Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fairy Tales Lice Shampoo

mind Beyond the Horizon external

From the series: Life

Be your own guru, your own teacher. You've got the light ... inflame them and go ahead smoothly and without fear.

"Walk lightly through the days that you have before you, do not zostawiającżadnej blemish on his ego.
May the light of your insides will close each day
And when that happened finished, remove it from his memory like a soap bubble, which quickly vanishes.
Go forward in the future.
unfettered memories: errors, failures and successes.
's path to achieving peace. "

no longer remember who wrote these words ... but they live in my inside for so many years that are grown together with my experience of life.
Everything in your life .... is associated with you. So it all depends on you ... in some way. Note this and clean up your interior. How do you let wash interior noise ... gradually elute the past and speculating on the future ... This then is the space, the space of existence here and now. You have the power!
We are immersed in a world of illusion. This goes perfectly fake our reality called the Matrix.
It is hardly surprising that such an enormous number of people stuck in it. In this state it looks like a bee searching for nectar, she sat down on a beautiful rose, rose shapely but artificial, in the hope of sleeping nectar. Bee is lucky ... unlike humans, there is no mind outside, so immediately flies farther in search of another, the living flower.
man does exactly the opposite, in which he bravely helps the mind external.
This still gives an unruly instrument: energy is nonsense ... Prove it to me ... everybody does (?)... and all that crap distracting from the experience.
Once we cross the outer event horizon of the mind, the incessant chatter, then you will naturally begin to differentiate so what is the normal trash as artificial rose, and what is the value We serving as a natural and vivid flowers.
When we cross the outer horizon of an ordinary mind, which was created, inter alia, to build a world of illusion ... then we are in the presence of the truth of heart, a higher intellect.
Heart Is access to the real reason ... yes, yes ... many years ago when I myself was in doubt, I found that on various cardiac surgeons, who found that in our physical heart there are also gray brain cells, although these are substantially less than in the head.
As inquisitive woman who began to drill down about ... I asked, even cardiologists, who was patient, and ... confirmed, although highly marginalized subject, however, admitted that something is.
gave me the drive to further research.
course I was interested in what it means to me and how can I use it in my experience. I'm not interested in a scientific approach, but although I appreciate it very much, because research results are extremely helpful in understanding each other.
I am interested in the practical application of knowledge. Those who are very interested in this research, I refer to your own research.

article is about what this knowledge has done for me ... because of course my thinking has gone in the direction of how to practically apply this knowledge I can in everyday life.
moral and philosophical aspects of this discovery is not found in modern science (this was several years before, so I do not know how it is today). It was just what is not what how it works on our psyche.
so I reached for the wisdom left by the ancient teachings. It turned out that transfers of these age-old civilization, this very well know and understand ... Slowly I began to understand it.
can say that we have more centers of the brain than in the head. It turns out that the head is the center of the brain, whose function is to differentiate, forming words for the feelings and experiences in the closure of something that tends to be cyclical repetition.
Another center is the heart. It also receives our experience, however, works by feel, without words, and now. It gives such a strange belief, actually is the certainty that something is just such ... not playing in the word or evidence.

It turns out that the connection and collaboration between head and heart is what determines the quality of our everyday experience of life.
This leads to a different conclusion.
can say that the future is modified by experience - the past. Yes, here it bows to the scale of the Fibonacci sequence.
The usual practice is that when we are now in some experience, where the circumstances are such as in the other time in our past.
If we can understand and cities throw emotionally ... heal our past ... the circumstances with which confronted in the future will have been changed.
It works continuously and consistently throughout all generations, even though hardly anyone is aware of this. The action of this can only be seen when I'm completely in the moment now.

I wish a lot of fun with new experiences and discover their own power.

