Thursday, May 5, 2011

Space Shuttle Pine Wood Derby Car

DR RATE-Therapy Foot Smelling Contest

I guess there is a person who lubilaby not care cosmetics stop:) and from time to time herself falling into a search for the holy grail scarf when it comes to this part of not only the body;)
company Flos Lek allocated a set series of rate Dr. about whom I managed to mention earlier CLICK! today came time to conclude:)
is a great opportunity to test the effectiveness of an angle-stop to prepare for the season spring letni.W my case is always a fight against windmills because I love to walk barefoot at my work I have have special shoes that are not the end sprzyja.Co therefore like preparations that work fast and not forcing me to work harder:) Yes, I am sloth in this regard but I try 2 / 3 in the morning to find time for a little pleasure ...
Every preparation has been sealed with a description of the manufacturer, plus my guest-I hope that it will be useful for you:) and can divide the occasion of his own observations as to the care formulations stop? Maybe someone of you already used the series Dr. Foot? or anything else a decent command?

Feel free to discuss:)))

Dr Foot is a series of nursing to stop the company Flos medicines and products that I use is:

; Enzymatic peeling to stop

recommended for prophylactic use for all skin types rates, especially for those whose skin has a tendency to hyperkeratosis of the epidermis, is dry
with symptoms of excessive peeling. Prepares skin for further treatments. It can also be used for skin elbow.
Peeling works in two stages - with enzyme content is loosened intercellular cement - it helps remove dead skin. In addition, particles of polyethylene mechanically remove calluses.
systematically applied clearly softens the skin, removes calluses, reduce roughness. The skin becomes smooth, soft, pleasant to the touch.
Apparatus Research has confirmed the effectiveness of the preparation:
- scaling index declined on average by 33% compared to baseline, and thus there is a slower process of epidermal cornification
- the total area covered korneocytami was reduced on average by 30%
These results indicate that the stratum corneum is properly hydrated and greased, which meant that the process of drying and peeling of the skin has been stopped.

pleasant texture, which are well distributed on the skin did not pouring in hand, contained particles of the mechanical exfoliation are in the same time and doing a good class for me zdzierak.Jak is odorless and people who had contact with him also not sensed any special notes and treats it as a plus:)
excel used not only to stop but also the hands and elbows-skin already after a single use is clearly softened, smoothed and relaxed miekka.Podczas Use a regular long-term effect is visible and can easily reach for it in the larger odstepach.Bardzo efficient small amount is enough for applications, after which we will feel the effect.
4 / 5

Lotion tired feet and legs

Package size: 100 ml
Designed for the care of feet and legs prone to edema. Especially recommended to people których praca ma charakter stojący.Zawiera proteiny jedwabiu o właściwościach wygładzających skórę, ekstrakt z lilii wodnej oraz kompleks trzech ziół (kasztanowiec zwyczajny, cyprys wiecznie zielony, lipa drobnolistna), który skutecznie wzmacnia  naczynka  krwionośne. Balsam zmniejsza obrzęki oraz uczucie „ciężkości” i  bolesności  nóg. Delikatnie chłodzi i przynosi  wyraźną  ulgę zmęczonym stopom. Ma  również doskonałe  właściwości  pielęgnacyjne - dobrze nawilża, gently nourishes and tones the skin. The modern formula lotion can also use it directly on the thin tights

Lotion is semi-solid gel consistency with a slightly menthol smell, actually noticeably cooled just after the application but it is so subtle effect that this is not something specifically negative sensation, which may have relevance for people who do not like menthol.
i can tell it very well fulfill his promises producer's great soothes tired feet and legs, visible swelling may not disappear immediately but they surely are minimized and disappears with regular use of heavy and painful feeling of well-nog.Do moisturizes and after using its no longer need to reach for krem.Nie is sticky, quickly absorbed, leaving a feeling of relief.
What more could you want?;) So far, my favorite was the cream of already retired YR who had a very similar task but unfortunately disappeared from the offer and for me Flos Drug balm's great it will replace.
good relationship capacity / performance / price
4.5 / 5

refreshing deodorant to stop
Package size: 150 ml
In its formulation contains substances with antifungal and antibacterial properties, and therefore is designed for daily care of feet prone to excessive sweating and the formation of cracks, and changes in fungal wyprzeń . Effectively prevents the odor for more than 12 hours. Reduces the excessive sweating of the feet and retention of sweat between my fingers, thus preventing maceration and cracking of the epidermis. Provides pleasant feeling of cooling refreshment and relaxation.
smell not quite fit me but I can survive;) works though certainly not more than 12 hours;) Yes cope well with the reduction of excessive sweating stop but ok.6 / 8 hours, you need to know potworzyc aplikacje.Warto but looking for more;)
I wonder how it will be to deal in the summer so for now leave it unrated.

skin softener, corns, calluses

Package size: 50 ml
fluid designed for dry skin feet, susceptible to exfoliation, susceptible to hyperkeratosis, especially on the heels and midfoot.
recommended for topical use on toes and corns to soften and facilitate removal of thickened skin.
fluid very well distributed and absorbed does not cause an unpleasant feeling of the viscosity of the skin.
regularly used smooths skin, eliminates roughness of the skin. Inhibits hyperkeratosis and cracking skin, especially on the heels .. Reduces the tendency to develop corns and corns. After two weeks of the foot skin becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch.

This is my absolute fluid faworty! middle of a genius in the form of skim oil the divine smell of cinnamon:)))
Works from the first use and regular use for amazing komfort.Moge use it before applying the cream prior to surgery pielegnacyjnymi Be-absolute freedom zastosowania.Nie requires special effort and really great because efficient dziala.Bardzo really need it niewiele.Posiada practical applicator thanks to which it does not spill too much during uzycia.Zostanie with me for long!
5 / 5

Sol cinnamon to stop

Package size: 500 g
Natural, warming salt foot bath built on salt Kłodawa. Contains micronutrients ; including magnesium and calcium, and natural cinnamon oil. Added to the bath water - well water and softens the skin of the feet. Allows for painless and easy removal of keratinized epidermis. Also reduces foot fatigue. Salt contained in cinnamon oil has warming, relaxing, stimulating and antiseptic. Preparation is especially recommended for swimming zziębniętych feet.
Who does not like bath salts? "I do not know this person, because no matter if you want to use it for bathing or are global only to stop it everyone will find something for everyone . Flos Drug Sol cinnamon is so incredibly fragrant, with az salivate;) and for me a lot of fans of Cinnamon flavors potrzeba.Dodatkowo not ever have cold feet so much I like the effect of warming, which we can get it thanks.
Previously I had a ginger-vanilla versions and I was disappointed with the smell-because, unfortunately, although the effects are nice and relaxing beauty proponowalabym work on smell.
Generally 5 / 5 I will not lower the scores for the smell because I know that is a very subjective assessment;)

; Yours!


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