Monday, February 28, 2011

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retinal disorders of iodine deficiency Crop

Below the larynx is the thyroid gland that produces hormones: thyroxine, triiodothyronine and calcitonin. A malfunctioning thyroid gland can lead to serious metabolic disorders.

the production of thyroid hormones requires iodine. If its content in our diet is inadequate, the gland enlarges, allowing - in spite of iodine deficiency - to produce the correct amount of hormones. This creates a crop. A crop of iodine deficiency goitre is the most inert (except for an enlarged thyroid disorders are not found in its activities) and occurs commonly in the area.

If crop is not treated on time in an enlarged thyroid nodules may form. Such enlargement of the thyroid gland is called nodular goitre.


  • enlarged prostate Disc
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • swollen eyelids and hands.
  • Hoarseness and voice changed.
  • Pale, cold and dry skin.
  • Constipation.
  • Fatigue.
  • anemia.

What are the causes of will?

If the thyroid gland produces too little hormone, the pituitary gland begins to stimulate their production, including producing the increased amount of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). This leads to enlargement of the thyroid gland, which may be caused by too little content iodine in drinking water and food, or a congenital disorder of the thyroid hormone production.

thyroid enlargement may be a consequence of hyperthyroidism.

crop does not say so yet nothing about the type of disorder.


If you notice thyroid nodules should be reported immediately to the doctor, because behind this symptom can hide all kinds of dangerous diseases.

How goiter treated?

crop is usually treated pharmacologically, giving the patient preparations iodine and thyroid hormone in tablet form. If treatment is started early enough, it is likely that the enlargement of the thyroid will retract. Where will big it may be necessary to the operation. It is necessary for example when the thyroid gland has grown so much that it oppresses other organs, such as the trachea.

During the operation, the thyroid gland is partially removed.

What you can do yourself?

When will there is nothing you can do yourself.

When should I go to the doctor?

The doctor should be notified at the latest when the trachea will see the type of bag, or goiter.

behave as a doctor?

In order to verify the production of thyroid hormone blood test done. Further studies (scintigraphy, examination of tissue) are intended to exclude other diseases such as cancer.

course of the disease

The disease is usually mild, and the thyroid gland enlarges gradually. At the same time you may receive further symptoms such as fatigue, lack of energy, anemia, clearly discernible pallor, sensitivity to cold, abnormal menstrual cycle in women and swollen eyelids. Proves that whenever there is hypothyroidism.

you prefer to be dangerous?

not - if it is properly treated. Left untreated, can cause tightness in the neck and, consequently, shortness of breath. The reasons for the appearance of nodules may be other, come into play even cancer.


Iodine deficiency in the body, caused by too low and its contents in drinking water and occur mainly in the rich calcium-glacial mountain areas. There, you should use iodized salt or eat plenty of fish. round

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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NOW WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD, YOUR WORLD, takes the head cleaning

Series: theater of life

Frequently, in such a situation, you fall into a panic, you're stressed, fear reigns. So scared of the changes that did not even notice the need to remove the old foundation to build their new and wonderful house.

is not easy to accept that they voluntarily chose the experience of being creatures of darkness light and having an eternal relationship with the Infinite Creator. A positive aspect of this evolutionary paradox is that we have the same power of choice, to experience that we are immortal beings of light designed to serve God and to love unconditionally.

The circumstances which have created our thoughts, desires and actions, built existential maze, in which we have long been trapped. Why? Strength free will and choice is a feature that allowed by God to experience various states of ignorance and separation from the divine plan.

We are of course responsible for our thoughts, actions and desires, and that means experiencing the consequences in the form of effects and situations arising from the use of free will and choice. A sense of being a victim, which we use as ballast evolutionary, it is a side effect of not taking responsibility for who we are, what we do, think or want, and that means immaturity, ignorance and lack of accountability and only delays the evolutionary challenges and lessons that we all have to integrate, to grow spiritually. Masks of the ego, which we use, and which guide our lives when we are not vigilant, act against us and reduce our awareness and spiritual connection.

Ego is a fictitious identity, which all designed in the course of evolution, and that takes a lot of faces, personalities, activities and modes of conduct, causing friction, separation and destruction.

It is not easy for us to recognize that we are slaves to the tyranny of the ego, which his extraordinary vanity, cruelty and heartlessness sabotaging our lives and throws us into the abyss difficult to lift the state of ignorance, despair and confusion.

