Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dabur Amla Hair Oil Diagrams

designed ... los ... free will

All embodied on Earth live in determined conditions. It is our destiny, which were working carefully before birth and then okryliśmy the cloak of oblivion, and we went down to Earth.

The plan for the present life we \u200b\u200bprepared very carefully, consulted with many Beings of Light and accept the divinity of ... It contains virtually all the experiences that the soul has chosen for itself to specific incarnation.

Once approval occurs, and following some circumstances - is ready and full of enthusiasm moves the soul to earth. Here the plan is intended, and since then more revisions are no more.

followed by another phase, implementation phase of earthly conditions.

How execute his plan - this is our fate. Then comes the spectrum of all the choices, what we call free will (not be confused with tyranny.)

example, I'm a woman ... and it is determined. However, as I am a woman - that's my choice. That I choose whether I'm frightened, bitter ... or vice versa, regardless of the circumstances, I have a love for other beings and a smile for everyone.

Most people do not want to even hear about these, always simple rules of life ..... simply choose the doubting mind and strongly persuade themselves and others, it's not their choice.

Well - this their right, I for my page with all the love I wish that all beings be happy with the choices made.

The love of my heart to thine.



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