The love of my heart to thine.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wedding Invitation Cute Phrases

Sexual energy, creative energy and beyond

From the series: the theater of life

Energa sex is probably the most wynaturzonym notion in our civilization and life.
sense that energy restriction only to mate is probably the most serious problem not only in life but also moral.
At this point I want to point and it's very strongly that
sexual energy is primarily used as the basis of the creative process in a broad sense
and they know this perfectly well, although intuitively, all artists, designers and various other great artists. Amorous relationship between gender is just an added bonus of serving to discharge this excess energy remaining after the engagement of a creative act.
Sexual energy is based on the harmonious cooperation of male and female energy Ina these concepts need to be limited only to sex). In various traditions, these energies is also known as light and shadow, or yin and yang, fire and water, and many more in other words, while it is always a pair of opposite and complementary characteristics.
man as a biological energy deposited in the male and female, and the physical form of the attributes of male or female, in accordance with the principle of duality which dominates on Earth.
How does it work?
Let's start with the attributes of each of these energies:
  • male energy - mean the will, prose, logic, reason, the fire. Man fights, struggles, tries to win;
  • female energy - it's intuition, imagination, poetry, ple of all possible water. A woman does not fight, she waits, greets, forfeit.
When there is in us the idea, idea ... then activates the energy in our midst, men's, regardless of gender. At this point, wakes up in a powerful sexual energy, the possibility of seeking a field for execution, creative manifestation of energy that is female, also regardless of gender.
This energy is a real power, and power ... is so vast that it may even scare. We feel immense pressure inside ... raises the body's chemistry ... intrinsically straight blows and ... this power often do not know how to cope, knowing little about her and this having on hand only misguided idea about it.
awakens the subconscious of fear and a desire to discharge these tensions as soon as possible. This is called sexual potency and strength we seek to defuse this tension external methods, or simply put by copulation. Sometimes it is quite barbaric, and sexology, is a different name ... isms, and sometimes even the right punishment for unethical conduct. Looking at these phenomena from a distance, you can see what price people pay for a simple ignorance.
Returning to the topic, the individual excited to create, to manifest his work cities ... goes to sleep happy with the discharge of stored energy. Sometimes, this magical event, rather than, for example, literary or other works created as a result of procreation a new man.
However, the need of the soul is waiting for the implementation of work ... So after some time again raises the whole process ... and so on ... until depleted your body and sexual energy any longer, or come to understand the purpose of this process and fulfill his work.
This is not a simple task to understand the nature of sexual energy. Underlying this problem is multi distorted understanding of this powerful energy, as there was still widespread and the vulgarization of not respecting the process of life itself. To accept the power that comes from this energy must also have balanced their own self-esteem ... and with this too far for perfection. It must also noted that the reduction of sexual energy only for procreation, is used to "manufacture" the slaves so is socially promoted. From the standpoint of the rulers of social and religious systems, is most welcome, after all, thus becoming a great power received from the many millions of individual lives.
But looking more broadly at all the issues, such manipulations are damped creative energy of people to maintain the existing status quo of lust for power.
Nowadays, the old systems are shaking in its foundations, hence the urgent need to understand that What in essence is the beauty of sexual energy.
wholeheartedly encourage you to penetrate the depth of this topic for the benefit of themselves and the whole surrounding world.

In deep respect

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Flemmy Babies At 3 Weeks Old


