Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Make A Green Tea Suppository

time on the quality of the Symbols of Power

Series: Life

Life is a continual dance of traffic and ascending spiral. It is constantly becoming something more. That's more is the increase in quality, not quantity and this shows the world of forms, in which we move.
In the world of forms, as confirmed by the Earth's history, nothing can last forever. What is born, and it must die, because these are two extreme faces of the same, that is Life. This applies to all forms ranging from single man to entire societies and civilizations.
so I wonder why the current civilization is so desperately wants at all costs remain in the same shape for all eternity, and treats every change as an evil and a threat. What is the reason that people are still trying to reduce everything, stop the free flow of energy, all impose a label?
It turns out that this is a compelling and compulsive need to control everything and everyone.
This need has grown for a reduction or loss of imagination, which raised a lot of anxieties and fears - the control gives the deceptive illusion of self-control and the environment.
And so it continues from generation to generation.
For centuries, various institutions were formed by religious and moral ground and still provide "knowledge" that created the image of male god with human emotions, who lives somewhere far away ... on a cloud, and controls the people of God by its janitors order - all sorts of ointments priests. Some were reportedly punished and the other awards in accordance with the imperfect determination of the priests of the monotheistic religions. Until that people are sinful and faulty, and supervisors must have "God" would be unable to represent themselves.
I could be wrong, but just so I can see the current religious catechesis based on the traditions that have created a god in the likeness of human material. Thus they need, you ludkowie, external assistance from the outside of the religion to even enter into the outer realms, which is defined as the ultimate goal of life.
have experienced something else.
In my rzeczywistości istota Lady is niewyrażonym, formless creator, who has not yet divided into two przeciwności - Alpha and Omega, the Father and Mother, Spirit and Matter. He then created the dawn of day / night and settled in the heart of every created being.
So which aspect of our inner being can know that god and his kingdom?
assure that no intellect, no reason, no logic and definitely not the emotions. This is the part of us, which we usually call our Conscious Self. The core of our being is ... as if to say ... extension developers.
material world and the distinction needs to extremes in order to allow the illusion of separateness forms, their independence.
However, beyond this world of matter, there was this great core, I am conscious that he knows that the denial came from the same source, and indeed all one.
external mind, nor any of its aspects will never comprehend this unity - this instrument is to I divide, count, measure. Therefore, to embrace unity, we must individually reach out to the very core of our being and experience pure consciousness.
In everyday life we \u200b\u200bare operating the "I" created on the base form. It is logical for our external mind that we need to express yourself FOR IN identity based on a certain shape.
So we have for this artificial identity created four lower bodies: physical
(biology) - to move
emotional - to the energy flow from the higher beings to the physical body, which animates the
mental body - designed to be able to take the form of ideas and emotions to be translated into action
oils - can read the signs from the spiritual realm, and bring them to a mind that could express itself on earth.
Above these lower bodies, the body is still causal.
Our identity is in the form of the etheric body, because she can no longer go higher, it may not reach the causal body.
Why is that? Well, just for the fact that it is a form of personality, not real, fake and is based on an illusory illusion - the belief that the form is permanent. Added to this is the belief that the shape has authority over our spirit.
Thus, the causal body is our true spiritual (spiritual thirst) identity - there's no reason we shall call her name.
is our duty to ourselves, to renew the connection with the real identity, the I Am Presence. This is a very personal and not count that a priest or guru will go this route for you. Yes, you can receive support, guidance, love ... But we you alone.
Only then once you get there, we can carry on as co-founder and continued manifestation of the ethereal images tulupami called mental or dies on Earth. It is no longer recognizing the constancy of the current images or forms, and the fatal belief that they are more real than our spirit.
Focusing on the four lower bodies and the false identity cut off from the power of our spirit. It takes a belief that we are only human, being weak, that we have many limitations and that we can not change what has already exists materially.
How can we be a co-creator, which brings down God's kingdom on Earth and also to look at stagnant conditions, accepting them as something permanent, real and having power over us? It is not possible as long as our consciousness does not risen above the false identity.
Most of us stands astride the duality. What to do: whether to let go of the matter of spirit ... or may reject the spirit of the thing being immersed in the material pleasures? Such an attitude makes the state and the concomitant lack of acceptance and withdrawal of strenuous attempt to adjust the outside world to the images created in the mind of the material, images based on the illusion of separation, which never really gives us power over the matter.
What may be helpful to understand that we are not locked into a form only in the imagination.
through free imagination when we look beyond our small, the false 'I' based on the material world - we begin to see themselves as being of a raised consciousness, able to make informed choices, because really everything is spirit, and matter is just more compact because it has lower and slower frequencies vibration.
This can be achieved without the use of force, only the freedom of imagination, we can swim with the stream of River of Life, and rejoice in the variability of experience.
But we must be ready to accept these experiences without fear and prepared to move yourself to what life brings to us. And life has consistently brings elements of the new evolutionary stage. It has the man to Authentic Human or divine man ... this is the last step in the evolution of matter.
Regardless of whether a specific guy believes in the intangible force, or not ... without the help of these creatures, of ourselves, we would not advice to make this great transition. This is the reason why we need each day to devote some time to meditate, to remain in silence because only so can be connected to our core, I Am, divinity or whatever you want to call this an authentic inner essence.
one for you, do not do this ... There are no agents ... You can acquire knowledge from someone who is already on in this process, but it only calms the confusion ... the way you move yourself a step by step. You
deny it and do not take this effort, you have free will. But before making a decision, we should consider whether it makes sense to expose the unimaginable trauma resulting from the law of Cause and Effect, since this is the only purpose of these experiments and so, so for millions of years, after re-passing all the stages once again stand before the election exactly like today .

wish to take appropriate decisions i. .. great sense of humor on this completely unknown and the new road to yourself.



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