Friday, October 29, 2010

Where To Buy Wax To Remove Hair In Nairobi


Series: Life

This is our past, in the last generation, brought to perfection. This is typical of the era of Kali Yuga ... But this era has ended its reign in us, this is not the habit. It's high time to stop and carefully assess the luggage in which we are now.
To accurately assess the external world must connect scientific instruments (rational) with instruments emotional (irrational). So we provide a correct assessment of events.
In this matter we have, however, many contradictory beliefs, for example, let's spiritual development. This is the name (label), which describes the experience of reality at the stage of material, experimenting with events and being derived from their application. In so conceived the development of things is love - not as an end in itself but as an instrument we use. Like the anger and bitterness. It's a kind of litmus test.
Beings who got rid of these "tools" to grow more slowly because they can not properly understand all the information flowing from the experience.
So only by combining of scientific instruments as being emotional, we can also grow "spiritually."
should be remembered that the creation can not be extended so as soon as possible to reconnect ... but to experience everything possible in all possible ways. Yes, yes ... we humans are just hurry up and share things and phenomena in the "good" and "bad."
cognitive process should not be shortened or artificially to accelerate, because then we know the full range of experiences we can get.
All these positive emotions, and those negative to recognize, and learn how to use them. It's not an ax and cut the bread with a knife, so that hatred can not be ruled out hate only love and peace in the middle of the night darkness rozświetlimy not only light.
In my understanding of "spiritual development" great art and you can say goal is to learn how to control such a constructive and destructive emotions control them. This is not about suppression of "bad" emotions. It's about the ability to discharge negative emotions and transform them into something positive.
often reluctant to beings, we do not like, motivates us to be active, with the same experience and development.
Emotions should be kept in check so that we are not destroyed, while not getting rid of them because then it would become callous like zombies. Thus, the ability to correct the handling of emotions at this stage of human development is perhaps the most important. We live with them in harmony and skillfully use! not assess the same emotions, only we use them.
Only at the end of life cycles are the physical and emotional material half gone from human beings and the memory of these emotions and learn from them coming out will make the right decisions in life intangible. Demonstrating
emotions is very important because it allows the discharge internal tensions and, besides, the same laughter strengthens the immune system. Seriousness should be preserved when the situation demands, but every day the laughter and joy are very valuable.
worth harness emotions to valuable activities. For example, aggression can be used for sport.
This is undoubtedly a beautiful opportunity, however, only a few use this and enjoy success. The vast majority of the closed assessment in hiding "under the rug" what it considers to be. So maintain themselves and experience the city life by creating your own acid pervasive fear of civilization.

The Mayan calendar shows that our world ended in 1987 ... and a new start up 21/12/2012 ... (?) So we are in time between the worlds is the time for adaptation (but for what (?)) Changes that follow are like a chain reaction ... being closer to the end of this period, the more we see changes in the earth .... See
that time is already being felt faster than in the 80s Apparently
resonance ground over the past twenty years has changed from 7.83 Hertz to 12 Hz as a result of our 24 hours felt like 16 hours ... but in the years before 1980 (!!!) so our scientists calculate.
probably closer to 2012, the sooner we will feel the passage of time will change and more around, in the outside world as well. Sam can feel it when the time comes. Time adaptation of humanity involves in particular the selection of spiritually mature people. This is just to be able to fit into the new world. Helpful, indeed reliable this will be the mother nature and know that religions fall, lies, manipulation ... so will the power of money ... (...) And any other authority of the civilization of fear that reigned supreme as the centuries and generations.
I have found that dominant in this new world will be able to cooperate and create quality on the basis of their divinity, whose attributes are beauty, harmony, love and Synergy. where all beings are brothers and the siosrami.
To reach this new have much to do with myself. The basis in this work is taking responsibility for their own lives, learning how to use their own emotions in the name of the common good and brave look into the eyes of his own fear. If you say that this is impossible, and you continue to insist on the excuses of his ego, it will lose the opportunity which now stands before every inhabitant of the earth ... and the whole responsibility is yours. Because it's only you can decide what you are experiencing at the time of the disposal in this lifetime.
All we have available 24 ha day, and only you can decide what is important to you and what to use up this time ... You to disagree with that, it's your right. But in the end you will see that there is no other guilty beyond you, for having not gotten to the finish.
invite all comers, courageous and determined for this great journey into a new Golden Age, where we experience a new civilization of love ... and krzywcie the word, because hardly anyone knows what it brings with it a value. And the rest ... sometime in the future will have its chance again.

