Friday, January 21, 2011

Mw2 Translation Russian To English

Series: Age of Aquarius

Mili you, just as the inhabitants of planet Earth are in the midst of organizing "playground" after many epochs of fun in reality free will.
Humanity perfectly played with checking what is free will, and even checked what happens when you reach into lawlessness. However, the evolution of life is being completed away from the cell to man, and in fact we are at the stage of learning what it really is authentic man.
As with any cleaning up, so in this case we have to organize a number of topics, doctrines, beliefs, habits ... and the consequences of their use, and it makes the magnitude of the issues that are created at the beginning of chaos. Virtually the entire
current world in which lived is now challenged. Even in the public media almost every day, information about the various scientific discoveries, which set the current world upside down. To this already publicly said about the Spiritual Being, universal energy, the role of personal beliefs on quality of life and many similar issues.
The question arises: what is it all about? , What is it going?: What do we do this? and many other questions.
I do not know the answers to all questions.
But I know that all orders must start with yourself. At the beginning of the urgent need to find their own beliefs, because they are the ones responsible for how we see the world.
begin with awareness. All experiments of this and all previous forms and live as if this knowledge spreads. But the same old dogma condemning reincarnation and exterminate those who, in our culture, dare to speak about it. Well, we have to choose: either be a valid notice the truth. Personally, I chose the truth, which has a liberating power of the shackles of ignorance. What gave me this? Simply the world has become more logical, and I calmer.
In previous articles I wrote that since the great-grandfather did not clean up after yourself, you do it for him, great-grandson. I received a lot of words about the lack of consent to such injustice. This is not injustice, but an inevitable consequence when one considers the very incarnation and the fact that the land access to previous incarnations is strongly hindered by other natural conditions of life on our planet.
Law of Cause and Effect is inevitable and how narozrabiałeś, it is up to you to rectify the distorted situation. Great-grandfather's soul has already left the body, so to allow the soul to cleanup mess wrought by simply takes on the new body and is born as his own grandson, grandson, or any member of the family bearing the genes of this family. In this article I will describe this process, because probably arise tome. The market is a lot of valuable items that perfectly describe these processes, so interested, I refer to your own research.
only mention of the fact that the continuum of living in an ever-changing forms.
biological body is just a form, like so many others, such as a car. The car also moves only when the head of it and blast off maintained by the selected route. Itself is not started. The similarity to the car body is helpful in understanding the biological body just as long to move, as long as it directs the Spiritual Essence. And when zdezelujemy his body, the essence of spiritual as well as the driver gets out of his vehicle and continue the onward journey to a new vehicle.
I think that this explanation will help to understand that there is justice arising from the Great Rights, and what prevents us from adopting such a view is only ... our raging monster ego and ignorance.
We are now at a time when all truth is revealed the inevitability, no matter what areas of taboo overthrown. There is also space for the translation, something that I believed, because the truth is to himself that knowledge flowing from it displaces faith without coverage. They admit that most is quite uncomfortable to confront the truth.
made public part of my history, to bring understanding of the subject.
My parents survived the ordeal of war and lived in great fear, and very modestly, because they were convinced about the hardships of day to come. So the whole family lived very modestly denying a lot of fun and pleasure. When I grew up, rebelled against his life and decided to organize their lives differently ... I earned and had boldly broad heart for the family. Many years in prosperity maintained his three children and parents who did not cope in old age, his life. I was convinced that my posture is correct and the family experienced many joys of earthly life, and that already ...., will always be.
Many years ago I bury his parents and ended the idyll, and I began to crises. I lost everything and did not see the real reasons at least I have not seen. Many years he struggled with not seeing the way out until .... One day I realized that you need to heal the line of my ancestors. I thought that magic rituals and prayers will be successful .... was wrong.
Just understand that I have to heal itself multigenerational family motivated me to further research. Do not just follow the opposite of the family taught me. You must have all adopted from the family conviction erased from his own interior, so as not to unconsciously create experiences consistent with the beliefs rejected. Is like to proste, a jednak bardzo trudne. Wszystko polega na tym, że przypływają różne doświadczenia i decyduje moja postawa wobec nich: albo jest właśnie uzdrowieniem...albo nie.
Dopiero w tym czasie kończę (mam nadzieję) to porządkowanie. Każde doświadczenie w stanie obserwatora oceniam jak mogę je zrównoważyć, konfrontuję się z nim i dokonuję zmian. Już dawno przestałam psioczyć na niesprawiedliwość, bo zrozumiałam na czym polega ciągłość rodowa i to w świetle reinkarnacji... wiele spraw nie mam możliwości namacalnie sprawdzić, jednak drogą wnioskowania z prawidłowości jakie exist and can be seen by the logic of their own role in these processes.
Having almost completed my journey and the accumulated experience that has worked, I share with you what you already have the wisdom. I realize that for many people what I write may be little understood ... But I hope that there will be some who will gain a little understanding and relief during this difficult time of great and unavoidable orders.

