, guidance and evolutionary paradigms of Aquarius, that essence of Space, which are, at last emerged.
It is part of your genetics cosmic - the evolutionary and you can activate it, if you're ready for a full and unconditional immersing themselves in the evolutionary dynamics of metamorphosis. However, this entails the dissolution of dysfunction, which guide and govern your life. They are the catalyst that will activate the essence of your relationship with current evolutionary luminous and Aquarius.

Here are the conditions to align with the new sequence and the vibrational energy:
integrity (the integrity), commitment, acceptance of responsibility and unconditional service

As you can see, we offer you the knowledge, methods and conduct that you could dissolve the shells involutional you feel a nuisance , to know and to be light, harmony and love that are within you, and that divinity by there, so you can recognize your divine, immortal pedigree.

Evolutionary dysfunction help you replace the end of the primitive concept spiritual metamorphosis, existential self-centered generosity and fraternal relations;
reaction was unconscious spiritual sensitivity, aggressiveness and belligerence emotional kindness and compassion: environmental exploitation and manipulation of your fellows reverence for life and tuning to evolution.

You are beings of light, but your atavistic attitude, point of view and dysfunctional tendencies are on you the impact of causing self-destructive dynamics, collective and planetary. This attitude and approach are the result of a lack of sensitivity and spiritual connection with your essence and the Divine shining.

spiritual growth should not aim at any profit, nor contribute to the proliferation of sham feeding ego mania to be your size, power and control. It's dangerous viruses that would eventually destroy your sensitive and spiritual point of view.
advisability of cosmic evolution does not rest only on the well-being personal, interpersonal and environmental but your connection with God through service and unconditional cooperation, because this is just your inner being.
When her deny and choose disconnect from this existential understanding, spiritual paradigms and the current cosmic evolution, the issue is the need to suffer because of the fatal consequences of duality and distorted vision of reality. Choose the fear, frustration, and pain disorders.

Data to you by the universe and the divinity of dysfunctional archetypes provide support and evolutionary technology. Thanks him, if that is your wish, you can explore the spiritual reality behind concealing situations - the shadows. Using his spiritual insight and sensitivity can be equated with the current evolution of the energy and vibration of Aquarius, which increasingly faster and looking at ways to attract your attention. "

Beloved, wholeheartedly encourage you to enter into a new one. It get rid of the unconscious fears, which so impede our daily lives. It is to gather all his courage to look at the matrix in which we live, and pointed out that thousands of people is wrong, so according to our logic purified to hear his wise counsel to heart.

Respect and love to all


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