Monday, October 18, 2010

How Much Blood Is In The Human Body


Series: Life

Currently the entire Earth, and literally everything is subject to evolution. As people move too much energy processes adjust to the possibility of us staying on this beautiful blue planet.
All my articles are meant something closer to what can be achieved through appropriate choices. But I must tell readers and honesty about some feelings that are transient and may be some discomfort. As usual, everyone must feel the same way i do the same. Below I wrote down the symptoms of awakening to life in the spirit ... I was experiencing just such and while I hope that those who follow after me, they will have it easier to persevere in these necessary changes.

Symptoms spiritual awakening. There are twelve.

1.Bóle body, mainly the neck, shoulders and back. Result of changes in DNA. Going to a higher level of consciousness. We have to go.
2.Uczucie of great sadness for no reason, similar to the feeling that always accompanies a man when moving from the old to the new house. Sorry for leaving the old place, even when we know that the new one is beautiful.
third Crying for no reason. Old energies leaving the body.
4.Nagle change jobs, your personal career. Skip, looking for different classes without satisfaction.
5.Często roar family relationships. We want to be free from earthly karma.
looking for new friends, new relationships.
6.Problemy sleeping. Night waking among 2-nd and 4 th week.
Horror Night, a feeling of fear.
7.Bardzo intense dreams. Energy is released from many past lives. We have to go, Clean.
8.Fizyczna confusion. A feeling of detachment from the earth. Feeling of walking between two worlds. This is a result of being with the energies of the two, old and new have already flowing. You need to spend more time outdoors.
9.Mówisz to himself. Are conducting long conversations with himself. Your mental health is okay. The normal process of getting rid of excessive emotion. A wave of new energy enters the body.
10.Poczucie loneliness, even in the company. A feeling of detachment from other people. The desire to escape from large groups and crowds. Select a single path. But loneliness creates a feeling of anxiety. This feeling is also due to the fact that your guardian spirit leaves you. For him, it's time to return to the Divine Source. As your body starts to penetrate the energy of Christ.
11.Utrata interests. Everything brings disappointment. Do you want to do everything and anything. That's part of the process. Spend more time "doing nothing". Do not fight with each other. Your body needs time. This such as reprogramming a computer. After rehabilitation there in you new energy.
12.Głębokie feeling to return to the House. This feeling is the most severe experience with all the others. Often accompanied by a desire for suicide, anger and frustration. Your old life is coming to an end. Your contract expires with the Earth. You end your cycle. Your energies are changing. You get a call to work with new energies.

At this point you need is your earthly guide to help get through these 12 thresholds in your new awareness. When you complete this process successfully, you also lead the others who are just beginning this process. Your dark period, and your journey comes to an end. Remember you're never alone (alone). You're already at a higher degree of self-awareness. You've become a galactic being, filled with the Christ energy.

I'm ready to help those who request it, and you?

From my heart to your


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