in the series: life in opera language

We are fortunate to live in a time of intense change and incredible acceleration. This makes the experience of the energy twine (between the old and the new energy), namely the transition from three-dimensional reality dominated by Homo sapiens to the next dimension - the state of homo separatum.
What's the difference between these two states?
are quite different approaches to life in all its manifestations.
man homo sapiens is focused on participating in their doubter understand the mind. Such a person "wise" mostly what you can not grasp, understand, simply reject it is a mechanism mounted in his mind. Yes, this is one of the methods of mind that is doing so with what you do not know. The sleeve is still denial and ignorance, more difficult methods in its effects - we know about it.
effects of such an attitude can be seen everywhere, selfishness, strife and conflict, manipulation and many other perverted and fallen power. The attitude of "I and my" just reigns.
This stage of our experience is coming to an end. People under the influence of different stimuli, one after another, resonate with the hypnotic sleep ... even vaguely, but recognize the fundamental truth that life is a unity, manifested life is also holographic.
And well to do, because we tried to have at this time to begin the next phase of development of our consciousness.
More and more often and more people are beginning to experience a new state of homo separatum. This is a new man. As a divine person and covers the whole heart just knows. It works in harmony with nature using the Great Law extracted from the shadows of its interior. In its action is aimed at the highest good of all beings, while he has experienced a life full of love, beauty and harmony ... and cares about its own balance.
As we are endowed with free will in making its choice: an old man homo sapiens ... whether the new man homo separatum. The selection seems to be simple ... but ... There
jungle of ideas and habits, which we lived and which now should be let go, clean up after yourself sandbox.
Absorbed into the game so far do not even pay attention that every action, every manifestation is preceded by a concept anchored in our subconscious. There is still a very popular phrase "I am who I think I" .... and the rules of the game change dramatically, even though not everyone can see it.
With such an attitude that is essential if and how I identify the role of a lifetime. It looks like the theater or film. Moreover, experienced by us between life and theatrical spectacle is more similar than we think generally.
How to take a look at our lives that we will see the enormity of the roles they are playing at any time, for example: a woman, wife, mother, lover, employee, employer .... and so you can go on and on.
Sometimes we fall into a trap of limiting their experience to several roles, and so to us limit ourselves to the detriment of all I am what I own, that is divinity.
We are descendants of Slavs, So a bit I became interested in our ancestors. It turned out that they often used the word "God" and not because of the church, because it was a time before the baptism of Polish.
In speaking of the Slavic word "God" meant happiness, wealth.
So God is an adjective in other words, happy, rich. From this word derives niebożątko as a denial of reimbursement, a poor, miserable ... echo those meanings still reflected in our literature. As
alive today have forgotten about it, or knowingly associate the word "God" of religious doctrines, while making himself, in spite of, disassociating themselves from their inner wealth.
For what am I writing about?
reason is simple. Mathematically proven that all life manifestations develop according to the Fibonacci pattern is a sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 .... and so on. It follows from this rule, that is what it was (ancestors), add what is (my contemporaries) to create the next stage.
It is clear that without the past, we have obtained the anticipated progress.
And so it is loved.
In the deep respect

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can You Adjust Apartment Radiators

change - that's the only thing that is certain

This is not a truism, ladies and gentlemen, what we can be sure that .... change.

how life makes us these constant changes? I studied ancient knowledge, which explains to us the essence of change. It turns out that this subject at the end of the twentieth century, attracted many scientists who have proved in the language of today these truths passed through generations.

Thus, it is noted that the DNA changes the matter from which our world is built. However, our very DNA altered by emotion. Keep in mind that this effect of emotion is not limited nor time nor distance or space.

In light of this it is clear that you and I directed force, which we have within us, acting in the time free from the constraints of physics as we know so far.

If there is in us a power that changes the essence of the universe in a way who can heal and make peace, then the existence of language allows us to do it consciously and according to our will, would have an enormous sense.

And he is - interestingly, this is precisely the language of emotion, imagination and personal prayer.

There is no single prescription. First you need to make changes in himself, so that your will is free from desires, selfish manipulation and flow with the current public expectations.

It should also be aware that not every feeling of work. That which has the power creation, must be free of ego and judgmental.

Raise in a true feeling, it's like finding an appropriate and recognizable words, and being współodczuwającym it's like to get rid of reviews like "good", "evil" .... and many others.

Enter the path of conscious life may be every creature. It is a beautiful right and opportunity. However, the move towards consciousness, that's another story.

It looks like the car.

Anyone can go to the driving course, not everyone has it successfully finishes. Of those who passed these courses we have moving on the road drivers. Some are in conflict and to fatal accidents, including ... others run for many years bezwypadkowo with full sympathy for the other traffic.

is clear: how aware these results.

philosopher who lived between 1813 - 1855, Soren Kierkegaarg left us an interesting sentence:

are two ways

to make a fool of yourself.

