Friday, October 29, 2010

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Series: Life

This is our past, in the last generation, brought to perfection. This is typical of the era of Kali Yuga ... But this era has ended its reign in us, this is not the habit. It's high time to stop and carefully assess the luggage in which we are now.
To accurately assess the external world must connect scientific instruments (rational) with instruments emotional (irrational). So we provide a correct assessment of events.
In this matter we have, however, many contradictory beliefs, for example, let's spiritual development. This is the name (label), which describes the experience of reality at the stage of material, experimenting with events and being derived from their application. In so conceived the development of things is love - not as an end in itself but as an instrument we use. Like the anger and bitterness. It's a kind of litmus test.
Beings who got rid of these "tools" to grow more slowly because they can not properly understand all the information flowing from the experience.
So only by combining of scientific instruments as being emotional, we can also grow "spiritually."
should be remembered that the creation can not be extended so as soon as possible to reconnect ... but to experience everything possible in all possible ways. Yes, yes ... we humans are just hurry up and share things and phenomena in the "good" and "bad."
cognitive process should not be shortened or artificially to accelerate, because then we know the full range of experiences we can get.
All these positive emotions, and those negative to recognize, and learn how to use them. It's not an ax and cut the bread with a knife, so that hatred can not be ruled out hate only love and peace in the middle of the night darkness rozświetlimy not only light.
In my understanding of "spiritual development" great art and you can say goal is to learn how to control such a constructive and destructive emotions control them. This is not about suppression of "bad" emotions. It's about the ability to discharge negative emotions and transform them into something positive.
often reluctant to beings, we do not like, motivates us to be active, with the same experience and development.
Emotions should be kept in check so that we are not destroyed, while not getting rid of them because then it would become callous like zombies. Thus, the ability to correct the handling of emotions at this stage of human development is perhaps the most important. We live with them in harmony and skillfully use! not assess the same emotions, only we use them.
Only at the end of life cycles are the physical and emotional material half gone from human beings and the memory of these emotions and learn from them coming out will make the right decisions in life intangible. Demonstrating
emotions is very important because it allows the discharge internal tensions and, besides, the same laughter strengthens the immune system. Seriousness should be preserved when the situation demands, but every day the laughter and joy are very valuable.
worth harness emotions to valuable activities. For example, aggression can be used for sport.
This is undoubtedly a beautiful opportunity, however, only a few use this and enjoy success. The vast majority of the closed assessment in hiding "under the rug" what it considers to be. So maintain themselves and experience the city life by creating your own acid pervasive fear of civilization.

The Mayan calendar shows that our world ended in 1987 ... and a new start up 21/12/2012 ... (?) So we are in time between the worlds is the time for adaptation (but for what (?)) Changes that follow are like a chain reaction ... being closer to the end of this period, the more we see changes in the earth .... See
that time is already being felt faster than in the 80s Apparently
resonance ground over the past twenty years has changed from 7.83 Hertz to 12 Hz as a result of our 24 hours felt like 16 hours ... but in the years before 1980 (!!!) so our scientists calculate.
probably closer to 2012, the sooner we will feel the passage of time will change and more around, in the outside world as well. Sam can feel it when the time comes. Time adaptation of humanity involves in particular the selection of spiritually mature people. This is just to be able to fit into the new world. Helpful, indeed reliable this will be the mother nature and know that religions fall, lies, manipulation ... so will the power of money ... (...) And any other authority of the civilization of fear that reigned supreme as the centuries and generations.
I have found that dominant in this new world will be able to cooperate and create quality on the basis of their divinity, whose attributes are beauty, harmony, love and Synergy. where all beings are brothers and the siosrami.
To reach this new have much to do with myself. The basis in this work is taking responsibility for their own lives, learning how to use their own emotions in the name of the common good and brave look into the eyes of his own fear. If you say that this is impossible, and you continue to insist on the excuses of his ego, it will lose the opportunity which now stands before every inhabitant of the earth ... and the whole responsibility is yours. Because it's only you can decide what you are experiencing at the time of the disposal in this lifetime.
All we have available 24 ha day, and only you can decide what is important to you and what to use up this time ... You to disagree with that, it's your right. But in the end you will see that there is no other guilty beyond you, for having not gotten to the finish.
invite all comers, courageous and determined for this great journey into a new Golden Age, where we experience a new civilization of love ... and krzywcie the word, because hardly anyone knows what it brings with it a value. And the rest ... sometime in the future will have its chance again.

In deep respect to your Inner Being.



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