Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wholesale Dutch Master In Philadelphia

From the series: Life

Questions often ask ourselves how it is with this life. Do we live just now ... at this time? And what is next? Is there such a thing? Questions are abound, and answers somehow fragile.
his understanding began to get acquainted with reincarnation, ancient truth was removed, as growth in the power of the church, from our Western culture.

Suppose I'm a fan of the theater and often go to shows. There is a huge amount of written plays and scenarios, and even more for that many theaters and more actors. With such a spectrum of choice would be strange if I had attended only one theater in the same unit, with the same composition of the actors. You can still choose, but after a while turns out to be boring and not much for making my life.

This example is much closer to what I want to convey in this article.
current incarnation can be likened to a specific theater, issuing the set piece and are also alternate versions of this art, as if to say, played out in other theaters or in parallel worlds.
We can experience Only one version, we can not preview how it goes in the other versions. However, there is a possibility that we make a new choice and move to the other version. This is a game, like jumping from one line to another life.

Well, raises another question? Who organizes it all?
We've all heard that the soul is immortal. It comes with the higher frequencies of light, where everything exists at once in the eternal here and now. In this world everything is possible in a blink of an eye, but has no sensory perception, so everything is as it were theoretical. Without their experience how it feels to feel those subtle energies, the soul feels a certain hunger.
Experience can only senses energy in the material world, and every soul seeks to put into effect.
Everything starts by creating a scenario which the art of living soul wants to experience.
When, after many consultations and numerous scenario is agreed upon and approved, the soul joins the details. It contains sacred contracts with other forces (archetypes), and other souls. So I set out: who will be parents, siblings who, fellowship, spouse, children, etc ... which take virtually all Having regard to the roles cast who will be helped and who is disturbed. So they are already taken into account all the circumstances of future life.
soul that wants to take the next incarnation also takes into account the experience of the previous incarnation so as to balance the energies of previously disturbed.
The luminous harmonics is not rated.
There is a model of an ideal balance of energy, which tend to all energies. It is beyond our human understanding. We, in the matter, we are steeped in the evaluation. Most labeled "bad" judge what is experience pain or fear. This is very subjective and quite far from the truth.
Here on Earth we are in the game of life, whose aim is to balance the energy we experience.
But we forgot about what kind of game, and why we play in it.
is in a sense, the intended effect. Indeed, when we have the entire design of our future life on Earth, we agree on "the formation of the eyes" as in ciuciubabce. Total memory is only in the subconscious and there we are afraid to look.
clothed body accept the mantle of oblivion from the selected parents. Then, in the educational process we accept the package diagrams and belief in accordance with our plan ... This is our destiny, in which changes can not yet enter. This is the base of our game.
As we grow and adult, and so we become more independent, is introduced to the game a lot, for which we have influence. According to the free will to respond to circumstances that periodically come back to us.
to approximately 20 - 30 years of age learn how to control his fate. These Earth years I have mentioned, are like a turning point. At around the age of the universe man crosses the energy umbilical cord with his family and from then on it is we ourselves decide whether we are building their own lives, or how to perform a puppet waiting family.

knew this well, and the ancient scholars have taught the people in his time. However, this knowledge is slowly disappearing and in its place at once more became a fashionable pursuit for material desires ... and so continues today.
For hundreds of generations of knowledge of archetypes and metaphorical language was almost lost. In place of that knowledge was founded on one side of the dogmas of religion, on the other so-called. science with new paradigms, from time to time being amended or thrown.
It did not help in understanding his position effect between the rigid doctrines of the churches and the ever-changing paradigms of science. Lost motali people in ignorance:
from whence they came? what they are doing here? where they are going?
past centuries, people went great pain and determined mass started to look for another way out to live in joy.
They were the first brave, who had reached the ancient knowledge, they joined their current experience i. .. that determined the future path of science. Roughly 30 years this process vertiginously expanding, and those who are looking for starting mass of ignorance than a barrier, both religious and scientific.
I hope that the next future generations can live in what once was closer to the natural truths, which will undoubtedly enhance the quality and comfort of their living.

In this article I just outline what I understood from my own study of life. I am aware of this, it is insufficient.
But please, you treated these tips as a kind of map. If you want to go in your own journey This map can be helpful.
But when you do not want to travel, then no map will not help you get to know these areas you are observing on the map.
I wish you a joyful and safe journey to discover a new equilibrium.

The love of my heart to Thy.


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