Whenever resorted to undoing the ego and the dark strategy to achieve a goal and satisfy our selfish wishes, defames our luminous essence and remove the shadow of love, beauty and magnificence, and it creates a devastating psychological and emotional growth and physiological. When, however, activate the internal alchemy beauty is a magical healing and communication with the Creator - the source of love, harmony, and immortality.

Do not be discouraged or worry because of the mistakes that are part of the evolutionary pedagogy, and the universe uses us to discover our inner beauty and in harmony with the Creator and our luminous being.
Darkness seemingly take precedence in our lives, but it will only mild and short-term shade completely absorbed by projecting the light of our beings of light.

It will absorb the light, transforming and integrating, it is
internal alchemy of beauty when we are tuned to interact with the Creator and cosmic evolution.
Fear, frustration and suffering that inevitably afflict us and destroy, are the masters, whose goal is to help us understand that all the ideas, wishes and projects that do not vibrate in harmony with the spiritual evolution, they are harmful ballast for our Immortal Beings of Light. Those masters, seemingly rigorous and uncompromising, they are evolutionary therapists whose Infinite Creator, and we use the luminous essence, we recover the spiritual sensitivity and spread the dark shadows of evil coming from ego.

mental processes in which we are engaged and through which we experience life, feelings, thoughts, and interpersonal relationships are destructive, causing confusion and distress. The mind is not the essence of our luminous, but a tool that should used to channel the energy of light and understanding and understand that life is not what we perceive through the mind, but what we perceive through the feelings and spiritual experiences arising from communication with the divine plan and the Infinite Creator.

Alchemy inner beauty should govern and direct our lives so that the mental processes, usually inharmonious and conflicting, turned into a divine feeling, to love, compassion and harmony have become the pillars of our life and evolution.
prism through which we look at and interact with the environment, family and other living beings, is a distorted projection of the mental ego, because we do not want to see the light and beauty of reality, thinking that might harm us and interfere in our lives.

Our observations, feelings and experiences are a reflection of misconceptions, desires, habits and values. In this way, we feel safe and strong, we think that we control life and others.
It is part of the dynamics of self-importance and pride, which, because of self-deception plunges us into a spiral of confusion and separation from reality. The source of this stems from the choice of conforming to such carnal mind.
Alchemy is the essence of inner beauty that radiates silently giving life to the projection of shadow and virtual reality, we create .
We are the light of love and immortal beauty that is present and makes itself felt when we understand that thinking, feeling and acting in an inner beauty, we release the light, the consistency and fraternal co-operation on the planet and in the universe. Therefore, it is always worth to stay connected with alchemy of inner beauty, because it is a whisper of light and love that God has left in our heart.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, in our heart, we have access to both the Shining Beings and the ego monster. Our divinity is not separate from us, it is nearer to us than our own aorta.

have multigenerational and false belief that God is somewhere far away ... may be in Heaven? and perhaps in the church?
With this unconscious belief it is difficult to understand that our divinity is in every breath, every blink of the eye and in all what we touch. It is, therefore, and też in areas which it is placed, however, by the luminous essence we have to contact therewith nieustannie both awake and asleep like, we do not need it to look ... enough to delve into his inner world to meet her. As already meet your luminous essence, you have access to the alchemy by which I write.

psycho-emotional weakness and shock, which sometimes experience promoters are masters of the evolution of you, if we are sincere and honest, to think and understand that the power of transformation is in our midst, when we connect with the Creator, who, as an internal instructor, always awake and supervise our own evolution. Our psychological and emotional problems are an evolutionary tool to help us understand and accept our limitations, the need to bring up the guide, and the divine help which is always at our disposal. When it comes to the internal openness, acceptance and dissolve resistance to change, emerges from the magic alchemy of inner beauty, to instill in our understanding, strength and courage and perseverance to enable connection with the Creator and the process of cosmic evolution.

So I think that every single person is of great importance in building a new social consciousness. Given the butterfly effect, your effort may be decisive. So let's get started with your inner world and ... enough said! all wickedness, to delete their own connection to them and replace them with light.

ESPAWO loved.

article is the result of studying the Book of Knowledge and the subsequent transfers:

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Corn is hardening of the skin arising on a finger of the foot. The core or root of the corn goes into the skin, pushing for a very sensitive layer of the periosteum causing severe pain. The tissue around the corn can be very much flushed, and even busy inflammation.

