Thursday, December 23, 2010

Walkie Talkie Sayings, Do You Copy

Destroy your ego?

Series: body, mind, spirit

finally came to me to understand the duality of the Ego.
begin with, the human form with which we have in place odczynienia do not really have to be a man (I have written about this in "But I had a dream"). Strangely it sounds so let's see what is in fact a man.
Well, man is very subtle, conscious of a spiritual being ... is immaterial. This is the inner part and which is complicated in our the interior is not visible to the physical eyes. That a human can experience in this very dense reality, it has been programmed for an incredible suit (the biological body), which is replaced by the love of earthly parents love, combined with the Space Parents. Equipped with such a suit, a person can move around our planet.

Thus the body is a complex biological mechanism, "a vehicle for a real man." This vehicle is our biological incredibly precise mechanism equipped with a number of systems capable of self renewal and the experience of perception. These systems are many, are the systems: digestive, respiratory system, nervous system, .... and much more. For all of these systems could work together precisely the mechanism is additionally equipped with software operating similarly to our computers. This is a program, generally speaking, spanning our thoughts with the beliefs and emotions, which causes a specific reaction of a record of these events is in the subconscious, acting as a hard disk.
This program is synchronizing all the systems whole mechanism was named EGO. And so cool machine is like a perpetual motion machine, self-managing all functions of the biology and I must admit that doing it well.
And it would be wonderful if a man actually benefited from this gift. However, the person using the Free Will and knowledge of the metaphorical "tree of good and evil" has decided to increase the efficiency of this mechanism Ego. Well, he did something to the day today is a big problem for both single individuals and whole communities of the Earth. That something was the dedication of his own power and consciousness to this system called EGO. This made the man left Eden, landed on planet Earth and began to grow and today continues to fatten monster called Ego, which mercilessly destroys its owner.

call this artificial creature monster, not without reason. Let us imagine any mechanism, for example, a refrigerator. Was made by the food kept its freshness. However, after putting the refrigerator of his Power and Consciousness sprawiliśmy that man when you open the refrigerator as he was captured and frozen product. The entire mechanism was immobilized biological and man became useless, so The essence leaves the body ... a refrigerator that is ready for your next incarnation, re-capture of this man.
That's exactly what this "improved" Ego.

way out of this vicious circle it is essential to withdraw its own power and awareness, and thus return to its original state. Received power and feeds back our awareness of the right hemisphere of allowing re-connect with the whole of creation. This allows you to set aside the curtains surrounding the truth, and leaving the area of \u200b\u200bspiritual laziness
We must break through the fears and terrors which keeps the ego monster in the destruction of man and act consciously. This is not an easy process, because the vast majority of the population is impoverished in its consciousness identified with the artificial creation. Replaced the natural state of being "I am who I am" man on the Ego race: faster, more, better and have even at the expense of others. This is in accordance with the ego social programs.

admit that she herself had a big problem with distinguishing between what is the ego. Natural ego as a whole synchronization program biology is desperately needed so I can experience life on earth. However, "improved" Ego is a monster, which we have to get rid of as soon as possible by taking away his whole Force and Consciousness.
There are many methods and techniques to help move this process, but the first and most important step is to decide.
I have to reckon with the fact that, as a true man we have to take responsibility for their decisions and their own lives. remember that we live in full health, wealth and happiness ... monster ego is doing everything to prevent to the joyous freedom ... What will cause us fear? Therefore holds millions of little men in a false state of suffering, poverty and lack of respect for oneself and for others ... energies in such a monster is growing, and the man ... loses his own life.

We must remember that the decision to return power to the monster can and indeed must be changed and it is possible for every living being today.

approaching Christmas so old Polish custom, I wish all readers a lot of courage in battle with its own monster and to regain its natural state of being in an unlimited love, joy, happiness and sustainable Health.

Espavo loved.


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