Friday, April 23, 2010

Dows Tdi Rhode Island Give Me Extra For My Baby?

4GG, alternate client gg from BC funeral Security

As we all know on the Polish market has a monopoly on instant messaging applications Yahoo manufacturer. The company recently become controversial because of the introduction many stupid crap that its commutator licketh stoves times more memory than the entire operating system that supports Apollo 11 which Americans conquered the moon.

What we exit? No. So there are two outputs, first and easiest, we can come to terms with wkurwiającymi functions or the second option the more I would recommend to install the alternate client gg.
You have a monopoly do not exist, and even the authors of alternative MSN clients are very sensitive to consumers' attention. I, however, in today's post, I want August 4GG focus on application by me.
What has evolved over the past few days. Come communicator apparently may seem, it is the poor is his main idea. 4GG to be light, with only the necessary functions, located in only one file being ideal as a portable program.

application was written in c # when wykozystaniu. NET Framework 3.5. In addition, try to be sensitive as to optimize the program. Currently
application takes only 15MB of RAM. By the way I might add that the official client licketh gg till 130MB memory, 59MB AQQ alternative.
Although the application is so far in the development version and is not too stable (though for me it is not raining, just by itself) seems to binaries to your test.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Disinfecting House From Herpes

Castle? OS

funeral of President Lech Kaczynski and his wife on the Wawel Hill in Krakow is a celebration in the world. Number of important personalities such as kings and presidents of other cities is quite substantial, because BOR'u specialists have a considerable task to disrupt the terrorists potęcjalnym.

What is prepared?
    All mobile phones
  • Castle will not work, all with specialized equipment zagłuszającego. Sealed
  • are all drains
  • Location snipers \\
  • preparation of blood compatible with all blood types dignitaries
  • Additionally so-called VIPs coming to the ceremony once, and fly away gradually after the

Monday, April 12, 2010

How Many Customers To Smoothie Bars

Chrome - Google's system - Presentation

Nobody's probably not surprising that it took for Google to create the operating system. Chrome because it os called the new system from the stable, google, comes up in a different way to the idea of \u200b\u200bgraphical shell.
The whole system is a great browser, and the programs are presented as web applications (gmail, google doc, facebook).
system is written based on the Linux kernel and all data are normally kept in the cloud.

on my blog bc dev tried to record a video demonstration kródki trial versions of chrome os.

itself is already a system we can get the source version from the manufacturer or version of a virtual computer .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Motivation Letter To Dental School

What if I have forgotten the password to your wifi network?

Fix the sample scenario, we have a secure WiFi network WEP key, but unfortunately we can not remember her password, and your router has blown entry into lan. What can you do in this situation? Well, like what, get around security.

What do we need
  • Mug
  • stock, such as a footbridge from the notebook
  • System
  • backtrack wifi card, with the possibility of listen.
charge distributions of backtrack from its official website here

Burning iso image to disc, and boots. The system requires no installation so after a few moments, we can start working.

At the very beginning of a console launch
  1. Enter: airmon-ng and enter. You will be our wifi card.
  2. changing mode of your card by typing: iwconfig (name cards) Monitor mode
  3. Enter airodump-ng (name cards) - shows us the available networks and customers of these networks. To stop the search window click on crtl + C
  4. Enter airodump-ng-in passcode-bssid (bssid network)-c (channel) (name cards) Now, the network will be broken, you need to gather about 20 - 30 thousand DATE. This can be accelerated if it
    the network is already connected to a client.
  5. open new window Shel (do not close the previous window), you enter
    aireplay-ng - arpreplay-b (bssid network)-h (client station) (name cards)
  6. To find out the password, type in a new window ( do not close the previous windows)
    dir, then aircrack-ng-a 1-b (bssid network) passcode-01.cap
  7. password appears on the colon, we write without colons.
guide was created exclusively for educational purposes. Not responsible for
any harm resulting from its use.

What Color Dress Pants Go With A Purple Shirt

I serecznie quite pushing people suck ala Windows Vista and Microsoft throughout this policy aimed at forcing people to buy new versions of Windows, you can just run the new Office and Visual Studio (as in the previous system lacked two WinAPI functions that Microsoft's programmers could not detected using GetProcAddress as it does the rest of the world), or an application for. NET, which operates at a rate of turtle naćpanego uphill (although owanego JIT-code and other wonders of this world) and spilling after 5 minutes, for unknown reasons.
I am talking about Microsoft because it is the most mendacious company I know, we provide materials on how to program, how to be compatible, Microsoft guru blogs talk crap about bugs in a specific version of Windows and how to avoid them, and why developers were stupid, that they have committed but when it comes to their own This software turns out that it is only compatible with the current latest version of the operating system and the previous version to the latest service packs and everything else they say:
"I'm sorry, but you have to buy a new system (I do not want We see why not work on Windows 2000) "
normally gets me damn it ... you write software and I think I must be one of the X-Men if I can make them compatible (at no small agony, but still) even with the system so forgotten as Windows 98, I - a person, why is Microsoft's army of software developers can not make the same "miracle" ... yes I know, money, and constantly pushing people to things they do not really need.
But if you can to defend themselves?