Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Fairy Tales Lice Shampoo
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wedding Invitation Cute Phrases
- male energy - mean the will, prose, logic, reason, the fire. Man fights, struggles, tries to win;
- female energy - it's intuition, imagination, poetry, ple of all possible water. A woman does not fight, she waits, greets, forfeit.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Flemmy Babies At 3 Weeks Old
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Can You Adjust Apartment Radiators
change - that's the only thing that is certain
This is not a truism, ladies and gentlemen, what we can be sure that .... change.
how life makes us these constant changes? I studied ancient knowledge, which explains to us the essence of change. It turns out that this subject at the end of the twentieth century, attracted many scientists who have proved in the language of today these truths passed through generations.
Thus, it is noted that the DNA changes the matter from which our world is built. However, our very DNA altered by emotion. Keep in mind that this effect of emotion is not limited nor time nor distance or space.
In light of this it is clear that you and I directed force, which we have within us, acting in the time free from the constraints of physics as we know so far.
If there is in us a power that changes the essence of the universe in a way who can heal and make peace, then the existence of language allows us to do it consciously and according to our will, would have an enormous sense.
And he is - interestingly, this is precisely the language of emotion, imagination and personal prayer.
There is no single prescription. First you need to make changes in himself, so that your will is free from desires, selfish manipulation and flow with the current public expectations.
It should also be aware that not every feeling of work. That which has the power creation, must be free of ego and judgmental.
Raise in a true feeling, it's like finding an appropriate and recognizable words, and being współodczuwającym it's like to get rid of reviews like "good", "evil" .... and many others.
Enter the path of conscious life may be every creature. It is a beautiful right and opportunity. However, the move towards consciousness, that's another story.
It looks like the car.
Anyone can go to the driving course, not everyone has it successfully finishes. Of those who passed these courses we have moving on the road drivers. Some are in conflict and to fatal accidents, including ... others run for many years bezwypadkowo with full sympathy for the other traffic.
is clear: how aware these results.
philosopher who lived between 1813 - 1855, Soren Kierkegaarg left us an interesting sentence:
are two ways
to make a fool of yourself.
One is the belief, which is not true;
second is the lack of belief in what is true.
So you might want to check what I believe and then see how it works in my life. This seems very simple ... but most often it takes many years to know what is true in my life, and I think this is true.
There is often huge gap, you do not want to see and it is a powerful obstacle to channel some of their experiences.
Creating your reality is much more than what we do ... is what we are.
Yes, yes, we must become in our lives what we experience in our world. So, you want to be healthy - focus on health, you want to experience peace, then stop and deal with conflict or peace.
worth remembering that we create a better world can only be a short-term choice.
If you look at, it feels associated with healing, peace and abundance, is an experience that lasts only a few minutes each time, that's as much as a meditation or prayer ... then again we plunge into the current habits. The rest of his time is invested disease, conflict and lack of all good.
and see what happens in life?
We have moments full of health, peace or joy in cash flow ... they are just moments ... not have become what they supposedly want to ... or maybe just want to be the "dark side of power," but only we lack the courage to speak out?
Who can know what someone is needed to be happy?
And so it is
Monday, September 13, 2010
Cutco Marketing Ideas
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Dabur Amla Hair Oil Diagrams
All embodied on Earth live in determined conditions. It is our destiny, which were working carefully before birth and then okryliśmy the cloak of oblivion, and we went down to Earth.
The plan for the present life we \u200b\u200bprepared very carefully, consulted with many Beings of Light and accept the divinity of ... It contains virtually all the experiences that the soul has chosen for itself to specific incarnation.
Once approval occurs, and following some circumstances - is ready and full of enthusiasm moves the soul to earth. Here the plan is intended, and since then more revisions are no more.
followed by another phase, implementation phase of earthly conditions.
How execute his plan - this is our fate. Then comes the spectrum of all the choices, what we call free will (not be confused with tyranny.)
example, I'm a woman ... and it is determined. However, as I am a woman - that's my choice. That I choose whether I'm frightened, bitter ... or vice versa, regardless of the circumstances, I have a love for other beings and a smile for everyone.
Most people do not want to even hear about these, always simple rules of life ..... simply choose the doubting mind and strongly persuade themselves and others, it's not their choice.
Well - this their right, I for my page with all the love I wish that all beings be happy with the choices made.
The love of my heart to thine.