Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fairy Tales Lice Shampoo

mind Beyond the Horizon external

From the series: Life

Be your own guru, your own teacher. You've got the light ... inflame them and go ahead smoothly and without fear.

"Walk lightly through the days that you have before you, do not zostawiającżadnej blemish on his ego.
May the light of your insides will close each day
And when that happened finished, remove it from his memory like a soap bubble, which quickly vanishes.
Go forward in the future.
unfettered memories: errors, failures and successes.
's path to achieving peace. "

no longer remember who wrote these words ... but they live in my inside for so many years that are grown together with my experience of life.
Everything in your life .... is associated with you. So it all depends on you ... in some way. Note this and clean up your interior. How do you let wash interior noise ... gradually elute the past and speculating on the future ... This then is the space, the space of existence here and now. You have the power!
We are immersed in a world of illusion. This goes perfectly fake our reality called the Matrix.
It is hardly surprising that such an enormous number of people stuck in it. In this state it looks like a bee searching for nectar, she sat down on a beautiful rose, rose shapely but artificial, in the hope of sleeping nectar. Bee is lucky ... unlike humans, there is no mind outside, so immediately flies farther in search of another, the living flower.
man does exactly the opposite, in which he bravely helps the mind external.
This still gives an unruly instrument: energy is nonsense ... Prove it to me ... everybody does (?)... and all that crap distracting from the experience.
Once we cross the outer event horizon of the mind, the incessant chatter, then you will naturally begin to differentiate so what is the normal trash as artificial rose, and what is the value We serving as a natural and vivid flowers.
When we cross the outer horizon of an ordinary mind, which was created, inter alia, to build a world of illusion ... then we are in the presence of the truth of heart, a higher intellect.
Heart Is access to the real reason ... yes, yes ... many years ago when I myself was in doubt, I found that on various cardiac surgeons, who found that in our physical heart there are also gray brain cells, although these are substantially less than in the head.
As inquisitive woman who began to drill down about ... I asked, even cardiologists, who was patient, and ... confirmed, although highly marginalized subject, however, admitted that something is.
gave me the drive to further research.
course I was interested in what it means to me and how can I use it in my experience. I'm not interested in a scientific approach, but although I appreciate it very much, because research results are extremely helpful in understanding each other.
I am interested in the practical application of knowledge. Those who are very interested in this research, I refer to your own research.

article is about what this knowledge has done for me ... because of course my thinking has gone in the direction of how to practically apply this knowledge I can in everyday life.
moral and philosophical aspects of this discovery is not found in modern science (this was several years before, so I do not know how it is today). It was just what is not what how it works on our psyche.
so I reached for the wisdom left by the ancient teachings. It turned out that transfers of these age-old civilization, this very well know and understand ... Slowly I began to understand it.
can say that we have more centers of the brain than in the head. It turns out that the head is the center of the brain, whose function is to differentiate, forming words for the feelings and experiences in the closure of something that tends to be cyclical repetition.
Another center is the heart. It also receives our experience, however, works by feel, without words, and now. It gives such a strange belief, actually is the certainty that something is just such ... not playing in the word or evidence.

It turns out that the connection and collaboration between head and heart is what determines the quality of our everyday experience of life.
This leads to a different conclusion.
can say that the future is modified by experience - the past. Yes, here it bows to the scale of the Fibonacci sequence.
The usual practice is that when we are now in some experience, where the circumstances are such as in the other time in our past.
If we can understand and cities throw emotionally ... heal our past ... the circumstances with which confronted in the future will have been changed.
It works continuously and consistently throughout all generations, even though hardly anyone is aware of this. The action of this can only be seen when I'm completely in the moment now.

I wish a lot of fun with new experiences and discover their own power.

The love of my heart to thine.


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