In deep respect to your Inner Being.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How Much Is Lighter Life With The Special Offer

Where did we come? What are we doing here?

Series: Age of Aquarius

looking for the answer to this question, I found the Urantia Book. I read there, as it resulted in different worlds and how life began on Earth. Everything went according to plan until the evolution of the rebellion. Fruit of the rebellion, there are still on the planet. I will not describe the whole story, interested in this item refer to the drafting and written by Melchizedek.
In any event, the Earth was something along the lines established by the school resocjalizującej rebellious beings, steeped in the shoe, ignorance and inflated with pride. It concerns all of us ... there is no better or worse and there is no justification under the circumstances.
Earth, being generous and steadfast, always makes its teaching classes in order to raise the vibration of her students. Some derive from the teachings of great benefit, others still remain in their thinking that the target hit the Earth is quite different, and is used primarily to satisfy their own needs.
Earth observing these groups of people who want to have control over it, remains independent. It is a structure that is under the control of cosmic evolution, and not serving the object of exploitation and domination of beings who are at the stage of spiritual redemption himself.
There were so many creatures that have scrolled through teaching the class, considering themselves the owners, directors and stars of the cosmic evolutionary drama. What happened to them and their civilizations? All are gone, and we as a civilization now or we face a choice which way to peel and in which direction to turn.
not come to Earth to build huge buildings and feed our selfish and destructive ambitions, but to cooperate with the cosmic scheme of evolution. Our goal is not subordination, manipulation and exploitation of other kingdoms, creatures and people, but peaceful co-existence, living in harmony and create more and more harmony, love and perfection. Do we come here to meet the needs of our mental ego, stir up mutual resentment, lack of harmony, and any conflicts with co-existing beings, but to participate in the spiritual development of mankind.
We should, individually and together, to cancel the sale of beings who only wish to meet own needs at the expense of the suffering of others.
Our vibration should be so high that it can outshine the ego, and we were able to activate the Being of Light within you. She is a source of infinite joy, vibrates at a frequency of love and selfless service.
Everything that happens on Earth is the result of the fall of those who are immersed in the waves of the mental ego just want to dominate, manipulate and exploit others. Spiritual generosity is an inherent attribute of our divine nature. But when we forget about his connection with the Creator, the generosity that transforms in selfishness. Internal
gods (our personal spark of God consciousness) back when przejawimy qualities of generosity, honesty, sincerity, generosity, tolerance, understanding, compassion, wisdom, humility and selfless service.
Then I activate the cosmic, spiritual awareness, which is an integral part of all creatures are subject to evolution.
's stop work as guided by instinct, just being us join together and cosmic evolution codes, and you will be gifted on participating We respect and we will become what it essentially are: the cosmic gods in the divine service, who defeated the realm of evolutionary experiments by elevation of the luminous and creative spheres of love, creating around him a light, harmony and understanding. Only then will we discover our origin and purity will understand that God and the universe are the essence of our inner being.
So each of us in this life of their own choice and still has the potential to take up his heritage. This state of the output for my ego was dull and even today egunio trying to deceive me. Fortunately, my awareness has expanded, and this is probably the first step. Now I'm trying to be in service as evidenced by all these articles that give others like road signs in the hope that it will find your truth, overcome the doubting mind and soar above the sick ego.
drop hollows out rock, and readers can at least understand that no one will live life for them and the responsibility for their choices down on them.

