Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Formula For 3 Digit Combination Lock

What is

Series: theater of life

We are used to divide the continuum of life in what was, what is and what it will. The whole story includes what it was, the whole plan is based on what is expected ... What about NOW? Most
misses this moment, living in the mind and thinking about what is not, because either already passed or not yet born. Yes it is constructed, our collective consciousness, resulting in the establishment of irresponsible civilization destroying itself. It is so common that most people do not even see what it is, dealing with constant criticism or praise of such a state of life, full disconnected from their roots.
Very few people visit my inside to find out who she really is in its essence.
essence, that is who you really are in essence a man is not subjected to the divisions on the components of our analytical mind. It is a tiny whole in union with the big picture of the universe ... This is a tiny holographic image of the whole of Existence. This essence is formless, timeless. It can not be defined by mind.
Yes ... this is an internal dimension-free form, without the time - and yet permeates all forms, permeates every single cell of your life.
This situation can be likened to visit the gallery ... admire the picture and did not even think about the stretcher, which is covered with paint. Yet many people are working in accordance with the saying, you do not see it no more.
If in life you only know a world of forms and have no contact with his depth, then you are inevitably doomed to duk (as Buddhists call the state of misery, failure). Such a pursuit for faster, better, More is pretty crazy, and therefore the collective consciousness is very much insane.
A lot of people are waiting for a new and better world, a perfect Golden Age. However, waiting passively rather not live to see. Why?
Because of how our world will look like tomorrow ... determines the state of being now every single human being.
And now most of us have impaired balance and do not want to even try. Even when we encounter friendliness or kindness, do not trust you. Even though we do not see that our interior is also, just do not use this and it's hard to believe that someone else is using those features.
So a better world he did not rise. It is we ourselves can build it ... that is one every person should realize what is in essence and gently bring yourself into balance. It consists in the fact that at any moment - knowing who my being, my essence - though I'm living in two worlds.
In the world of forms or in the outside world while being constantly in its interior, which is in contact with myself or my presence, I let myself fully feel what is happening now and to do what is right.
So I encourage you to make changes in their responses to circumstances. Maybe at the beginning, let us be kind to yourself and to other beings. It's a good start.
You can also check their state convictions, beliefs and habits, which are like a lens through which you receive the world. I know that it is quite difficult road, because it involves a confrontation with his own ego monster. So let's turn to help Cochem, a person who will support you on this bumpy road.
From my own experience I know I should move its world-shattering old paradigms and build a new home to its internal structure based on how you want to experience life.

For the love of my heart


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