Thursday, November 25, 2010

Doom Buggy Frame Blue Print

woman, and maybe an octopus or a robot?

From the series: Life

just woke up from a strange dream in which I was ordered to write this article. I decided not to ignore your subconscious ... But where to start? I do not know.
Maybe I'll start from childhood, I watched a woman's life through the eyes of a child. Oh, it was difficult to force my parents' generation. Not many, that memory still had the fear of war, and everyday life is difficult. My mother had three children and ran home ... but how? Washing takes place on such a device, which was called the tare, floors were hand-cleaned with something called the chips ... in my childhood technical progress in the household is just born. I remember how lucky we were in sight when the house had established normal, "Frances."
woman had a hard przechlapane. Household chores in those days, resting only on the woman. The man had only beget children and families to earn a living ... the rest belonged to a woman and it's still called that a woman does not do anything and just sitting at home. I remember how it gave rise to my rebellion.
years passed, the house came a lot of techniques to facilitate domestic work, but changing attitudes about the division of the responsibilities of male and female somehow insisted she did not want to leave. Very reluctantly went to include housework male partners. Only the current, third generation, observe positive changes. Do not change the fact that the woman was considered a man by the head of the Vatican only when I was in high school. I do not remember the exact year, but it was the late 1960s, and even today are hard men doubt as to the humanity of women (thankfully they are already very few leftovers).
Why write about this? Well, the idea is here that political feminists and women scream for equal rights for women and some disparities as to the logic seems to contradict the first. As yet somehow it is not a popular movement theme, that a woman because they function fully in society can not be "equal rights", it is biologically impossible, as yet no man has given birth to a child's board. It is clear that the human population depends on the willingness of women and it should put it in a privileged position, if we want the nation is still alive. This is not a truism ... a real threat, and blame everything is conditioned by historical thinking.
If you want the developed society, there is no other way, but realistically recognize the role of women with respect and treat them ... Flower not only the "stupid Women's Day" (this is my belief) only all the comforts of daily life.
But the woman who wears in a new life, this is a job under very difficult circumstances ... not even for a minute during the day put aside the abdomen to get a little breath - this is impossible. For this entire process ends with a nine-month confinement, where the effort can be compared with the work piętnastotonowego lift. So this woman at least a year spent living in extremely difficult conditions, comparable even with the work of the miner, who pulls into the ground for six hours.
The Polish labor law that does not take into account the efforts of women is treated as irrelevant. Next, conduct a home is real and it's financial value. Do not believe it Hire someone for the job, and you'll see how this work will be charged to your budget. It is also our right to exist.
Yes, to the current decline of family care was given (not woman) so-called baby bonus do not know exactly but probably about 1000 zł ... This will be an encouragement just do not know what, because when a woman will fall under these burdens, her family would get about 7000 zł so-called burial.
do not understand that our policy practiced against women.
I have several friends in the countries of old Europe and was surprised I learned that what I write there is no room. Just that the woman maintains the house and no longer be treated as an employee and this time is counted up to her retirement. I do not say nothing of financial aid to keep it all born child. As we talked about it, both sides suffered cosmic wonder ... They state that in Poland, so women are treated - and I do, that they still complain.
As usual, I set off a difficult topic and it's not popular, because women do not even have the courage to say out loud how they are used in deep ... and political structures are happy just to save finance rolling of the women.
There is something similar to total social amnesia about the social roles of each gender. Women have willingly bear children and care for them are men. In our country, was absurd, that even a child of rape is to be born, or a total compulsion for women and ... an unlimited tolerance for the absence of specific obligations to the national policy to recognize the (financial, real) social role of women.
amazing to me is that the women agree with this state of things, and that whatever their education. Consolation is that some women went on the senses and the population drops Poles .... as we may run out of poles, then it is a perverse policy will disappear. Only if you need us so outlandish solutions? Is not it easier to restore the dignity of real women and recognize their contribution to the existence of nieprzeceniony whole community?
Still, as a nation roars between the extreme views of what women are allowed and what is not in total disregard of the fact that a woman or a man who knows best what it needs to fulfill both the role of employee and mother.
In our society a woman is something like an octopus or a robot, and decide the fate of the male part of society ... even appoint a spokesman for the women, but in the real laws at all times dominated by a strange and stubborn way of thinking.
Mr Nice, cities can deal with bzdurnymi parities, request the establishment of a basket of goods on which the minimum wage would be established ... Currently, this kind of basic minimum wage is determined "from the ceiling bureaucrat" does not believe me? Well, as currently established minimum wage rates are to be even to maintain the flat baskets? This is often overrated to be lower than these costs.
Just use patterns that work effectively in countries, so more towards the west ... not the east. You do not need to create from scratch, just use the patterns already in operation and cities zusowskich palaces, countless memorials or retirement uniformed Polish families buy decent, everyday life, by recognizing the contribution of women. You can be the model of Western friends, work at home, taking the time to give birth to a new taxpayer as a work in difficult conditions ... they may have better ideas ....
discussed in this article the problem is already too long to still disagree with the policies of our elected representatives.
These are my thoughts I wrote down for future generations of women, in our affluent country with a single people lived with dignity and that younger generations are not economically compelled to migrate.
In deep respect


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