And so here it is folks.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Relesead From Customs

start a new game

From the series: Age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius-one of the twelve astrological ages. This is the era preceding the era of Capricorn and the subsequent Age of Pisces. According to astrologers it is the current epoch or the next, which is to come. Era are linked to the spiritual development of mankind. Have cyclical and recur roughly every 2,150 years.
So much can be read in Wikipedia.
What exactly does this mean for us living today?
Maybe I'll start with the oldest history. Since the dawn of human life is very important was astronomy, in which each planet and the whole Zodiac has assigned specific energy, which people had used in his game called life. Such language was submitted to us the oldest truth, but only at the present time came to scientists who have failed to understand, in some part, this language of metaphors.
just in astrology finished his game in the Age of Pisces. I recall what this era is characterized.

The fish corresponding to the time of day is the daybreak, dusk or at dawn, it is a time when the old was over, and the new has not yet started, lap time, when things lose their outlines, some die, disappear, others barely formed.
Field sites corresponding to the character of Fish is the one where the elements are mixed, where it is easy to get lost, where things lose their form and color, which is primarily wetlands. Next: at the seaside strip of land flooded by the tide, estuaries, wetlands, inaccessible valleys, places foggy, overcast clouds, humid forests of spongy shell.
people in the world of the main virtues are rybimi ability to make sacrifices, to giving himself another man (or for the idea); compassion.
As humanity we experienced at the end of this era also lost, a life of extreme dogmas, and egotistical attitudes towards each other and to our planet.

Now there have been changes in the Earth's energy in our solar system and galaxy. These changes necessitate the need to adapt to man in other words, give up old ideas and paradigms, which guided us through many generations. I must admit that this is a rather painful process for human unbridled ego. Let's see what traits is to characterize the new era of Aquarius.

Aquarius in the zodiac is the element of Air, which means that the astrological interpretations of this symbol is associated with intellect, knowledge and understanding. Aquarius is in fact liberated mind, that is not bound to respect the traditions, customs and usability.
Aquarians as citizens of the element of Air is smart, rozgarnięte, alert - that is simply clever. This is a special intelligence. When you look at something and examine immediately see something that others have not noticed, in other words, have the gift of the original vision. Resemble This little Mary, who see at once all the bugs and the Scorpions, which reliably see what someone else wanted to hide. So Virgin are suitable for controllers to Scorpios and Aquarians detectives on discovery.
Aquarians can also focus and think logically where others stupid: because of the noise, storm, rush, the crowd, someone's talking - such obstacles Aquarians with all the characters are the most resistant and thus often make careers. Aquarians finally attracts everything new, undiscovered, distant, exotic, unique, accessible to few.

As is apparent from this characteristic, in order to adapt to current conditions of energy of our planet and the cosmos, we have to emancipate itself from the anxiety and fear, to cancel the secrecy of the truth and refrain from evaluation. To this urgent task is a combination of heart and reason in order to obtain access to your own intuition, which is characterized by a higher intelligence.
In this new age we enter all, collectively, and only know the new game. It clearly follows from this that no one knows anything better, and there is no one truth, guru or authority. So what's left? Well
sharing their own discovery applications that come to us through personal experiences.
This article is the first of a series: Age of Aquarius. In this series, I want to share with you my experience of the new game of life. I also want to ask readers to the comments shared their experience. In this way, we have a chance to become men of the era of Aquarius, and together they explore the new possibilities that are offered to us by the Supreme Being, supported by the entire hierarchy of Beings of Light is always ready to serve with us.

I wish us all a lot of fun to explore new opportunities.