What causes corns?

cites four causes of corns. First, it is uncomfortable shoes too tight or too small shoes. Another reason may be incorrect, careless gait, and then they will not help even the most comfortable shoes. Corns can also arise when the ball of the foot is not correctly rounded. And finally, the fourth leading cause - indeed occurs very rarely - is a genetic deformity of the toes, which for example may overlap one another.


  • red, sensitive to pressure points on the toe of the foot. Local
  • hardening of the skin.
  • pain when walking in tight shoes.
  • After the pain when walking without shoes.

How corns treated?

corns method of treatment depends on their causes. And so, if the cause was too tight, uncomfortable footwear, should in future refrain from rushing into buying them, buying shoes very carefully, after a thorough przymiarce. If corn was due to an incorrect way of walking - especially children - should apply special exercises. When the reason is lack of height metatarsal, the formation of corns can be prevented by using contoured orthopedic inserts.

You can also buy orthopedic shoes with an increase in metatarsal. If none of these methods will not be effective, there remains a small surgery.

What you can do yourself?

It is best to prevent the formation of corns. So sorry you do not need the money for a comfortable and perhaps a bit more expensive shoes. If you notice the first symptoms of corn (redness, slight swelling), useful for felt ring available in pharmacies and drugstores, which seeks to the toe. Naturally, you need to say goodbye to uncomfortable shoes. If the corn has already risen, use a specific patch or ointment against nagniotkom. Ointment causes softening calloused skin that is removed in layers. Alleviate leg discomfort baths with boric acid. Of course, none

treatments fail to achieve the desired effect if the rate goes back to a tight shoe. To prevent corns, you just have to avoid pressure on your toes.

When should I go to the doctor?

When it appears, that the cause of corns is not too tight shoes, or when nagniotkom accompanied by severe pain.

behave as a doctor?

first try to find the cause of the emergence of corn. Sometimes minor surgery is performed involving a clash or husked corn. In some - indeed very rare cases - the doctor prescribed drops or ointment, or refer the patient to a specialist chiropody which is involved in the maintenance of the feet.

course of the disease

If you do not take the treatment of corns or not to resign for wearing such a tight shoe, it can lead to the fact that I always will feel the pain of walking.

Are corns are dangerous?

No, but can be unpleasant and painful.

How to choose good shoes?

  • For shopping you must select either the beginning of the day or late afternoon, preferably after a rest. This may be even an hour before closing shop. During the day, because feet are swollen and then it is very difficult to choose appropriate footwear.
  • Even before going out shopping, you can prepare yourself at home as follows: stand on a piece of cardboard foot and draw the contours. Then cut out the shape of the foot and bring to a shoe store. Even if the saleswoman will look a little bit surprised, cardboard insert foot into the shoe and see how much space is in the shoe.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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term vaginismus is an involuntary spasm of the vagina. Muscle spasm of the vagina and pelvis may be a reaction to stimuli received during the trials of the vaginal opening, and occur during sex or pelvic examination.

What are the causes vaginismus?

causes vaginismus usually rooted in the psyche of the patient. Such reactions are found in women who, for example, do not accept their femininity or have a negative attitude towards the sexuality of her body. The source of these reactions can be painful experiences of the past, such as rape or negative experiences associated with the first sexual contacts.

play a role can also be fear of unwanted pregnancy, especially if the woman has had a miscarriage or a difficult delivery. After birth, some Women fear that the perineal wound after tension could be renewed during intercourse.

Vaginismus may also occur if a woman does not accept their partner or relationship crisis. Also, in a harmonious relation przebiegającym two people, a woman may experience involuntary contractions of vaginal responses during intercourse. Cause of the problem is the fear of the possibility niesprawdzenia in sexual relations. That may be, for example in young women who are just starting sexual life. In older patients, the disease can be a source of long-unfulfilled desire for offspring.

symptoms vaginismus

  • Fear of sexual relations.
  • dislike the idea of \u200b\u200bthe act of sexual intercourse.
  • When trying to enter the member into the vagina following vaginal contraction of the muscles in the pelvis.

How to cure vaginismus?

causes vaginismus arise on a background of mental disorders, so the biggest role in the treatment of the disease plays a psychotherapy. In some cases, it is very helpful to have the same conversation with both partners, a doctor and explain causes of adverse reactions of the organism. Special supplement psychotherapy or exercise.

Can you do something yourself?

First we must answer the question, what can cause these reactions of the organism. If a connection comes to conflict, they are probably right cause problems in sexual life. Talking openly with your partner will help to eliminate the cause of the disease.

