Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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Colic umbilical

suddenly appearing in so much pain around the navel in children, especially in the period between 3 and 1o years of age are referred to as umbilical colic. At the beginning attack the child bends in half, cry, sweat, and exhibits all the symptoms of severe pain. After several minutes, and even a few seconds of pain passing attack. As a rule, the child quickly feels better and shows no other symptoms.

causes colic umbilical

pain arises because the smooth muscles of the colon are shrinking rapidly. The sudden contraction of muscles is a response to the child's body to stress situations, such as fear of a nursery or conflict with their parents.

Sometimes these pains occur in the disorder function of the gastrointestinal tract or infections.

as intestinal colic treated?

Parents should not panic, but with care and calmly take care of the child, to comfort them and ensure them that the pain will soon pass away. If your child is prone to recurrent colic, parents can ask your doctor for diastolic measures.

Some children help sticking a slice around the navel. From the medical point of view it makes no sense, but it gives the child a sense that the rawness is well marked.

What can be done yourself?

listed above, parents can do themselves. In addition, they should ensure their child alone. Often, they also help warm compresses on the abdomen, drinking tea and dill food restriction.

When to seek medical attention?

first necessary to determine the cause of severe abdominal pain. Because of the same symptoms your doctor can determine with reasonable certainty, whether it is a serious illness, or whether it is of umbilical colic.

behave as a doctor?

doctor must rule out other diseases, because abdominal pain is a common symptom of many different diseases. In small children, abdominal pain, are concentrated in the navel. Influenza, pneumonia, measles and other viral infections, but also hypoglycemia and dehydration in children can cause abdominal pain.

doctor will take into account the course of appendicitis or inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

Very rarely children suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers. In these cases, severe pain may also focus on the navel.

Does umbilical colic is dangerous?

No, intestinal colic is harmless. In the case of very severe abdominal pain must take into account other, more serious diseases.

How to prevent intestinal colic?

This question is not one simple answer. Parents should observe the situations that evoke such strong pain, and if possible, be avoided. Cordial relationship with the child, without violence and drama, helps effectively.

course of the disease

Stomach pain occur suddenly: child gets pale, crying, from pain to bend in half, sometimes hands, "grabs his belly, and sometimes lies down and squat legs. Frequently accompanied by sweating.

Some children during the raid or shortly after the throw. Often, after a short while, the pain persists and the child's condition rapidly improves.

In exceptional cases, there are so-called recurrent umbilical colic. In the course of attacks of pain are in ever shorter intervals, and finally repeated a few times a day.

It also happens that the children Such pain exaggerate or simulate, in order to avoid, for example, go to school or to draw attention to themselves.

Because of these problems often suffered by children slim, between 5 and 15 years of age. Are particularly acute in the period of strong growth.


Kolk umbilical can be distinguished from other diseases which are accompanied by severe abdominal pain as follows: abdominal wall are never strained abdomen is not painful bruising, complaints are not accompanied by fever. On These symptoms alone, parents should pay attention. The blood test, your doctor may prescribe, the number of white blood cell count is never increased.


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