Love and Respect to all

Saturday, January 8, 2011

If I Get My Eyebrows Waxed, Can I Go Tanning

Great Purification, namely the slow end of cannibalism. Almost

Series: Age of Aquarius

cleansing the body relates to both our biology, emotions, thoughts and beliefs.
Here I will deal with our physical bodies today.
Many communities now raise the alarm. On the one hand we have people of emaciated, dying from lack of food: the other, strangely enough the same problem but concerns tan massive obesity.
So in both cases, this involves extreme hunger felt by the body. Unless somehow strawimy that the lack of food, hunger is a consequence, it is difficult to understand hunger fat bar with an excess of food. But it makes sense ... these people still suffer hunger and eat at once more familiar and popular foods, but without the so-called life energy.
not for nothing that the wise men say that they fork knife and dig the grave themselves.
This is, of course, the quality of our food. Taste of our bodies really are unnecessary, it needs certain components, such as trace elements, vitamins, protein, etc. and it is in the form of easily digestible. The richest of these essential ingredients are all fruit, vegetables and grains as well as freshly squeezed from them tudziez juice drink as much raw form of these components. Taste, which gives us the eating of processed foods should be just a little addition to the basic diet.
huge problem really is eating meat, which is clearly harmful. While giving us the calories but are nutritionally empty food.
is not my intention to moralizing and not pay attention to any isms, what I write comes from my own experience and awareness.
Did you know that to "produce" one kilogram of meat need to consume 10 kg of cereal? What a waste!
This callous word "manufacture" refers to culture living beings, which differ from us only the form and the environment in which they live. So, whether we like it or not eating the dead bodies of these creatures, we are still cannibals and will not help there are no convoluted translation.

At the end you want a great quote from the article:

Scripture in Genesis (the first Genesis) to create the world and man clearly says:

(p.28) " I bless by God, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heavens, and over all the animals that move along the ground. "

So: Do \u200b\u200byou find among today's humans who eat the ruler of his subjects for dinner? "The reign of the care and not killing and eating!
(p.29)" Then God said, Behold given you every herb bearing seed throughout the earth and every tree whose fruit has a seed: "be your food."
So what? Do you realize how a few people in the world, "ripe" for this recommendation?
Here's a little parable of a Guru:
"Some of the tribe of islanders are nourished coconuts, oranges, bananas, etc, and there was among them, friendship and love, but as you know, the world is not perfect and the nearby island of cannibals treated them as" pantries fresh meat. "And it took quite a long time, until a wise man told the poor to eat at the beginning of the small, then in increasingly larger doses of plant poisonous. Guess my dear, what happened? Yes .. yes .. body after years of "poor" have become poisonous to cannibals. Cannibals died.
not known if the vaccine? - I started laughing and said - apparently in India living Master, who since the baby only eats oranges. His body is slightly orange and smells wonderfully kolorek - oranges. Little ones come to him to smell it. But you're right that the world of creatures "unarmed" weapons like the greed of people may be .. Fish beautiful coral reefs feed on coral poisonous to humans - so survived.
My dear - my Guru said, suddenly changing his tone on the very serious - do you realize that, after warnings of Humanity - mad cow disease, avian and swine influenza from eating disasters will come next?
And then? The Creator can not fun of themselves and their divine rights. It's time to end "globally" killing our brothers and sisters, and begin to fulfill the Creator's wise recommendation. Well, those who have not fulfilled on time, probably a wise recommendation will share the fate of cannibals. Punish themselves - a virus? It is so sad but instructive, that reared and slaughtered animals are fed on "scientific" genetically modified feed. The same man (scientist) invented for himself the poison - woke up the virus. Maybe some scientists - unknowingly - are followers of the God Shiva - the destroyer of ignorance?
Creator only created the law - Space Law - for which, very often "do not keep up" of positive law by the people. License to kill? The Creator is love and man? After the old ... has not kept pace with the development and is even "global" barbarian ... "
More: # ixzz1AS5CMrcV

