Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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Hawthorn dwuszyjkowy

is usually about 2-foot shrub, while capable of achieving height 8-foot tree. His white or białoróżowe flowers, Blooming in May and June, emit a strong and unpleasant odors. The plant appears round, reddish fruit, called jarząbami farinaceous. They have a sweetish taste, and formerly served as the Nordic peoples in times of food scarcity. They also were prepared from alcoholic beverages.

use hawthorn dwuszyjkowego

  • Old man's heart.
  • heart weakness due to stress and infectious diseases.
  • Arrhythmias.
  • Convalescence after myocardial infarction.
  • supports capacity in hypertension blood.
  • works slightly diuretic effect of relaxant.

Where can I find hawthorn dwuszyjkowy?

shrub belongs to the family Rosaceae. It grows most often in thinned pine and hardwood forests. Sometimes you can meet a group of these plants growing wild in open terrain, especially if it is a wetland.

to the same family as discussed here hawthorn, a number of other varieties should be used for creating the hawthorn thorn hedges.

What action is hawthorn dwuszyjkowy?

decoction of the leaves of hawthorn increases coronary blood flow and increases the strength of heart muscle. Hawthorn contains substances that affect heart rate and shows no toxicity at the same time. In this respect, hawthorn dwuszyjkowy differs from other important natural agent used for cardiac ailments, namely digitalis. Overall hawthorn no side-effects and there are no known contraindications.

Hawthorn is a medicine that does not work in one day. Desired therapeutic effects are achieved by longer, regular use. This medicine is used mainly when called. heart ailments, a heart weakened by insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries and cardiac failure. Dwuszyjkowy Hawthorn is also used in young people whose heart is strained due to illness and stress. The preparations of hawthorn also normalizes blood pressure, improving heart failure. Also during the period of convalescence after myocardial preparation głogowego brings good results.

Which parts of the plant are used?

haws Formerly used (eg against diarrhea), today they are components of numerous finished products. Used the root to make wraps. Currently used mainly flowers and leaves from the tops of young twigs of this shrub.

What active ingredients include hawthorn dwuszyjkowy?

Among the numerous active substances contained in the plant, the most important part of the influenza flavonoids. These include hyperozyd, routines and witeksyna.


In the case of heart ailments should necessarily go to the doctor. If you are already on a cardiac drug, ask your doctor whether you can also use the hawthorn. In some cases, may in fact unexpected interactions.

How to use hawthorn dwuszyjkowy?

easiest to reach for a ready-made preparations. But who will hawthorn in the form of natural selection is to extract or tincture. Extracts of hawthorn are also suitable for making tea. Two teaspoons of hawthorn can pour boiling water in a cup and infuse 20 minutes. Drink in the morning and evening, preferably with honey, hawthorn because there is actually no taste.

Squaw Vs Alpine Meadows

milk-vegetarian diet

milk-vegetarian diet based on dairy products and vegetable, that consists solely of vegetables, herbs, cereals, fruits, milk and its products. Proponents of this diet are against the consumption of animal products as meat, sausages and fish. Thanks to their principles of nutrition are not as strict as in vegetarians who exclude from their diets also include such products as milk and eggs.

Golden Mean

Currently nutritionists believe that the meat and fish do not are an essential part of our diet. Despite this, eat a lot of these products, especially meat and sausage. Purely vegetarian diet must be composed in great detail, otherwise we will face the occurrence of nutritional deficiencies. Vegetarian Diet milky is a middle way between the traditional cuisine and typical vegetarian cuisine. It is extremely healthy and is an excellent prevention against the typical diseases of our time, such as cardiovascular disorders, obesity, metabolic disorders and other diseases of civilization.

He who once visited vegetarian restaurant, knows that this type of dishes you can prepare very tasty. A vegetarian diet because most certainly does not end with raw salads and seeds.

The products consists of a diet?

The milky-vegetarian diet can put together a varied menu and prepare a variety of dishes for every occasion. It is advisable for steaming, as thanks to retain the most vitamins and other nutrients. Also, the use of traditional Chinese frying pan - wok - you the preparation of fried vegetables and vegetables in a quick, tasty and healthy.

milk and its products

dairy products supply the body with high-grade protein. But be careful that the milk, yogurt, white and yellow cheeses not to eat too much fat - it's all about cholesterol, which damages the heart and circulatory system. For this reason you should not eat too much butter. The substitute can be used in cooking oils.


if we abandon the consumption of meat and its products, the demand for protein we need to cover in a different way. Especially legumes - peas, beans and lentils are very rich in protein, as well as roughage. They do not contain cholesterol. In the first place among the legumes, however, is soy. Almost always, it was used for example in Chinese cuisine. Also, the so-called "vegetable meat", or tofu are obtained from the beans. One 75-gram Porc legume seeds contain almost as many calories as 100g of meat.

sprouts and legumes

The products are fresher, the more valuable. To the best of them are primarily sprouts and pods: watercress, soybeans, lentils, wheat and other cereals. It is easy to grow in the home, thus they are the freshest.


an important source of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins are grain products. Therefore, they play an important role in milk-vegetarian diet. Are consumed in the form of whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta, meal or other additives to meals such as rice.

