Friday, May 13, 2011

21 Years Old Bedwetting


In the religious sense is a symbol of the deity idol, idol, idol, ideal, etc., that is a model of excellence and the object of worship. The idols of youth culture, play a much greater role than in adult life.

Youthful dreams

Most children already in the first years of school begin to dream and fantasize about specific individuals and to worship them. Frequently they are: the hero of the book, comic or science fiction movie, pop stars or movie actors from the popular television series, although it happens that these are ordinary teachers from the environment child. Highly quoted are also famous athletes.

With the ubiquity of media, mainly television, Internet, video and writings of youth, children and adolescents have at their disposal a wide range of forms, suited to the idols. Idols older children are mostly authentic person, the greatest dream of becoming a personal contact with the idol.

There are several characteristics that are typical manifestation idolomanii:

  • idol's dream of a different nature than the emotional relationship with family members, and therefore causes psychological dependence.
  • Possession particular idol opens the way for specific groups, or even a fan club, which together pay tribute to idol.
  • awake is the need to obtain as much information about his idol. It begins with the collection of items associated with it (pictures, CDs, autographs), or remembering important dates in the life of the hero, his habits, or tastes. All this idol worship elements, as well as attempts to imitate it, and the maximum conformed to it.
  • idol worship rarely persists for years. Often the feeling is due to expire as soon as it appeared and replaced by new items will be worship.

Idols and parents

Anxiety and reluctance of parents towards their children idolomanii often associated with a sense of danger - that they no longer are the models were situated in the heart of a child. Parents should rather see these dreams as a normal phenomenon associated with the maturation of the child.

features typical of the age and sex

girls, as a result of their maturation process, before the boys begin to be excited by the idols of the opposite sex comes easily to them and admitting to it. This does not mean that same-sex idols become less important. Invariably signal: this I want to be, so I would look like.

idol selection is an expression of the awakening interest and preferences of his / her appearance.

Danger idolomanii

There are certain political factions and sects that deliberately try to exploit the tendency of young people and attract idolomanii naive followers, for example by creating false and ideological przerysowanego prestige or wealth. Parents should be especially sensitive, if you fall victim of such manipulation of their children. It is advisable to use a full discernment of the problem before attempting to apply such prohibitions. They may in fact produce the opposite effect to that expected. Through open, honest conversations with young people, their friends and parents, young people can show they have support and understanding of adults. This will prevent the young from becoming a victim of such groups.

What role does meet idols?

a child's parents usually are the only models. But with the start of school, when the focus shifts to the complex world of social contacts, followed by a process of gradual loosening of ties and the critical cracking down on what passed before their parents. This process reaches a peak during puberty. Children and adolescents undergo changes, and therefore evolve models and idols, which are a reference point for them (this does not mean that parents, however, be rejected as a model, but now they are perceived in different ways.

Young people see themselves as immature, underrated and defective. This inner conflict is reinforced by the fact that young people later today niż kiedyś usamodzielniają się i uniezależniają od dorosłych.

Odnalezienie własnej tożsamości

Młody człowiek postrzega swój stan jako dyskomfortowy: trwa bolesny i burzliwy proces poszukiwania własnego ja, obraz świata jest zamazany, wiele wartości postawionych jest na głowie. Porządkowanie i opanowywanie tak silnego chaosu odbywa się poprzez równie silne fascynacje - np. godnymi podziwu osobistościami z życia publicznego. W ten sposób młodzi ludzie poprzez identyfikowanie się z innymi dochodzą do własnej tożsamości.


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