Monday, November 1, 2010

Meal Supplement Shakes For Vegans

As we listen to and how we fear

Series: life in opera language

Over 2000 years ago, gathered around the disciples of Yeshua, the Master of the Age of Pisces, and asked him what to eat by maintain cleanliness. The Master leaned over the question and left us wise guidance, I am writing this from memory: it does not matter what you are putting into their mouths, it is important that from them.

As for me, this is a very precise indication. Modern man practiced in the countless diet and do not listen to his body, and only some nutritional authorities. Apparently trying to be pure as the disciples of Yeshua. Completely forgot about the tip of the Master and spits out countless words: happy, sad, scornful, malignant, aggressive, ... You can be replaced. How to take a look at what the energy behind these words, in most can be found there, the curse (not profanity is necessary though, and these are many), blaming, aggression and a whole range of the fallen energy. It looks like we have not learned anything, and everyone else in the state before 2000 years.

source of everything that exists and manifests itself in the infinity of forms, thoughts and feelings, give expression to the evolution of worlds, is the cosmic divine sound (word).
In our world, language is a tool through which all interactions occur in the social structure. It causes, however, the full effects of disharmony and divisions between people and peoples of the Earth. Everything comes from the divine sound, which is the expression of the Great God of the Universe (Sources, the Only Being.) This sound resulting from a quiet, uninterrupted love resounds in the interior of all creatures and the elements making up the universe. From a scientific point of view, we can understand how they cause all kinds of sound effects in the recipients, depending on the intensity and emotions associated with it. We all know what means the expression of tenderness, compassion and understanding that generate waves of harmony, connection and love. We experience But the opposition, if we allow his ego to design the mental noise, which leads to quarrels, disharmony, violence and destruction.
This is a difficult subject, but an important one. All human beings should deeply reflect on it. In principle, the universe is sound and the sound is expressive and creative power of divine substance condensed in the way of love, bringing harmony and progress. In our world, we use only relative and deformed the divine aspect of the sound and it is a primary cause of all destruction. Language is
mechanism given to us by the Divine to the manifestation of creative, cohesive power in the relationship between all human beings and the Divine. Language which we use is distorted way of communicating and creating disharmony is nothing more than an expression of our feelings and the state of inner consciousness. In fact, by our way of speaking and asking the other to express who we are.
Speaking generate a spiral of energy looking for a receiver to which it can adjust. It is therefore necessary for us to the larger weight to this evolutionary tool, which is synonymous with communication with the Supreme Consciousness, or Divine, for which we yearn Ja.
Usually when we say we are not aware of the energy effect, what our words cause in the environment in which we find ourselves on the set of causal and the planet Earth.
conscious, reflective silence is the way that we should practice every day, at least for a while to reprogram our subconscious, and other creative spheres, shaping the mental body. We need to delve into in its essence and to explore the divine sanctuary of our hearts, where we find God's language of love, connecting us with our Inner Master. We are a vibrant Divine Essence, in which love is the spiritual substance, essence of conscious possession of eternal wisdom and what is the connection with God. We need to open the sanctuary of Divine Virtues, guarded by our Divine Presence. The key to this sanctuary of love, the desire to vibrate in unity with God and the universe in their feelings of love and fraternal cooperation. We all come from the same divine source. Back to that unity is a great lesson and a challenge we must take in the realms of evolutionary purification.
If you decide to stop using so much love as in his fists and anger, try to change the way we communicate.

Here I found an interesting way to self-improvement given by the hierarchy of the Galaxy.

"Here are tips to help you to enable action based on the divine language of cosmic love.

1.Usiądźcie in a quiet place in which no one will bother you, so you can hear the silence of your mind and feel his heart.

2.Zacznijcie consciously breathe deeply and visualizing a long time on the big screen environment that, like most, like valley surrounded by mountains with a river flowing through it, with trees, birds and other animals.

3.Teraz Concentrate all your attention and awareness to a place that zaprojektowaliście and start communicating with him, choosing your heart, not your brain, such words which will remain with him in synergy and harmony.

4.Bądźcie aware that in an environment that have created, whatever you say, what will not come from your holy sanctuary, will inharmonious effects such as color changes, deformities of trees, mountains and all of the objects.

5.To important that you remain aware of when such distortion occurs, in order to fix them through your feelings, not a mental expression. When you are visualizing the appropriate exponents of feelings and utter the right words, the observation that the deformation will disappear.

6.Musicie understand that the whole environment, which have created, is not only satisfying your own selfish needs, resulting in the transformation of various inharmonious. Rather it is here just to add to the harmony and beauty.

7.Idąc slowly through the valley, we have created, wizualizujcie themselves not in human form, which now you are, but rather as a ball of light, which will gradually take shape transparent angel.

8.Teraz wizualizujcie other people with whom I enter in the mutual relations. However, remember that the basis of this communication is to be the creation of full support, fraternal atmosphere in which to express your feelings in words carrying a permission, harmony and love.

9.Zwróćcie attention to those people who will speak to you, but do not listen to them using a filter of your mind for judging and evaluating. Listen as słuchałaby being of light, you feel the creative influence that God is expressed by those listen.

10.Poczujcie deep emotions of living and harmony in which all you have to do is feel their essence and eternal connection that it has with the Creator and other creatures. All your daily activities, including those for survival, to be experienced with such an attitude, knowing that everything is in God's loving embrace. You do not have to be aggressive, even if others are like that for you because of your cosmic perspective receives their message through love "

Beloved, the universe does not assess the evolution of our egocentric words, by contrast uses words that generate cohesion, prosperity, harmony and love.

I invite you to learn and use new means of communication.
Eat what is needed to thy body, and say what you would like to experience.

Yours in the love of my heart.


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