From my heart to your

Monday, October 18, 2010

How Much Blood Is In The Human Body


Series: Life

Currently the entire Earth, and literally everything is subject to evolution. As people move too much energy processes adjust to the possibility of us staying on this beautiful blue planet.
All my articles are meant something closer to what can be achieved through appropriate choices. But I must tell readers and honesty about some feelings that are transient and may be some discomfort. As usual, everyone must feel the same way i do the same. Below I wrote down the symptoms of awakening to life in the spirit ... I was experiencing just such and while I hope that those who follow after me, they will have it easier to persevere in these necessary changes.

Symptoms spiritual awakening. There are twelve.

1.Bóle body, mainly the neck, shoulders and back. Result of changes in DNA. Going to a higher level of consciousness. We have to go.
2.Uczucie of great sadness for no reason, similar to the feeling that always accompanies a man when moving from the old to the new house. Sorry for leaving the old place, even when we know that the new one is beautiful.
third Crying for no reason. Old energies leaving the body.
4.Nagle change jobs, your personal career. Skip, looking for different classes without satisfaction.
5.Często roar family relationships. We want to be free from earthly karma.
looking for new friends, new relationships.
6.Problemy sleeping. Night waking among 2-nd and 4 th week.
Horror Night, a feeling of fear.
7.Bardzo intense dreams. Energy is released from many past lives. We have to go, Clean.
8.Fizyczna confusion. A feeling of detachment from the earth. Feeling of walking between two worlds. This is a result of being with the energies of the two, old and new have already flowing. You need to spend more time outdoors.
9.Mówisz to himself. Are conducting long conversations with himself. Your mental health is okay. The normal process of getting rid of excessive emotion. A wave of new energy enters the body.
10.Poczucie loneliness, even in the company. A feeling of detachment from other people. The desire to escape from large groups and crowds. Select a single path. But loneliness creates a feeling of anxiety. This feeling is also due to the fact that your guardian spirit leaves you. For him, it's time to return to the Divine Source. As your body starts to penetrate the energy of Christ.
11.Utrata interests. Everything brings disappointment. Do you want to do everything and anything. That's part of the process. Spend more time "doing nothing". Do not fight with each other. Your body needs time. This such as reprogramming a computer. After rehabilitation there in you new energy.
12.Głębokie feeling to return to the House. This feeling is the most severe experience with all the others. Often accompanied by a desire for suicide, anger and frustration. Your old life is coming to an end. Your contract expires with the Earth. You end your cycle. Your energies are changing. You get a call to work with new energies.

At this point you need is your earthly guide to help get through these 12 thresholds in your new awareness. When you complete this process successfully, you also lead the others who are just beginning this process. Your dark period, and your journey comes to an end. Remember you're never alone (alone). You're already at a higher degree of self-awareness. You've become a galactic being, filled with the Christ energy.

I'm ready to help those who request it, and you?

From my heart to your

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wholesale Dutch Master In Philadelphia

From the series: Life

Questions often ask ourselves how it is with this life. Do we live just now ... at this time? And what is next? Is there such a thing? Questions are abound, and answers somehow fragile.
his understanding began to get acquainted with reincarnation, ancient truth was removed, as growth in the power of the church, from our Western culture.

Suppose I'm a fan of the theater and often go to shows. There is a huge amount of written plays and scenarios, and even more for that many theaters and more actors. With such a spectrum of choice would be strange if I had attended only one theater in the same unit, with the same composition of the actors. You can still choose, but after a while turns out to be boring and not much for making my life.

This example is much closer to what I want to convey in this article.
current incarnation can be likened to a specific theater, issuing the set piece and are also alternate versions of this art, as if to say, played out in other theaters or in parallel worlds.
We can experience Only one version, we can not preview how it goes in the other versions. However, there is a possibility that we make a new choice and move to the other version. This is a game, like jumping from one line to another life.

