Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Polarized Figure 8 Power Cord


Typhoid (typhoid fever) is endemic or epidemic occurring infectious disease. Epidemics often break out in areas with warmer climates and in warmer seasons. Illness rarely occurring recently in Poland, favor poor sanitation. Cases of diseases are notifiable.


The first symptoms of typhoid fever include headache, weakness, lack of appetite, fever and progressively increasing constipation.

Then, after about a week, characteristic symptoms of brown air raids on the mucous membranes, persistent high fever and diarrhea. Occurring as delirium, impaired consciousness, ulcers on the palate, and enlarged spleen.

What are the causes typhoid fever?

Typhoid causes typhoid bacillus, transmitted by flies, contaminated food and water., Subjects, contact with sick and healthy carriers.

typhoid bacteria penetrate through the mucous membranes in the lower sections of the intestine and enter the blood, and with it the various organs, where they settle. These bacteria produce Fallin 'strong toxins, which damage important organs like the heart, brain, nerves, kidneys and liver.

changes affect the lymphoid tissue of the small bowel. Obrzmiewają lymphatic lumps. Necrotic changes are taking place.

How is typhoid treated?

Currently typhoid fever treated with bacteriostatic antibiotics with a broad spectrum of activity, especially with chloramphenicol, and third-generation cephalosporins. The patient remains in isolation in the intensive care unit. It is necessary to support the work of heart and circulatory system.

When should I go to the doctor?

Immediately after, the first symptoms, which might indicate that typhoid fever.

behave as a doctor?

for the diagnosis of the disease carries a blood test (culture). In the case of typhoid fever, this is enough to put a clear diagnosis.

course of the disease

typhoid incubation period is about two weeks. Choroba wykazuje różne stadia, przy czym charakterystyczny jest fakt, iż mimo wysokiej gorączki tętno pozostaje zawsze wolne. Pacjent traci sporo na wadze.

Dur brzuszny można wyleczyć w ciągu trzech do pięciu tygodni pod warunkiem, że nie wystąpią powikłania. Nawroty choroby są możliwe, ale wówczas jej przebieg jest łagodniejszy.

Ciężkie przypadki duru brzusznego mogą zakończyć się zgonem, którego bezpośrednią przyczyną jest zazwyczaj zapaść krążeniowa. Prawdopodobne są powikłania, na przykład powstanie wrzodu jelita, który może przebić się do jamy brzusznej and cause peritonitis. Typhoid may also be accompanied by a purulent inflammation and in other places, such as the lungs, miedniczkach nerve, middle ear, pancreas, bone marrow, bladder, testis and spine.

Is typhoid fever is dangerous?

In the past, the mortality rate of patients with typhoid fever was 10-30%. Now, thanks to antybiotykowi (chloramphenicol), 1-2% of patients die. In Europe, typhoid fever is rare.

How can you avoid typhoid fever?

most effective protection against typhoid fever vaccine is administered by injection or orally. In both cases, the vaccine works effectively for about a year. People get sick less frequently after vaccination, and the disease are mild. Vaccination is recommended for travel to southern countries and the tropics. In the event of illness, the patient should be isolated immediately and thoroughly disinfect their droppings. Carrier of the disease, which for a long time excretes typhoid germs, absolutely can not work in a place where contact with food.

The cure is said when a week of analysis does not show the presence of fecal germs typhoid fever. It is very important that in case of a single illness or epidemic quickly discover the source of infection.


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