Sunday, January 2, 2011

Airpcap Nx Alternative

EVOLUTION - not to be confused with the concept of Darwinian

Series: Age of Aquarius

Beloved, as the immortal souls went through almost all levels of evolution along with the entire universe. This our new 2011 years is quite a difficult exam, because it starts in an amazing acceleration.
Below I will describe all the stages of evolution, which so far all our galaxy, including the Earth and people moved into the present moment. Oprea is on the knowledge and Mayan Calendar, TUN, which consists of 9 levels, like a pyramid. Base is divided into 13 sections. Each section is 7 periods of light in each level and 6 periods of shade - at every level of creation.

Every day is a period of enlightenment or awareness, and every night is the period of application of that awareness. Remember that awareness is not just we humans. Awareness is what you're reading this article, the air you breathe, a bird or a tree for window. All this is, literally, the whole work of creation.

Thus at the beginning, when there was a Big Bang 16.4 billion years ago, a period of light or shadow lasted for 1.26 billion years, currently (2009), this period lasts 360 days. Yes, yes, this calendar works very precisely and perfectly adapts to your personal calendar, every 52 turns.
What is amazing is that time is always the same and only the acceleration of consciousness.
Such a huge acceleration is characterized by the fifth day brings new ideas and inspirations. The five night runs manifests as in the experiment. Below I describe what data is required that the periods of our life from an evolutionary big bang to the present czasów.Opracowanie was based on a lecture by Ian Xel Jungold. I refer interested parties to its

  • Cell cycle - about 5 billion years ago (5 days) was formed solar system, took the fifth night Applying all the changes, the period of the planets and meteorite bombardment (action - reaction).
  • cycle Mammal - About 820 million. years ago, life emerged from oceans onto the land, it was the fifth day and the fifth night is a life-long extinct, and everything had to evolve from scratch. Here formed the flock (Wake - response).
  • Family Cycle - here we only assume that was in color vision in mammals and probably all went well, because we exist. Here was the individualism of the stock (individual response).
  • cycle Tribal - 2 million years, discovered the fire. Astrolopitek appears, the monkey without a tail. Subhuman homo erectus possessed so aware of the fire. Here, too, received a survival tool - the mind. By contrast, in 5 nights, there was ice age (the mind as a tool for survival.)
  • Cultural Series - 102 thousand years ago, followed by the development of art as an awareness of the future. Epilithic shamanic paintings are not factual. What happens in 5 nights? It is 32,000 years ago as the Neanderthals became extinct, for the simple reason. These one thousand years did not grow, did not evolve, not only had his own art, he was unable to conceive the future - so he had to die out (the cause).
  • National Cycle begins 3 115 years ago. Here you begin to form countries like Egypt. On the fifth day in 40 AD On Earth, Jesus appears to the most important message: you are all sons and daughters of God and nobody has the right to stand between you and him and speak for you. Neither the king, priest or administrator. NOBODY has the right to take place between you and God. The fruit of this awareness is that the fifth night (413) falls to Rome. Thus, when applied information undermined the authority of Jesus, Rome and questioned divinity of the ruler (right).
  • Planetary cycle - starting from 1755 AD, the industrial revolution. The fifth day is about 1913, when he was famous E = mc squared. In 1924 Mr. Hubble discovered that we live in an infinite universe, and it absolutely everything is possible. However, the fifth night brings the 1932 World War II as part of our consciousness. But things are improving ... despite all the atrocities did not become extinct 97% of the population cycle of life as in mammals. Many of us born in this cycle, when it lasted one day 19.7 years, for this reason, there was noted a conflict of generations (force).
  • Galactic cycle - was launched in 1992. Yes, yes we live in a galactic consciousness, where one day lasted for only 360 of our days. Such a breakthrough this time is a website that is online and delight the wonders of technology. The fifth night, is undermining the enthusiasm 05.01.1999 when Y2K Millennium bug shows how the whole evolution of the falls. Have managed to survive. Now we enter the last step (ethics).
  • Universal Consciousness cycle - the last cycle of the Mayan Calendar. Starts February 10, 2011, it's really close. Contribute to the learning we have very little time, because this series is to end 28/10/2011 year, and every day and every night is expected to last only 20 days of our (co).

So we finished wandering through the calendar TUN and soon we will witness the end of the calendar, the imposition of all cycles contained therein. The dates given in this paper may be slightly different, different in the days and months, because it's really a man exact day and hour of his own conditions may not be familiar.

I was thinking that I simply no longer need a calendar when you return to the Source from which everything flowed. Pogdybać We can and maybe the next big eruption will restart a new calendar of consciousness. Who knows?

This knowledge is taken from studies of ancient but still current as of today. Become familiar with these cycles to realize that really was not much time to organize his world i. .. really no one virtually none of this order will not do for you.

Love and Respect to all.


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