Thursday, November 4, 2010

Swollen Toenail After Pedicure

Series: Age of Aquarius

My problem since almost 20 years is a matter of arriving at a balance of my living in this earthly life. Nasiąknęłam many social ideologies on "earning" money. Most outside world even yelling to me that I should help others, "free" or offering of their knowledge and time to helping others and not to accept money for it, because ... Exactly. All arguments are vague and often feel be used by the twisted ideology of the society.
As you have noticed, I write, I help in personal conversations, and ... no-one is eager to fund the money I need to earth ... word of thanks, it helped me very, very nice, but it does not pay the bill. Often I ponder what I shall do so as not to fall into marketing so many pretty average and overrated esoteric, or fairies, and at the same time get rid of the problems with regulating their own accounts.
It may seem odd, as I write ... great master, spiritual coach .... and still helpless in matters of their own finances. Well, yes it is that every living person has a problem.
Recently I read how it shaped his views of humanity on the majority of symbols, including money. It is extremely clear and simple translation member of the Karmic Board, and I am quoting the text below.
I give all the text specifically that anyone who chooses to read it, pointed out, are you sure it is fair not underestimate the power of money for someone who is actively involved in their healing process and This physical body, mental, or emotional. Is not it a coincidence maintain their own "estate" at the expense of the impoverishment of another man ... after going to the doctor pay for the visit and there is no cure yet, you have to pay more for prescription i. .. lottery, will help or how to say subject experts sometimes harm more than the disease (but all of them without blinking an eye they pay).
Let us learn to appreciate someone's commitment to the Highest Good of All Beings and does not force those people most highly susceptible to something you can not do that is to fight for survival. Person which is determined to devote their time and skills for the common good already knows that the problems of earth pass and life goes on ... They are not afraid of death. Loss after the departure of such a person suffer and those who did not want to participate in the arrest of such a being among the living, because there are few among us, beings of such awareness, and always feel the absence of someone who can help us ... usually, at least in our culture when it is already too late ... and for this we do not learn anything. In western culture, people are already different looking and have no problem with paying their needs. In the culture of the east can not imagine a man to solicit the help of the master and not leave him in exchange valuable (according to ability) present.
Only with us in Poland, we tend to be guided by the cunning and even brag about it.
I know that what I write is the proverbial "stick in the anthill" ... This is quite different from everyday practice. So I'll write something else ... my dear, if anyone reading has paid only 10 cents for reading any text, it is in my account I would have, according to statistics readability of well over 10 000 gold, but on this account in my account is beautiful and robust, "0" say zero.
I leave you to consider it, because I know that it is not easy to come into contact with such a "frog", see how to enter without a little pennies in energy exploitation and benefit of all of that energy comes to us personally and ... oh so what goes around samsara. Forgive me that such a topic I asked you on this rainy day, but someone should realize that others, and I do not want to avoid difficult topics.
's promised message.