One is the belief, which is not true;

second is the lack of belief in what is true.

So you might want to check what I believe and then see how it works in my life. This seems very simple ... but most often it takes many years to know what is true in my life, and I think this is true.

There is often huge gap, you do not want to see and it is a powerful obstacle to channel some of their experiences.

Creating your reality is much more than what we do ... is what we are.

Yes, yes, we must become in our lives what we experience in our world. So, you want to be healthy - focus on health, you want to experience peace, then stop and deal with conflict or peace.

worth remembering that we create a better world can only be a short-term choice.

If you look at, it feels associated with healing, peace and abundance, is an experience that lasts only a few minutes each time, that's as much as a meditation or prayer ... then again we plunge into the current habits. The rest of his time is invested disease, conflict and lack of all good.

and see what happens in life?

We have moments full of health, peace or joy in cash flow ... they are just moments ... not have become what they supposedly want to ... or maybe just want to be the "dark side of power," but only we lack the courage to speak out?

Who can know what someone is needed to be happy?

And so it is


Monday, September 13, 2010

Cutco Marketing Ideas

What is the word

From the series:
language opera life

Most people think that the word is used for communication between people. There is a grain of truth, but it is a powerful tool in the creative process.
words we use are mainly used to induce in us certain emotional energy.
See for yourself what happens when I say with conviction, "I love unconditionally" and still imagine the love. At some point in its interior feels a stir of energy difficult to determine - that is the language of emotion. This energy has its own characteristics, which can not be defined words, and yet it is this energetic state of the universe is understood by what makes it so the information sent back to me as experimental.
The same thing happens with every other word ... take another example: "hate." This is a very different kind of energy and it manifests itself in life, although hard, "hiding under the carpet" of such emotions.

So the universe did not receive much the same words, what information they contain energy.
feelings and emotions, which arouses our thoughts and words are the universal language of the universe. It is is also a powerful knowledge that gives power of conscious creation of both "heaven" and "hell" on earth. This happens constantly and it does not matter whether you're aware of it or not.
What is the reason that most people will not know how they create the problems by thoughts and words?
I suppose it is a powerful fear. Fear of our own power and the fear of entering and dissolving these powerful emotional energy ... fear of taking responsibility for the quality of their lives. How many people, so many ways to cope with this fear.

When I entered the experience described in the phenomena, I met with all varieties of their fear. Systematically changed into energy that fear on his ally ... It took a little bit and ... succeeded. For my life began to flow steadily desired and expected changes ... just like that ... without effort.

years willingly helping others to recognize fear, which determines their lives and alleviating these tensions.
is, however, work on individual sessions. With rozpisywania and theorizing few good shows, maybe even provide unnecessary arguments doubter mind, which is still a lot of trouble.

For the love of my heart
encourage you to contact individual

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dabur Amla Hair Oil Diagrams

designed ... los ... free will

All embodied on Earth live in determined conditions. It is our destiny, which were working carefully before birth and then okryliśmy the cloak of oblivion, and we went down to Earth.

The plan for the present life we \u200b\u200bprepared very carefully, consulted with many Beings of Light and accept the divinity of ... It contains virtually all the experiences that the soul has chosen for itself to specific incarnation.

Once approval occurs, and following some circumstances - is ready and full of enthusiasm moves the soul to earth. Here the plan is intended, and since then more revisions are no more.

followed by another phase, implementation phase of earthly conditions.

How execute his plan - this is our fate. Then comes the spectrum of all the choices, what we call free will (not be confused with tyranny.)

example, I'm a woman ... and it is determined. However, as I am a woman - that's my choice. That I choose whether I'm frightened, bitter ... or vice versa, regardless of the circumstances, I have a love for other beings and a smile for everyone.

Most people do not want to even hear about these, always simple rules of life ..... simply choose the doubting mind and strongly persuade themselves and others, it's not their choice.

Well - this their right, I for my page with all the love I wish that all beings be happy with the choices made.

The love of my heart to thine.
