Friday, December 24, 2010

Letter To Release Vehi

Series: Age of Aquarius

"Tempering the past is futile, and the dream of the future is just a dream" What we are left NOW is the time - this is the only moment of creation, every moment now is just that. You can generally say that such an energy about every man alive today has already received, I now receive, or will receive shortly. This gives rise to confusion. Why such a reaction?

So globally we are called to abandon old habits incompatible with the truth, ideas and paradigms. Most do not understand and do not know how to deal with this and it is this ignorance gives rise to confusion. Fearing the changes, mostly to keep what is old and useless just because it is well known. This attitude gives rise to great internal friction.
Ignorance is the greatest enemy of man, because it raises all the fears and anxieties, and thus thinking about depression. Most ordinary spiritual laziness, we prefer an awareness of the ashes of the stultifying, cities spend some time and get to know the truth about ourselves and the world.
Well, and what is the truth? You have to know the great rights contained in all religious books, of which Jesus said "it will be heaven and earth will pass away it will change one iota of the law." Getting to know the truth, we see very clearly that our interpretations and whims of ego meant that not only are trying to change one iota, but change the whole truth displaces it as dogma, both religious and scientific communities.

And this can not be done with impunity, the responsibility falls always on the person and society and the moment comes, as now, when we confront our choices and to experience it for yourself. I admit that the moment of confrontation of our perceptions about themselves with truth is unpleasant and painful. He suffers from ego.

see, we should be caring and taking care of ... and who we are? How does our concern for the Earth about the world of flora and fauna? I will not describe ... let everyone open your eyes and look around around, and see how it goes with him ...

We must be responsible. And let's see how we behave ... knife and fork harm to his own body, literally dig his grave and spraszamy various shades of sickness. But this is not the end. As I have will bring to a parlous state, then he blames everyone and everything ... just not myself and did not change in their habits. And look what is our attitude in terms and social welfare? Szafujemy abundant criticism and reviews, and at the same time expose themselves to be bracketed as the only good ... tis is the biggest bigotry and hypocrisy.

We must be love ... and what we know about this powerful energy ... do not even know that the second extreme position is ... hatred.
And so we live in a confusion of jumbling ... something along the lines entangled yarn. For us to roll up the thread after thread of tangled threads, and here ... surprise, spiritual sloth. So begins a slightly modified game. We run from guru to guru, from therapist to therapist else i. .. there is no change, because we do not we want to get down to work and prefer to remain in idleness, let us do it for someone else ... another false belief.
can now say that we are bombarded with cosmic energy diversity ... for almost three years, our planetary system is no longer protective coat called the helix. Shifts in proportion to the Earth's radiation increases also ... we have no influence on it and the only thing we can do is to adapt to changing conditions by raising their own vibration, and work with itself which raises our awareness.

Literally as Cinderella
we distribute what belongs to our ego desires on what constitutes a true man. At this stage we are dealing with the energies dualnymi yet. What does this mean? That's what we have, for example, the energy of Love. This means that we can react with two different poles. Either Love or Hate. Please remember that we are 100% filled with energy, so as we run out of love, we immediately meet their hate ... and vice versa is also happening. Anyhow we are always 100 percent filled with energy. This applies to virtually all the energy, such as wealth - poverty, courage - cowardice and any other energy.
Such discernment and no suitable work for one do not.

Slowly the planet Earth is approaching his new port, which will apply to Space Law, we call this the Golden Age, not allowing the destruction of which, together with his own ego pławimy today. For this new port will not be let into a monster ego, so it's time to wake up from this hypnotic sleep of illusion. Wipe your eyes and do what you need.

Keep in mind that start is always changing from one . We do not change others, only to see how the other person is doing wrong, change the evil in yourself, no excuses, and excuses. There's no, you have to stand in sincerity towards himself, to swallow a frog, and all my strength to make changes ... This usually step-by-step.

This article does not constitute a magical guide, but aims to encourage independent action and observation. Even I do not recommend that everyone woke up because ... have learned to respect the free will and accept even the most difficult choices of my brothers and sisters.
I reverently celebrate Jesus' birthday in 2010, a man in his body and showed how life should be a real live person ... this is what is the meaning of this holiday.
not wish to see what each of us uses of these great teachings in their lives, what passes and what is a man in the light of this ideal shows us how Jesus, our brother.

Do not be too harsh for you, but be honest and .... all that is good for you, dear readers.



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