I sincerely hope assimilate and understand the enormity of the problem of how I move in this article. I wish you well as changes in their diet to such dokarmiającą our bodies and enjoy a healthy, happy life.

Love and Respect to all.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Wat Does Low-profile Foundation Only Mean?


Series: Life

I'm nearing completion the merger of its light and shade in one. This process was difficult, because it grappled with the layers of unconscious fear.

removing these fears, the body behave unusually and fortunately it turned out that my confidence proved sufficient.
I will not describe in detail this process in different people because it runs contrary. Let me just say that due to our location on the evolutionary scale, each essence, without exception, will sit the exam in person, at the latest at the time of global transformation.
Those who successfully pass this exam will go along with the Earth in a new Golden Age, the others will return to its original point of evolution reached.

In a previous article (Evolution - not to be confused with the concept of Darwin), I described the various stages of the evolutionary scale, to bring understanding of the enormity of the problem.

Let me give you a view of Hermes Trismegistus is included on the website

behold, his valuable comments on our current position:

"Often you ask ourselves why some conflicts that sometimes inharmonious repeated experience, which you can not understand, happen to be in your life. Of course, an archetypal phenomenon dysfunction therapeutic spoken universe and the Divine, to activate your sensibility and spiritual paradigms which are evolutionary support.

way podchodzicie the situation - the shadows, and dysfunctional aspects of your life, it is not appropriate. Still filled with a sense of being a victim, negativity, grief, trauma, and pretensions, Acting clear evidence of your lack of maturity and refusal to accept responsibility for their lives.

Everything in the universe, the dynamics of evolution, is obedient to one's plan: growing into the internal and spiritual connection with the divine plan, and its luminous essence. Each of you is based on ideologies, values, paradigms, and spiritual concepts, which, unfortunately, in most cases are wrong, while others only partially functional and valuable.

to understand the purpose of cosmic evolution, and your spiritual journey, crucial to the realization and recognition by you that, as beings of light, you should behave as such, that is, to manifest the vision, behavior, concepts, values \u200b\u200band spiritual traditions.
However, many of you ignore this fact or did not attach any meaning to it. If your identity is innate spiritual nature (an emanation of the creative power of God), well this is overshadowing such understanding and such a spiritual vision?
answer is a privilege of free will: divine ethics, which allows you to choose and behave the way you want and experience the infinite amount of evolutionary dynamics.

Unfortunately, when free will is not support by the wisdom and spiritual insight, take the risk of creating pathological, dysfunctional dynamics existential, involving a disorder of the whole psycho - emotional, physiological and energy.
your lower body are catalysts of the evolutionary process. Their harmony or disorder will depend on your knowledge, spiritual wisdom and evolutionary paradigms that apply.
Spiritual Reality this understanding and to act as a unit of divine service, conceived to serve and cooperate unconditionally with the universe and the Divine
only depends on you whether you cast insight and power of choice to avoid confusion, frustration and suffering due to lack of integrity and cooperation with decadent and reactionary system of values.
We are at the stage of a spiritual revolution, and it involves being tuned into the new spiritual paradigms in full awareness and conviction that this is what you will tune the integrity and connect you with a new current evolution of the third millennium.
What is the purpose of archetypal dysfunction?
Opening your heart, you can decide if you will continue playing in the egocentric stage using a myriad of decorations and masks, or the opposite - uaktywnicie connection to your essence and Essential Cosmic Creator
sequence evolutionary indulgence of paternalism is over.

