Monday, October 11, 2010

Where Can I Find A Hannah Montana Pink Skirt

Language Continuum life of the universe, or feel

in the series: life in opera language

Let's talk today about the type of communication that is understandable to all, regardless of how it uses language or dialect. It is in us such a thing which enables us to understand the other being through a sense of energy.
Each of us had this experience, that without words he knew that the person is in grief, anger, joy ... And it is this language turns out to be extremely important.
whole universe responds and corresponds precisely to that language ... to feel human.
always get what reflects our feelings, no thoughts or words because they have only bring the desired feelings. It's about what we feel at this moment, that they carry these feelings of energy information ... no intellectual he believes many of us. For example, as I am in sorrow, I can beg and plead for unlimited fun, and anyway I get sad circumstances, because that is what I send to the world.
This knowledge is extremely simple, and yet people find it difficult to apply it. What is the reason? Well the reason is equally simple. We have been feeling ... oduczenia Yes, yes, in good faith society is always hurt and punished those who dared to feel. This defective education has been going on for so long ... many generations ... eventually forgotten.
've forgotten how to feel joy, bliss, happiness, wealth. However, we are infected with anxiety, fear, anxiety and pervasive evaluation.
As a young man meets the first puffs of pure love, it immediately are "friends" who are feeling the assessment of perversion, fear and even ridicule, and there are even some that will find that true love must be seasoned with envy. And so the feeling is pure energy and contaminated fallen this young man is emotionally crippled. It carries such accumulated injuries through life, and sometimes quite lost that feeling of purity.
The same thing happens with wealth. Notice how the human environment rich in friendship, like response. It attacks the assessments, demands, expectations ... and so robs the man of pure affection, imposing him how to govern their property. Many of you just can not stand.
such examples, but it is not the purpose of this article.
We are in the place from which most of us want to get out and have a problem, because he still has the same circumstances in which they live. How can this be?
answer is perception, clean feeling, mostly related to our beliefs and habits. If you want to be rich, it does not matter the price of the product, but ... looking at the listed products, I think they are expensive or something similar. It is clear from this that I am still unable to poverty, lack of ... something that is otherwise than I wish. This is no small problem, because that is exactly what we were feeling oduczeni. Even for a moment there is a clear feeling, let's see what happens next ... Just thus many others, for example, how about you can be okradzionym, sometimes even killed. How to deduct the "friends" who want to take this wealth, and so on, and then in the opposite direction.
With these lękliwymi thoughts, feelings cease to be clean, and with time this fear completely covers the purity of feelings. How do you think the feelings in this state send to the universe?
universe, god, matrix, source or whatever you say about THIS, loves us unconditionally. Works like a genie from the tale of Aladynie and tells us in the language of feeling "off your wish is my command." So taking away our fear comes to the conclusion that the child wants to be scared and it gets the child. As a child wants to get something else, it should be in a world of feelings to change their request.
Even what some of us do this ... However, there are few, and are not able to reach others with the knowledge of how they did it. So strong are the beliefs firewall.
You understand that you can not talk to a foreigner without an interpreter if you do not know the language. Therefore it is to learn this new one - the old language, the language of feeling. Then you need to learn a new problem here ... These energies are so powerful that they feel it, we're in fear. A real blindman's buff.
admit that I was doing too many years in the carousel. I had come to such a determination, that ultimately decided the entire them to change my world of thought, feeling, word, and in general everything. It was only a first step, and how ego suffered ... I do not even want to describe these colors. Initially I was looking for
in the dark, all I have learned a new right away I checked experimentally. In retrospect, I can say that it was a veritable gang and ride on it without trzymanki. Sometimes I wondered if I was imputable to choose such a life myself. However
brnęłam ahead and ... all slowly began to fall into place.
started describe the pearls of my wisdom, and now pass on to others as you want to be able to use my experience and have less dramatic find your way back to the feeling.
treat all of my articles was about how I looked and found my way to live in harmony with nature.
Today I have no problem with seeing their own inside something that I do not like ... simply unrated and respect for each distorted integrate these energies and purify, transform.
no longer focus on the assessment, analysis, or another losing your precious life energy. However, I focus on what I want the truth at all levels of humanity. Sure it happens sometimes just a whim or desire, but it is almost immediately recognized and I have a lot of fun.
I also want to encourage you and remind yourself that the original language of feelings, the only known in the act of creation. I want to encourage you to verify what you think about the feeling agrees with the truth about its energy.
It should be noted that the assessment of "good - bad" is only human and is used to excite the whole spectrum of energy anxiety.
Remember that you are free will and choice is only for you.

Yours in joy


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