Sunday, April 17, 2011

What Are The Chances Of Finding A Shiny Pokemon


Koronaroangiografia (also known as coronary angiography) was introduced into clinical practice in the early fifties and sixties as a method to help in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.

is a specialized research involving imaging of coronary arteries using x-ray radiation to the blood after the introduction of an appropriate contrast agent.

What is angiography?

Coronary angiography allows for the image of the coronary arteries transporting blood from the aorta to the heart muscle. With this you can determine the presence and location of any narrowing or obstruction of the coronary arteries (atherosclerosis). This method allows the assessment of severity of these changes. Narrowing of the coronary arteries leading to coronary heart disease, and their obstruction - a heart attack. In addition, angiography can help detect congenital coronary artery.

When is the coronary angiography?

doctor will decide on coronary angiography performed individually for each patient and in the following situations:

  • When considering the possibility of surgical treatment of coronary artery disease.
  • When there is pain in the chest, probably caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries (the so-called angina pectoris). Koronaroangiografia allows in this case to assess the severity and location of stenosis. You can also thanks to better plan its eventual heart bypass surgery.
  • in angina pectoris when pharmacological treatment does not produce the expected results.
  • surgery before implantation of heart valves, especially aortic valve. Then koronaroangiografię performed to rule out coronary artery stenosis in a place of their departure from the aorta.
  • Following heart bypass surgery. Koronaroangiografię carried out to assess the outcome of the operation.
  • koronaroangiografię sometimes performed in suspected coronary irregularity course.


patients after myocardial infarction (within the first three months) koronaroangiografii not performed. The exception is the need for immediate heart bypass.

koronaroangiografia Is is dangerous?

introduction catheter may cause cardiac arrhythmias. It can also cause detachment from the walls of small blood clot, which can lead to heart attack or stroke. Dangers that can be prevented by preparing and supervising the patient pharmacologically his condition when conducting research with the help of special instruments. With these treatments can also react quickly in case of side effects of contrast.

koronaroangiografię How do I make?

This study is preceded by catheterization and left ventricular angiokardiografią. For the cardiovascular system introduces a thin, flexible plastic catheter and moves it to the heart. Then, the two major coronary arteries are injected through the catheter already established contrast agent. The contrast becomes visible at the end of the study carried out X-ray. There are two ways to access the bloodstream, which are used in koronaroangiografii. In the first, in order to introduce the catheter punctures the femoral artery in the groin. The second uses the brachial artery access (usually on the right shoulder).

cardiology centers

complications after coronary angiography and its side effects are less often the more experienced the doctor. Therefore, this method is used in some cardiac centers.


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