Vegetables and vegetables

The milky-vegetarian cuisine, you can use all the vegetables on the market. They contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals. They should be as fresh as possible, not canned. At a time when fresh vegetables are unavailable, we can replace them mrożonkami or silage.

oils and fats

addition to butter and lard, almost all fats are of vegetable origin. Animal fats contain saturated fats, vegetable fats - in addition to vitamins - unsaturated fatty acids, important in the construction of cellular structures organism. But also among the oils can be divided into better and worse. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and can be found in oils including flax, sunflower, corn and derived from thistles. Coconut oil and olive oil are considered the best and giving the best flavor, contain minute amounts of unsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil is also lower than most other vegetable fats of vitamin E.

Also in the butter, which should be eaten only rarely, and soft margarines are valuable fats. Do not forget, however, the presence of cholesterol in them.


Although milk-vegetarian diet is the healthiest, butter and other animal fats should be eaten only in limited quantities, especially by those predisposed to high cholesterol.

herbs instead of salt

individuals with elevated blood pressure should limit or completely stop salting. By adding marjoram, thyme, basil, cumin and other spices, you can prepare dishes that although the absence of salt are delicious. If you do not want to completely give up salt, use sea salt because it contains other valuable minerals.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What Are The Chances Of Finding A Shiny Pokemon


Koronaroangiografia (also known as coronary angiography) was introduced into clinical practice in the early fifties and sixties as a method to help in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.

is a specialized research involving imaging of coronary arteries using x-ray radiation to the blood after the introduction of an appropriate contrast agent.

What is angiography?

Coronary angiography allows for the image of the coronary arteries transporting blood from the aorta to the heart muscle. With this you can determine the presence and location of any narrowing or obstruction of the coronary arteries (atherosclerosis). This method allows the assessment of severity of these changes. Narrowing of the coronary arteries leading to coronary heart disease, and their obstruction - a heart attack. In addition, angiography can help detect congenital coronary artery.

When is the coronary angiography?

doctor will decide on coronary angiography performed individually for each patient and in the following situations:

  • When considering the possibility of surgical treatment of coronary artery disease.
  • When there is pain in the chest, probably caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries (the so-called angina pectoris). Koronaroangiografia allows in this case to assess the severity and location of stenosis. You can also thanks to better plan its eventual heart bypass surgery.
  • in angina pectoris when pharmacological treatment does not produce the expected results.
  • surgery before implantation of heart valves, especially aortic valve. Then koronaroangiografię performed to rule out coronary artery stenosis in a place of their departure from the aorta.
  • Following heart bypass surgery. Koronaroangiografię carried out to assess the outcome of the operation.
  • koronaroangiografię sometimes performed in suspected coronary irregularity course.


patients after myocardial infarction (within the first three months) koronaroangiografii not performed. The exception is the need for immediate heart bypass.

koronaroangiografia Is is dangerous?

introduction catheter may cause cardiac arrhythmias. It can also cause detachment from the walls of small blood clot, which can lead to heart attack or stroke. Dangers that can be prevented by preparing and supervising the patient pharmacologically his condition when conducting research with the help of special instruments. With these treatments can also react quickly in case of side effects of contrast.

koronaroangiografię How do I make?

This study is preceded by catheterization and left ventricular angiokardiografią. For the cardiovascular system introduces a thin, flexible plastic catheter and moves it to the heart. Then, the two major coronary arteries are injected through the catheter already established contrast agent. The contrast becomes visible at the end of the study carried out X-ray. There are two ways to access the bloodstream, which are used in koronaroangiografii. In the first, in order to introduce the catheter punctures the femoral artery in the groin. The second uses the brachial artery access (usually on the right shoulder).

cardiology centers

complications after coronary angiography and its side effects are less often the more experienced the doctor. Therefore, this method is used in some cardiac centers.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What Brand Of Hair Does Lala Use

Colic umbilical

suddenly appearing in so much pain around the navel in children, especially in the period between 3 and 1o years of age are referred to as umbilical colic. At the beginning attack the child bends in half, cry, sweat, and exhibits all the symptoms of severe pain. After several minutes, and even a few seconds of pain passing attack. As a rule, the child quickly feels better and shows no other symptoms.

causes colic umbilical

pain arises because the smooth muscles of the colon are shrinking rapidly. The sudden contraction of muscles is a response to the child's body to stress situations, such as fear of a nursery or conflict with their parents.

Sometimes these pains occur in the disorder function of the gastrointestinal tract or infections.

as intestinal colic treated?

Parents should not panic, but with care and calmly take care of the child, to comfort them and ensure them that the pain will soon pass away. If your child is prone to recurrent colic, parents can ask your doctor for diastolic measures.

Some children help sticking a slice around the navel. From the medical point of view it makes no sense, but it gives the child a sense that the rawness is well marked.

What can be done yourself?

listed above, parents can do themselves. In addition, they should ensure their child alone. Often, they also help warm compresses on the abdomen, drinking tea and dill food restriction.