When should I go to the doctor?

First of all, if it is suspected that the cause of vaginismus are irregularities the anatomical structure of reproductive organs. By signing up to the doctor, both partners must be really convinced that they want to jointly solve the problem.

behave as a doctor?

First try to figure out what is causing the disease. By pelvic examination determines whether the source is not certain anatomical abnormalities female genital mutilation. But if it comes to mental disorders, then recommend psychotherapy or conservative therapy.

ask your doctor about what?

If you are the cause of vaginismus, a psychological disorder, then the doctor will ask about:

first relations partner due : experience with the opposite sex, knowing the circumstances of the current partner; behavior both in intimate situations, social conditions.

second Adolescence: Self-reaction of the physical signs of puberty, the first contacts and intimate sexual experiences, masturbation, petting, first attitude.

third Childhood: Sex education, children's experiences with sexuality, parental reactions to the interest of the child's own body; the ratio of parents to human sexuality, affection, and sex, talk with children on topics intimate.

course of the disease

Vaginismus can be caused by niedelikatnością partner and pain during intercourse. This leads to the gradual development of immune system response in the form of contraction of vaginal muscles shrink when you try to enter the member into the vagina. At the same time there is paralysis of muscles of the spine - lordosis (excessive curvature of the spine to the front) and tighten your thighs. This type of reaction occurs every time sexual intercourse. Vaginismus can become in a chronic state of reaction and persist for many years.

Is Vaginismus is a dangerous disease?

spasm vaginismus vagina caused not only make great physical pain. The effects of the disease are also dangerous for quite different reasons. Constitute a threat to the compound say two people, because cause serious psychological inhibition, which then grows may eventually lead to relationship breakdown.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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gastric mucosal inflammation is a disease that causes wrinkling, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane stomach. His muscles are shrinking, and increased production of stomach acid often causes heartburn.

sudden attack of the disease is preceded by a strong feeling of nausea. The presence of food causes vomiting and burning pain in the diaphragm.

How does inflammation of the gastric mucosa?

gastric irritation can have many causes. Often these are stress or mental problems. Also, certain medications, particularly painkillers, including as an ingredient active acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin for example) affect the balance of the gastric mucosa. In heavy smokers the risk of developing this disease increases. Also, alcohol and spicy foods may be the causative agent of the attack. In this case, however, the disease goes back quite quickly. Cause irritation of the gastric mucosa may be the presence of pathogenic bacteria that enter the body with contaminated food or liquids. The same applies to fruits and vegetables, supplemented with the growth of plant protection products.


  • sudden feeling of nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • epigastric pain.

How to cure inflammation of the gastric mucosa?

This is a very unpleasant disease, but that does not require special medical treatments. The stomach generally returns to normal after one-or two-day fast.

What you can do yourself?

If there has been vomiting, it should be for a few hours to refrain from taking food. Then drink a cup black tea. If hunger is very annoying, you can meet him crackers or oatmeal Pastes. On a more substantial meal, you can afford to wait until the following day. Remember that smoking only worsen your condition.

Being once exposed to inflammation, should be in the future as an analgesic and antipyretic aspirin be avoided and replaced by paracetamol.

When to seek medical attention?

If symptoms do not improve after several days of illness, or if you are surprised by the move. Note also the advice of a doctor when you notice that your baby often vomits.


  • Avoid very hot food and icy drinks.
  • chew food thoroughly.
  • always
  • Wash fruits before eating.
  • Keep moderation in alcohol consumption, smoking and use of strong spices.
  • During a trip to southern countries do not drink water from water.
  • If possible, try to avoid stress.

Mileage disease

attack preceded by nausea leading to vomiting. This state is exacerbated by the adoption of food. The body loses a large amount of fluid, hence the increased thirst, less frequent urination, pale skin, and laxity.

Are gastritis is a dangerous disease?

The disease is especially dangerous when the body loses through vomiting large amounts of fluids. Then you should call your doctor, especially when children affected by the disease. Some of his patients to help such as diet Coke and salt sticks.

Chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa

In this case, the patient often does not feel pain, the disease can be detected by chance during a medical examination. The only symptom may be a lack of appetite and a feeling of overcrowding, which intensifies after eating a large meal. Only a medical examination may show whether we are dealing with a form of chronic disease.

Chronic gastritis is mostly the result of natural process aging, therefore, usually occurs in older people.