Now you have to prove their maturity by putting the courage to face the archetypal dysfunction, which was associated with situations of existential and archaic, reactionary behavior.
has the tools, guidance and evolutionary paradigms of Aquarius, that essence of Space, which are, at last emerged.
It is part of your genetics cosmic - the evolutionary and you can activate it, if you're ready for a full and unconditional immersing themselves in the evolutionary dynamics of metamorphosis. However, this entails the dissolution of dysfunction, which guide and govern your life. They are the catalyst that will activate the essence of your relationship with current evolutionary luminous and Aquarius.

Here are the conditions to align with the new sequence and the vibrational energy:
integrity (the integrity), commitment, acceptance of responsibility and unconditional service

As you can see, we offer you the knowledge, methods and conduct that you could dissolve the shells involutional you feel a nuisance , to know and to be light, harmony and love that are within you, and that divinity by there, so you can recognize your divine, immortal pedigree.

Evolutionary dysfunction help you replace the end of the primitive concept spiritual metamorphosis, existential self-centered generosity and fraternal relations;
reaction was unconscious spiritual sensitivity, aggressiveness and belligerence emotional kindness and compassion: environmental exploitation and manipulation of your fellows reverence for life and tuning to evolution.

You are beings of light, but your atavistic attitude, point of view and dysfunctional tendencies are on you the impact of causing self-destructive dynamics, collective and planetary. This attitude and approach are the result of a lack of sensitivity and spiritual connection with your essence and the Divine shining.

spiritual growth should not aim at any profit, nor contribute to the proliferation of sham feeding ego mania to be your size, power and control. It's dangerous viruses that would eventually destroy your sensitive and spiritual point of view.
advisability of cosmic evolution does not rest only on the well-being personal, interpersonal and environmental but your connection with God through service and unconditional cooperation, because this is just your inner being.
When her deny and choose disconnect from this existential understanding, spiritual paradigms and the current cosmic evolution, the issue is the need to suffer because of the fatal consequences of duality and distorted vision of reality. Choose the fear, frustration, and pain disorders.

Data to you by the universe and the divinity of dysfunctional archetypes provide support and evolutionary technology. Thanks him, if that is your wish, you can explore the spiritual reality behind concealing situations - the shadows. Using his spiritual insight and sensitivity can be equated with the current evolution of the energy and vibration of Aquarius, which increasingly faster and looking at ways to attract your attention. "

Beloved, wholeheartedly encourage you to enter into a new one. It get rid of the unconscious fears, which so impede our daily lives. It is to gather all his courage to look at the matrix in which we live, and pointed out that thousands of people is wrong, so according to our logic purified to hear his wise counsel to heart.

Respect and love to all

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Airpcap Nx Alternative

EVOLUTION - not to be confused with the concept of Darwinian

Series: Age of Aquarius

Beloved, as the immortal souls went through almost all levels of evolution along with the entire universe. This our new 2011 years is quite a difficult exam, because it starts in an amazing acceleration.
Below I will describe all the stages of evolution, which so far all our galaxy, including the Earth and people moved into the present moment. Oprea is on the knowledge and Mayan Calendar, TUN, which consists of 9 levels, like a pyramid. Base is divided into 13 sections. Each section is 7 periods of light in each level and 6 periods of shade - at every level of creation.

Every day is a period of enlightenment or awareness, and every night is the period of application of that awareness. Remember that awareness is not just we humans. Awareness is what you're reading this article, the air you breathe, a bird or a tree for window. All this is, literally, the whole work of creation.