goddess Pallas Athene
He did Ramathis-I
Translated by Anne Burakowska

February 9, 2004

the first time on this site, with the divine plan of evolution, he says to you, Pallas Athena. I am the Goddess of justice and truth, and one of the members of the Karma. I came to enter with you in the interaction of this sequence now Universal.
Your human, planetary civilization has undergone different evolutionary processes revealing symbols of power that would enable you to raise awareness and discovering the divine presence. Unfortunately you did not always good use of these symbols. With time, they were subject to mutation of gaining new meanings, but always remained connected with the abundance and evolution. These symbols of power were the sole source of fusion power summoning the Almighty, Omnipresent, Omniscient God's image.
In all cultures, the image of divine power became a means to manipulate and exploit other people and the environment. In ancient times, these symbols were not used to stimulate the economy, culture and sciences of civilization, but as a tool for connection to the divine plan of excellence.
Najdawniejszym your fathers, helped create an atmosphere of fraternal cooperation of all members, bringing its contribution to community spirit. They have reached a state of consciousness, which evoked the highest-frequency energy of the universe. Your ancestors never exploited, abused or not these cosmic forces, so as you've done it at different times of your civilization. Currently have achieved the highest level of desecration of the symbols of power and especially the Money.
have brought the importance of prosperity and progress in your civilization, only to the symbols of trade, which caused the whole chaos, exploitation and destruction on the planet. Your idea of \u200b\u200babundance and progress is nothing more than symbols of power projection profaned. Ways to wealth accumulation by some countries and people, at the expense of depleting the other, show how abuse of the importance of the creative power of God. The Earth has limited its resources, and since oddzieliliście from a proper understanding of evolution and Primary Sources of Infinite Power, have created real chaos in the social structure.
Symbols under should be properly used, otherwise the cause reactions in the form harmonizing effect on individuals or communities. Your sick ambitions and great stupidity is the reason for profanity and abuse laws of the universe, who controls life and the evolution of civilizations, planets and galaxies. Earth as a housekeeper, takes care of you so that you can make good use of its resources and terminate your experience of evolution. However, you are so unfeeling and selfish attitude that the abuse of her love and hospitality.
Your current civilization is a replica of the many others that existed before you and have become victims of their own ignorance. Led they self-destruct because they do not use the symbols in the right way. How do you get prosperity, harmony and happiness, if not following the rules of the game. You think you are sincere, manifesting full of ambition and selfishness attitude? You invest all your time in exploiting the riches of nature and to create products that allow you to be happy at the expense of destroying the ecological system.
Doprowadziliście to the emergence of capitalism and its multinational companies of, invading impoverished areas in order to complete the operation and expansion your wealth and economic power, which is not true and that is disappointing. You have become slaves to these symbols, whose greatest power lies in the possibility of damage to you as it happened not once in the past. You can not use symbols of power, in order to exploit nature and to forget about your existence without any subsequent consequences.
Although symbols of power can take different forms and objectives, and in total are nothing more than a manifestation of the one unifying symbol, caring for, and once again pose a disintegrant all, it mean of Creative Power of Love. When the body does not vibrate in accordance with the frequently adopts a variety of manifestations depending on the target. When you are not aware of the proper use of symbols of power results in a series of effects of reaction in an endless sequence of dual experience that you have to harmonize in every incarnation.
Age of Aquarius is a special era. It gives you the opportunity, please stop acting like irrational demons, thirsty hedonistic pleasure and power that it consumes. I am a goddess of justice and truth, and as a member of the Karma, I warn you and beg you to think about it and stop behavior that leads you directly to the pain and destruction. All of you are responsible for the current social conditions and the condition of the planet. Behave like you were the directors and owners of the universe, which, unfortunately, only shows your ignorance, which leads to lose their inner sensitivity and spiritual health.
power does not depend on wealth, which is the product of exploitation of nature or of collecting possessions, which are the materialization of God's creative energy. Power is not exploiting or manipulation of those who do not have sufficient funds to live in dignity. Power is not well przechwalaniu a social status or power bought and calm your inner sense of emptiness by the momentary satisfaction of her material objects, passing the time.
real power in the age of Aquarius, is to understand that everything that exists on the planet and the universe is the property of the Infinite Creator, who lends it to us for our development in evolution. The new symbols are the ones that cause the solidarity and brotherhood among men and an equal distribution natural resources for the spiritual development of all. The various symbols of power, should converge at the point of unconditional service, all of which must be learned, and which will lead you to the agreement, the consent and cooperation.
All are looking for symbols of power that can lead to prosperity in life, but do not know what is hidden in the deepest areas of your inner self. Current symbols that affect you are nothing more than a mechanism to control you by your politicians. You are their slaves and you have to free ourselves, if we really are looking for an internal peace. You have become addicted to their symbols, and their impact on you is very strong, because your goals are similar to those of politicians. However, we shall Uptown We urge you to opt out of these symbols, because it is they are the cause of the destruction of the planet and humanity.
Age of Aquarius is the era of the evolution of an alternative, in which new symbols of power, will help create an atmosphere of equality, brotherhood and unity, when przebudzicie cosmic, spiritual consciousness hidden in you. You will never be happy with what you do not have one. This is one of the symbols and strategies for your leadership and system scheme to control you. Never will you find happiness in that which is not linked to your Higher Self, or Divine, because it vibrates at higher frequencies, more harmonious and fraternal, which must all experience at some point. However, do not achieve this so long as you continue your addiction and attachment to the symbols of power inciting separation, in the cosmic order, since its me and from God. Forgotten the spiritual alchemy, where everything achieves divine color when resonates in synergy and consistency with the creative power of God, which manifests itself through love.
Love is the strongest symbol of power that exists, from which you derive joy, wisdom, harmony and beauty. Love is understanding, compassion, generosity and equality, knowing that everything is perfect and divine emanations of the Creator. Love knows no boundaries, political or economic structures, racial, social, religious and cultural differences. All these differences are an expression of the symbols under which duality is used to keep you strapped plan to experiment in the evolution where the concepts of selfless service, fraternal cooperation, equitable distribution of planetary resources have been completely forgotten.
law will be maintained and I as his goddess will keep its implementation, because the universe needs order, harmony and cohesion as the expression of the almighty Creator of the Absolute Consciousness. The truth about love is that it is the only mechanism to maintain the cosmic order and the evolution of a spring, and I as the goddess of truth and justice, I am responsible for its presence.
Think about it, you do not have to swim through turbulent waters karmiczno - evolutionary rectification. My intention is not to scare you, but warning against the consequences of your irresponsible behavior and complete ignorance. You are adults and it's time you demonstrated your spiritual maturity, of which you've forgotten, as a consequence of rebellious attitude. We love you and we are expressing the reflection of divine light. We urge you to change your behavior, you may be able to recover abundance, harmony and love just by the vibrations produced in accordance with God. The unconditional
service, which functions as a channel for the harmonization of the cosmic order you farewell.
End transmission ...

ESPAVO dear, that is, thank you for having welcomed her power.


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