Well, raises another question? Who organizes it all?
We've all heard that the soul is immortal. It comes with the higher frequencies of light, where everything exists at once in the eternal here and now. In this world everything is possible in a blink of an eye, but has no sensory perception, so everything is as it were theoretical. Without their experience how it feels to feel those subtle energies, the soul feels a certain hunger.
Experience can only senses energy in the material world, and every soul seeks to put into effect.
Everything starts by creating a scenario which the art of living soul wants to experience.
When, after many consultations and numerous scenario is agreed upon and approved, the soul joins the details. It contains sacred contracts with other forces (archetypes), and other souls. So I set out: who will be parents, siblings who, fellowship, spouse, children, etc ... which take virtually all Having regard to the roles cast who will be helped and who is disturbed. So they are already taken into account all the circumstances of future life.
soul that wants to take the next incarnation also takes into account the experience of the previous incarnation so as to balance the energies of previously disturbed.
The luminous harmonics is not rated.
There is a model of an ideal balance of energy, which tend to all energies. It is beyond our human understanding. We, in the matter, we are steeped in the evaluation. Most labeled "bad" judge what is experience pain or fear. This is very subjective and quite far from the truth.
Here on Earth we are in the game of life, whose aim is to balance the energy we experience.
But we forgot about what kind of game, and why we play in it.
is in a sense, the intended effect. Indeed, when we have the entire design of our future life on Earth, we agree on "the formation of the eyes" as in ciuciubabce. Total memory is only in the subconscious and there we are afraid to look.
clothed body accept the mantle of oblivion from the selected parents. Then, in the educational process we accept the package diagrams and belief in accordance with our plan ... This is our destiny, in which changes can not yet enter. This is the base of our game.
As we grow and adult, and so we become more independent, is introduced to the game a lot, for which we have influence. According to the free will to respond to circumstances that periodically come back to us.
to approximately 20 - 30 years of age learn how to control his fate. These Earth years I have mentioned, are like a turning point. At around the age of the universe man crosses the energy umbilical cord with his family and from then on it is we ourselves decide whether we are building their own lives, or how to perform a puppet waiting family.

knew this well, and the ancient scholars have taught the people in his time. However, this knowledge is slowly disappearing and in its place at once more became a fashionable pursuit for material desires ... and so continues today.
For hundreds of generations of knowledge of archetypes and metaphorical language was almost lost. In place of that knowledge was founded on one side of the dogmas of religion, on the other so-called. science with new paradigms, from time to time being amended or thrown.
It did not help in understanding his position effect between the rigid doctrines of the churches and the ever-changing paradigms of science. Lost motali people in ignorance:
from whence they came? what they are doing here? where they are going?
past centuries, people went great pain and determined mass started to look for another way out to live in joy.
They were the first brave, who had reached the ancient knowledge, they joined their current experience i. .. that determined the future path of science. Roughly 30 years this process vertiginously expanding, and those who are looking for starting mass of ignorance than a barrier, both religious and scientific.
I hope that the next future generations can live in what once was closer to the natural truths, which will undoubtedly enhance the quality and comfort of their living.

In this article I just outline what I understood from my own study of life. I am aware of this, it is insufficient.
But please, you treated these tips as a kind of map. If you want to go in your own journey This map can be helpful.
But when you do not want to travel, then no map will not help you get to know these areas you are observing on the map.
I wish you a joyful and safe journey to discover a new equilibrium.

The love of my heart to Thy.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Where Can I Find A Hannah Montana Pink Skirt

