Saturday, January 8, 2011

If I Get My Eyebrows Waxed, Can I Go Tanning

Great Purification, namely the slow end of cannibalism. Almost

Series: Age of Aquarius

cleansing the body relates to both our biology, emotions, thoughts and beliefs.
Here I will deal with our physical bodies today.
Many communities now raise the alarm. On the one hand we have people of emaciated, dying from lack of food: the other, strangely enough the same problem but concerns tan massive obesity.
So in both cases, this involves extreme hunger felt by the body. Unless somehow strawimy that the lack of food, hunger is a consequence, it is difficult to understand hunger fat bar with an excess of food. But it makes sense ... these people still suffer hunger and eat at once more familiar and popular foods, but without the so-called life energy.
not for nothing that the wise men say that they fork knife and dig the grave themselves.
This is, of course, the quality of our food. Taste of our bodies really are unnecessary, it needs certain components, such as trace elements, vitamins, protein, etc. and it is in the form of easily digestible. The richest of these essential ingredients are all fruit, vegetables and grains as well as freshly squeezed from them tudziez juice drink as much raw form of these components. Taste, which gives us the eating of processed foods should be just a little addition to the basic diet.
huge problem really is eating meat, which is clearly harmful. While giving us the calories but are nutritionally empty food.
is not my intention to moralizing and not pay attention to any isms, what I write comes from my own experience and awareness.
Did you know that to "produce" one kilogram of meat need to consume 10 kg of cereal? What a waste!
This callous word "manufacture" refers to culture living beings, which differ from us only the form and the environment in which they live. So, whether we like it or not eating the dead bodies of these creatures, we are still cannibals and will not help there are no convoluted translation.

At the end you want a great quote from the article:

Scripture in Genesis (the first Genesis) to create the world and man clearly says:

(p.28) " I bless by God, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heavens, and over all the animals that move along the ground. "

So: Do \u200b\u200byou find among today's humans who eat the ruler of his subjects for dinner? "The reign of the care and not killing and eating!
(p.29)" Then God said, Behold given you every herb bearing seed throughout the earth and every tree whose fruit has a seed: "be your food."
So what? Do you realize how a few people in the world, "ripe" for this recommendation?
Here's a little parable of a Guru:
"Some of the tribe of islanders are nourished coconuts, oranges, bananas, etc, and there was among them, friendship and love, but as you know, the world is not perfect and the nearby island of cannibals treated them as" pantries fresh meat. "And it took quite a long time, until a wise man told the poor to eat at the beginning of the small, then in increasingly larger doses of plant poisonous. Guess my dear, what happened? Yes .. yes .. body after years of "poor" have become poisonous to cannibals. Cannibals died.
not known if the vaccine? - I started laughing and said - apparently in India living Master, who since the baby only eats oranges. His body is slightly orange and smells wonderfully kolorek - oranges. Little ones come to him to smell it. But you're right that the world of creatures "unarmed" weapons like the greed of people may be .. Fish beautiful coral reefs feed on coral poisonous to humans - so survived.
My dear - my Guru said, suddenly changing his tone on the very serious - do you realize that, after warnings of Humanity - mad cow disease, avian and swine influenza from eating disasters will come next?
And then? The Creator can not fun of themselves and their divine rights. It's time to end "globally" killing our brothers and sisters, and begin to fulfill the Creator's wise recommendation. Well, those who have not fulfilled on time, probably a wise recommendation will share the fate of cannibals. Punish themselves - a virus? It is so sad but instructive, that reared and slaughtered animals are fed on "scientific" genetically modified feed. The same man (scientist) invented for himself the poison - woke up the virus. Maybe some scientists - unknowingly - are followers of the God Shiva - the destroyer of ignorance?
Creator only created the law - Space Law - for which, very often "do not keep up" of positive law by the people. License to kill? The Creator is love and man? After the old ... has not kept pace with the development and is even "global" barbarian ... "
More: # ixzz1AS5CMrcV

I sincerely hope assimilate and understand the enormity of the problem of how I move in this article. I wish you well as changes in their diet to such dokarmiającą our bodies and enjoy a healthy, happy life.

Love and Respect to all.



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