Thus at the beginning, when there was a Big Bang 16.4 billion years ago, a period of light or shadow lasted for 1.26 billion years, currently (2009), this period lasts 360 days. Yes, yes, this calendar works very precisely and perfectly adapts to your personal calendar, every 52 turns.
What is amazing is that time is always the same and only the acceleration of consciousness.
Such a huge acceleration is characterized by the fifth day brings new ideas and inspirations. The five night runs manifests as in the experiment. Below I describe what data is required that the periods of our life from an evolutionary big bang to the present czasów.Opracowanie was based on a lecture by Ian Xel Jungold. I refer interested parties to its

  • Cell cycle - about 5 billion years ago (5 days) was formed solar system, took the fifth night Applying all the changes, the period of the planets and meteorite bombardment (action - reaction).
  • cycle Mammal - About 820 million. years ago, life emerged from oceans onto the land, it was the fifth day and the fifth night is a life-long extinct, and everything had to evolve from scratch. Here formed the flock (Wake - response).
  • Family Cycle - here we only assume that was in color vision in mammals and probably all went well, because we exist. Here was the individualism of the stock (individual response).
  • cycle Tribal - 2 million years, discovered the fire. Astrolopitek appears, the monkey without a tail. Subhuman homo erectus possessed so aware of the fire. Here, too, received a survival tool - the mind. By contrast, in 5 nights, there was ice age (the mind as a tool for survival.)
  • Cultural Series - 102 thousand years ago, followed by the development of art as an awareness of the future. Epilithic shamanic paintings are not factual. What happens in 5 nights? It is 32,000 years ago as the Neanderthals became extinct, for the simple reason. These one thousand years did not grow, did not evolve, not only had his own art, he was unable to conceive the future - so he had to die out (the cause).
  • National Cycle begins 3 115 years ago. Here you begin to form countries like Egypt. On the fifth day in 40 AD On Earth, Jesus appears to the most important message: you are all sons and daughters of God and nobody has the right to stand between you and him and speak for you. Neither the king, priest or administrator. NOBODY has the right to take place between you and God. The fruit of this awareness is that the fifth night (413) falls to Rome. Thus, when applied information undermined the authority of Jesus, Rome and questioned divinity of the ruler (right).
  • Planetary cycle - starting from 1755 AD, the industrial revolution. The fifth day is about 1913, when he was famous E = mc squared. In 1924 Mr. Hubble discovered that we live in an infinite universe, and it absolutely everything is possible. However, the fifth night brings the 1932 World War II as part of our consciousness. But things are improving ... despite all the atrocities did not become extinct 97% of the population cycle of life as in mammals. Many of us born in this cycle, when it lasted one day 19.7 years, for this reason, there was noted a conflict of generations (force).
  • Galactic cycle - was launched in 1992. Yes, yes we live in a galactic consciousness, where one day lasted for only 360 of our days. Such a breakthrough this time is a website that is online and delight the wonders of technology. The fifth night, is undermining the enthusiasm 05.01.1999 when Y2K Millennium bug shows how the whole evolution of the falls. Have managed to survive. Now we enter the last step (ethics).
  • Universal Consciousness cycle - the last cycle of the Mayan Calendar. Starts February 10, 2011, it's really close. Contribute to the learning we have very little time, because this series is to end 28/10/2011 year, and every day and every night is expected to last only 20 days of our (co).

So we finished wandering through the calendar TUN and soon we will witness the end of the calendar, the imposition of all cycles contained therein. The dates given in this paper may be slightly different, different in the days and months, because it's really a man exact day and hour of his own conditions may not be familiar.

I was thinking that I simply no longer need a calendar when you return to the Source from which everything flowed. Pogdybać We can and maybe the next big eruption will restart a new calendar of consciousness. Who knows?

This knowledge is taken from studies of ancient but still current as of today. Become familiar with these cycles to realize that really was not much time to organize his world i. .. really no one virtually none of this order will not do for you.

Love and Respect to all.