Language Continuum life of the universe, or feel

in the series: life in opera language

Let's talk today about the type of communication that is understandable to all, regardless of how it uses language or dialect. It is in us such a thing which enables us to understand the other being through a sense of energy.
Each of us had this experience, that without words he knew that the person is in grief, anger, joy ... And it is this language turns out to be extremely important.
whole universe responds and corresponds precisely to that language ... to feel human.
always get what reflects our feelings, no thoughts or words because they have only bring the desired feelings. It's about what we feel at this moment, that they carry these feelings of energy information ... no intellectual he believes many of us. For example, as I am in sorrow, I can beg and plead for unlimited fun, and anyway I get sad circumstances, because that is what I send to the world.
This knowledge is extremely simple, and yet people find it difficult to apply it. What is the reason? Well the reason is equally simple. We have been feeling ... oduczenia Yes, yes, in good faith society is always hurt and punished those who dared to feel. This defective education has been going on for so long ... many generations ... eventually forgotten.
've forgotten how to feel joy, bliss, happiness, wealth. However, we are infected with anxiety, fear, anxiety and pervasive evaluation.
As a young man meets the first puffs of pure love, it immediately are "friends" who are feeling the assessment of perversion, fear and even ridicule, and there are even some that will find that true love must be seasoned with envy. And so the feeling is pure energy and contaminated fallen this young man is emotionally crippled. It carries such accumulated injuries through life, and sometimes quite lost that feeling of purity.
The same thing happens with wealth. Notice how the human environment rich in friendship, like response. It attacks the assessments, demands, expectations ... and so robs the man of pure affection, imposing him how to govern their property. Many of you just can not stand.
such examples, but it is not the purpose of this article.
We are in the place from which most of us want to get out and have a problem, because he still has the same circumstances in which they live. How can this be?
answer is perception, clean feeling, mostly related to our beliefs and habits. If you want to be rich, it does not matter the price of the product, but ... looking at the listed products, I think they are expensive or something similar. It is clear from this that I am still unable to poverty, lack of ... something that is otherwise than I wish. This is no small problem, because that is exactly what we were feeling oduczeni. Even for a moment there is a clear feeling, let's see what happens next ... Just thus many others, for example, how about you can be okradzionym, sometimes even killed. How to deduct the "friends" who want to take this wealth, and so on, and then in the opposite direction.
With these lękliwymi thoughts, feelings cease to be clean, and with time this fear completely covers the purity of feelings. How do you think the feelings in this state send to the universe?
universe, god, matrix, source or whatever you say about THIS, loves us unconditionally. Works like a genie from the tale of Aladynie and tells us in the language of feeling "off your wish is my command." So taking away our fear comes to the conclusion that the child wants to be scared and it gets the child. As a child wants to get something else, it should be in a world of feelings to change their request.
Even what some of us do this ... However, there are few, and are not able to reach others with the knowledge of how they did it. So strong are the beliefs firewall.
You understand that you can not talk to a foreigner without an interpreter if you do not know the language. Therefore it is to learn this new one - the old language, the language of feeling. Then you need to learn a new problem here ... These energies are so powerful that they feel it, we're in fear. A real blindman's buff.
admit that I was doing too many years in the carousel. I had come to such a determination, that ultimately decided the entire them to change my world of thought, feeling, word, and in general everything. It was only a first step, and how ego suffered ... I do not even want to describe these colors. Initially I was looking for
in the dark, all I have learned a new right away I checked experimentally. In retrospect, I can say that it was a veritable gang and ride on it without trzymanki. Sometimes I wondered if I was imputable to choose such a life myself. However
brnęłam ahead and ... all slowly began to fall into place.
started describe the pearls of my wisdom, and now pass on to others as you want to be able to use my experience and have less dramatic find your way back to the feeling.
treat all of my articles was about how I looked and found my way to live in harmony with nature.
Today I have no problem with seeing their own inside something that I do not like ... simply unrated and respect for each distorted integrate these energies and purify, transform.
no longer focus on the assessment, analysis, or another losing your precious life energy. However, I focus on what I want the truth at all levels of humanity. Sure it happens sometimes just a whim or desire, but it is almost immediately recognized and I have a lot of fun.
I also want to encourage you and remind yourself that the original language of feelings, the only known in the act of creation. I want to encourage you to verify what you think about the feeling agrees with the truth about its energy.
It should be noted that the assessment of "good - bad" is only human and is used to excite the whole spectrum of energy anxiety.
Remember that you are free will and choice is only for you.

Yours in joy