When to seek medical attention?

first necessary to determine the cause of severe abdominal pain. Because of the same symptoms your doctor can determine with reasonable certainty, whether it is a serious illness, or whether it is of umbilical colic.

behave as a doctor?

doctor must rule out other diseases, because abdominal pain is a common symptom of many different diseases. In small children, abdominal pain, are concentrated in the navel. Influenza, pneumonia, measles and other viral infections, but also hypoglycemia and dehydration in children can cause abdominal pain.

doctor will take into account the course of appendicitis or inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

Very rarely children suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers. In these cases, severe pain may also focus on the navel.

Does umbilical colic is dangerous?

No, intestinal colic is harmless. In the case of very severe abdominal pain must take into account other, more serious diseases.

How to prevent intestinal colic?

This question is not one simple answer. Parents should observe the situations that evoke such strong pain, and if possible, be avoided. Cordial relationship with the child, without violence and drama, helps effectively.

course of the disease

Stomach pain occur suddenly: child gets pale, crying, from pain to bend in half, sometimes hands, "grabs his belly, and sometimes lies down and squat legs. Frequently accompanied by sweating.

Some children during the raid or shortly after the throw. Often, after a short while, the pain persists and the child's condition rapidly improves.

In exceptional cases, there are so-called recurrent umbilical colic. In the course of attacks of pain are in ever shorter intervals, and finally repeated a few times a day.

It also happens that the children Such pain exaggerate or simulate, in order to avoid, for example, go to school or to draw attention to themselves.

Because of these problems often suffered by children slim, between 5 and 15 years of age. Are particularly acute in the period of strong growth.


Kolk umbilical can be distinguished from other diseases which are accompanied by severe abdominal pain as follows: abdominal wall are never strained abdomen is not painful bruising, complaints are not accompanied by fever. On These symptoms alone, parents should pay attention. The blood test, your doctor may prescribe, the number of white blood cell count is never increased.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Typhoid (typhoid fever) is endemic or epidemic occurring infectious disease. Epidemics often break out in areas with warmer climates and in warmer seasons. Illness rarely occurring recently in Poland, favor poor sanitation. Cases of diseases are notifiable.


The first symptoms of typhoid fever include headache, weakness, lack of appetite, fever and progressively increasing constipation.

Then, after about a week, characteristic symptoms of brown air raids on the mucous membranes, persistent high fever and diarrhea. Occurring as delirium, impaired consciousness, ulcers on the palate, and enlarged spleen.

What are the causes typhoid fever?

Typhoid causes typhoid bacillus, transmitted by flies, contaminated food and water., Subjects, contact with sick and healthy carriers.

typhoid bacteria penetrate through the mucous membranes in the lower sections of the intestine and enter the blood, and with it the various organs, where they settle. These bacteria produce Fallin 'strong toxins, which damage important organs like the heart, brain, nerves, kidneys and liver.

changes affect the lymphoid tissue of the small bowel. Obrzmiewają lymphatic lumps. Necrotic changes are taking place.

How is typhoid treated?

Currently typhoid fever treated with bacteriostatic antibiotics with a broad spectrum of activity, especially with chloramphenicol, and third-generation cephalosporins. The patient remains in isolation in the intensive care unit. It is necessary to support the work of heart and circulatory system.

When should I go to the doctor?

Immediately after, the first symptoms, which might indicate that typhoid fever.

behave as a doctor?

for the diagnosis of the disease carries a blood test (culture). In the case of typhoid fever, this is enough to put a clear diagnosis.

course of the disease

typhoid incubation period is about two weeks. Choroba wykazuje różne stadia, przy czym charakterystyczny jest fakt, iż mimo wysokiej gorączki tętno pozostaje zawsze wolne. Pacjent traci sporo na wadze.

Dur brzuszny można wyleczyć w ciągu trzech do pięciu tygodni pod warunkiem, że nie wystąpią powikłania. Nawroty choroby są możliwe, ale wówczas jej przebieg jest łagodniejszy.

Ciężkie przypadki duru brzusznego mogą zakończyć się zgonem, którego bezpośrednią przyczyną jest zazwyczaj zapaść krążeniowa. Prawdopodobne są powikłania, na przykład powstanie wrzodu jelita, który może przebić się do jamy brzusznej and cause peritonitis. Typhoid may also be accompanied by a purulent inflammation and in other places, such as the lungs, miedniczkach nerve, middle ear, pancreas, bone marrow, bladder, testis and spine.

Is typhoid fever is dangerous?

In the past, the mortality rate of patients with typhoid fever was 10-30%. Now, thanks to antybiotykowi (chloramphenicol), 1-2% of patients die. In Europe, typhoid fever is rare.

How can you avoid typhoid fever?

most effective protection against typhoid fever vaccine is administered by injection or orally. In both cases, the vaccine works effectively for about a year. People get sick less frequently after vaccination, and the disease are mild. Vaccination is recommended for travel to southern countries and the tropics. In the event of illness, the patient should be isolated immediately and thoroughly disinfect their droppings. Carrier of the disease, which for a long time excretes typhoid germs, absolutely can not work in a place where contact with food.

The cure is said when a week of analysis does not show the presence of fecal germs typhoid fever. It is very important that in case of a single illness or epidemic quickly discover the source of infection.